Pantalla despegada
Buenos días,Recientemente he podido advertir que un lateral de la pantalla de mi surface 4 se ha despegado del equipo. Provocando que quede abultada, afecte a la calidad de imagen en esa zona y que...
View Article关于Surface Dock经常性自动断电问题
View ArticleUnable to dial +34XXXXXXXXX Madrid Spain Number
We are unable to dial Spain Madrid number "+34XXXXXXXXX", we have sufficient credit and are able to dial all other country numbers. Please advise at the earliest, thanks in advance.
View ArticleProperties Windows 10
Καλημέρα σας μια ερώτηση όταν κάνω δεξί click πάνω σε έναν φάκελο αναφέρει ΙΔΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ (3) γιατί συμβαίνει αυτό?Στον Η/Υ έχει γίνει format και έχει την έκδοση 1803 Windows 10 64bit
View ArticleErreur 1935 avec Windows 10
Bonjour. J'ai acheté un GPS et lors de l'installation il demande l'installation de Microsoft Visual ++ 2005 redistribuable. Lors de son installation, il affiche Error 1935. Impossible de vous joindre...
View Articledisplay settings window disappears when trying to change display settings
Hello and good day,I have a staff's surface pro that is used daily. Today when I tried to change the display settings, the display window loads up and immediately disappears. All I was trying to do for...
View ArticleCannot update windows
Pretty straightforward problem. My computer tries to update every time I restart and then has to randomly revert the attempted update because it can't complete the update. I'm. Confused. What do??? I...
View ArticleLayoutModification.xml文件问题
View ArticleChanging password
I cannot change my password. It keeps saying it is not strong enough. To give you an example Jason@1907 was not strong enough. What the?
View Articleошибка файловой системы 1073740791 windows 10
Появляется окно, ошибка файловой системы 1073740791 windows 10 при запуске некоторых программ, с диска также не запускается программа например с приложением к роутеру пишет не находит программу,...
View ArticleJak podłączyć Sony MDR-1000x przez bluetooth jako słuchawki a nie jako zestaw...
Po sparowaniu urządzenia, w aplecie Dźwięk pojawiają się dwie opcje -- "Zestaw słuchawkowy" i "Słuchawki", ale połączyć można tylko Zestaw słuchawkowy. Opcja "Połącz" przy "Słuchawkach" nie jest...
View ArticleBenutzerdefinierter Audio Output Device Hotkey nicht mehr auffindbar
Ich habe vor einigen Monaten mal ein kleines Programm genutzt, um mir das switchen zwischen zwei Audiogeräten zu erleichtern.Dafür habe ich auf meine F1 und F2 Tasten eine Funktion gelegt, die das...
View Articlerecuperar cuenta
hola hace como un año que no puedo entrar a una cuenta que cree para jugar un juego ,perdi el numero que puse en la cuenta necesito urgente alguien que me ayude yo llene el formulario pero no me...
View Article请问PowerPoint的IPAD版本是不是不支持电脑上插入的3D组件显示?
OFFICE 365订阅用户,今天在ipad版本上播放PPT文件,发现3D组件只显示为一张图片,是不是不支持3D功能的显示,后续是否会支持?
View ArticleWindows 10 Store
Некоторые приложение (которые я раньше качал) теперь не устанавливаются . Как удалить их следы и попробовать заново.Спасибо!
View ArticleError in opening .jpg file
hi sir,i m getting error during opening .jpg file.please help me to resolveerror screen shot is below
View ArticleSecurity of .pst and .ost files
I run Office 365 (and therefore Outlook) on my main PC and a laptop.I understand that emails are downloaded to a .ost file for offline use, and I also archive regularly to .pst files.I store the...
View ArticleAfter latest windows 10 update I am no longer able to activate windows 10....
After latest windows 10 update I am no longer able to activate windows 10. This was, in fact, an authentic copy of Windows 10 offered to me by windows. I hope someone can assist me with this issue....
View ArticleFeature request and why is New Skype so much worse than the old one?
Hi.Now that the old Skype is going on retirement I would like to request a new feature for Skype 8. One that was present in previous version for... like forever.Import/export contacts with vcf file....
View ArticleWindows Key eingeben
Hallo, ich hatte Probleme mit meinem PC und musste die Festplatte erneuern. Nun habe ich eine Windows 10 Version aufgespielt bekommen, die leider in Englisch ist. Ich habe meine Original Key noch, wie...
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