win10에서 오토캐드 2015 깔기
금번 LG의 15Z980-GA70K를 구입하여 오토캐드 2015를 깔기 위해 오토캐드에서 제공하는 아래와 같은 방법을 시도하였으나 레지스트리 키가 변경되지 않아 오토 캐드를 설치 할수가 없습니다.다른 방법은 없나요?
View Articlevisio online을 구독하거나 무료체험하려고 합니다.
안녕하세요 전 학생이고 Visio online을 체험하려고 합니다.그런데 Visio online을 구독하거나 무료체험하려고 하면회사를 통해 이미 구독한 상태입니다. 사용자의 조직에서 *** Email address is removed for privacy *** 사용을 관리합니다. Visio Online 요금제 1에 등록하려면 회사 계정에서 로그아웃하고...
View ArticleBackup rubrica Outlook impossibile
Salve, Outlook versione 2016, nr 04 account 2 pop e 2 imap, non riesco a fare il backup della rubrica, selezionando rubrica non mi visualizza nessun dato, volendo effettuare il backup l'unico account...
View ArticleActualización de seguridad para SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (KB3045305) -...
La citada actualización lleva dando error mucho tiempo y como todo funciona aparentemente bien no le doy importancia, pero quisiera saber si no es necesaria como eliminar que me la pida y si lo es como...
View ArticleDisplaying Word Comments
Hi Folks,Not sure where to look or even after what to look for, but there came a request from a user, if possible to display Comments from Word documents in a single place, like a portal,I already...
View ArticleUpdate installs
I try and install everything that comes my way but some are accepted and some fail. How do I change this so that I get my updates?
View Articlecant connect to my modem/router
so ive played xbox live before and connected to my modem/router over wifi no problem on my xbox one x now all of a sudden im not able to connect to it anymore but my phone can connect to the wifi to...
View ArticleProblem with skype calling
Hi there,I have subscribed for skype calling. The problem I face is that , when I make a outgoing call. My number does not get display on the other end. Neither am I able to send a message.The number...
View Articleช่วยดว้ย ครับ Window 10ขึ้น Error 0xC004F074
ผมซื้อโน้ตบุค Gaming fx502vm-dm128t มา1 ปีกว่า เคยให้ร้านคอมพิวเตอร์ลง Win10 ที่เขาลงให้ผมจำได้ว่า เขาลงตัว Pro ให้ 1รอบ ตอนอัพแรม ครับแล้ว พอใช้มา หลายๆเดือน ก็แจ้งเตือนแบบเนี่ยแหละ ครับ...
View ArticleAssinatura em HTML
Bom dia!Estou com problemas para colocar a assinatura do email. Fiz ela no photoshop e mapeei colocando links em algumas partes, sendo assim preciso colocar o código html para que ela apareça. Fiz todo...
CAN NOT INSTALL UPDATE KB4284835.I've tried all the troubleshooting procedures that microsoft suggests to try to install update KB4284835 short of a complete reinstall of windows with NO guarantee...
View ArticleI have been locked out of my Hotmail account
I have been locked out of my Hotmail account – when I try to sign in, it says that "it looks like someone might be using your account"I get the option to use a recovery email but I don't have this...
View ArticleExcel con elenchi a discesa condizionati
Buongiorno a tutti,ho cercato varie soluzioni con funzioni tipo Indiretto, CercaVert, etc, ma non riesco a venirne a capo. Chiedo gentilmente un aiuto.Ho un foglio Excel con queste 3 colonne:A B...
View ArticleOutlook stürzt ab bei Kontakte imoprtieren
Ich habe ein Problem, mein Outlook stürzt immer ab beim Kontakte importieren trotz passender Datei. Ich bin genau nach den Anweisungen vorgegangen. Das Fenster, dass die Dateien importiert werden popt...
View ArticleApplication bureau et compte invité
Bonjour, Je voulais savoir s'il était possible pour une personne n'ayant pas de compte Office365 d'accéder à un partage Sharepoint en tant qu'invité, en utilisant l'application Onedrive comme nous le...
View Articlepurchase problem
Hello, I had a big problem with my xbox billing, my 6 year old daughter is fooling around and bought 100 euros on a game, instead of 4.99e unable to afford such a sum, I would like to be reimbursed in...
View Articlewindows felsökaren
Om jag nu har det senaste uppdateringen av windows 10,varför är då windows-felsökaren inställd på windows 8 32bit (exe)?
View ArticleNET.Framework 3.5 無法安裝 錯誤代碼:0x800F095
我記得我原本已經有安裝了NET.Framework 3.5 這個程式但忘了這幾天的哪一次更新後,它消失了...連我的輸入法"自然輸入法"也一併消失...現在要重新新安裝就跳出如主題的錯誤:0x800F095
View ArticleWindows Aktivieren
Hallo,ich habe neue Hardware verbaut (Mainboard,Grafikkarte) und kann meine Windows 10 Pro Versionnicht mehr aktivieren. Ich besitze auch kein Produkt-Key, weil ich damals von Windows 7 auf 10...
View Articlewinmail.datが添付される
outlook2010でメールサービスを利用しています。携帯へメールを送る時に、winmail.datというファイルが添付されます。添付されない携帯メールもあります。*** Email address is removed for privacy ****** Email address is removed for privacy ***...
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