Crash DWM.exe
Bonjour,Je vous explique mon problème que je rencontre sous Windows 10 Home v1803 :De temps en temps quand je redimensionne une fenêtre (uniquement d'une app préinstallée comme Paramètres ou Windows...
View ArticleWindows Store non installato
Salve a tutti,ho preso un portatile nuovo con windows 10 v1803 build 17134.137Microsoft Store non è presente nel pc.Ho già provato a creare un nuovo utente amministratore ed anche le varie procedure di...
View ArticleWin10 display auto-dimming/brightening
I'm on Lenovo Ideapad 510. Been using Win10 which came along with it for almost 1.5 years. From last 2 months, due to some update, selecting/opening an app, dims the display if the background is black....
View ArticleLync Basic 2013 程式執行/admin出現錯誤
我想要做Lync basic 2013 silent install,要製作MSP檔案,在Lync basic 2013目錄中執行setup /admin出現上面的錯誤訊息請問:1.需要什麼條件才能執行Setup /admin?2.是否還有其他方式或指令可以讓Lync Basic 2013 silent install?
View Articlemail, wont open documents after microsoft blocked my account
I received a message from Microsoft this morning telling memy e-mail account was blocked. I have reset password and account is now open again. However, now I cannot open DocuSign documents which I...
View ArticleMicrosoft Form - Results Access
Hi there, a member of my team has created a form, and we would like for results to be accessible by a number of people rather then just the person who created the form.In this context can you please...
View Articleחלונית חיפוש אינה עובדת
שלום רבכאשר אני נכנס לחלונית חיפוש בתיקייה (מצד שמאל במסך) ומזין את שם התיקייה או מסמך שברצוני לחפש....החלונית לא עובדת. איך מתקנים את חלונית החיפוש?
View ArticleIn WIN10 kann mein Laptop nicht mehr mit zugeklappten Bildschirm hochfahren
Guten Tag, In WIN10 kann mein Laptop nicht mehr mit zugeklappten Bildschirm an der Dockingstation hochfahren, um das Bild direkt auf die beiden Bildschirme, die ich an der DockingStation angeschlossen...
View ArticleSend to OneNote 2016 print driver reinstall won't Work on Server 2012R2
We got aktuell two entries "send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver"The Error isOneNote 16 Driver, Typ4, x64 konnte nicht installiert werden"Element nicht gefunden"XPS seems to work on System.But send to...
View Articlemeinen neuen Hp Drucker 2600 all in one drucker richtig installieren
Wie installiere ich unter Windows 10 meinen neuen HP Drucker 2600 richtig?
View ArticleKuinka saan poistettua työpaikan tai oppilaitoksen tilin?
Eli siis tietokoneen käynnistyttyä oikeaan alareunaan ilmestyy ilmoitus, jossa lukee jotain sen tapaista että "työpaikan tai oppilaitoksen tilille kirjautumisessa ongelma, korjaa tästä." No mutta kun....
View Articleupload updraft backup file
HelloI have problem in my oneDrive , When I sent backup file I did not revive it at all.updraft show the backup done successfully and the log file is there also.please help me to fix this problem
View ArticleWhich subscription to subscribe for office 365 on RDS Server?
Hello,I would like to know which licence type should be purchase to be able to install office 365 on a RDS Server.I heard about E3 or E5, the current subscription is Business Essentials.Could you...
View ArticleПереустановка Wndows 10
Есть старая машина с вин 10, необходимо поменять ее на новую. Новая машина с oem ключом. Будет ли все работать, если я hdd со старой машины переставлю в новую и введу ключ активации вин 10 от новой...
View ArticleWindows 10 Freezing - no blue screen - no error code
For the past couple of months, my machine has been experiencing persistent freezes. What happens is that while in the middle of doing something (gaming etc.) the mouse will stop moving, the screen...
View ArticleNBA2K19 preorder
i preordered NBA2K19 20th Anniversary Edition through the Get 10% off link on xbox one. I paid $89 for it, but when i go to games in the store, it only gives me option to install the regular version,...
View ArticleProblema con Excel 2016 : conservazione impostazioni di layout
Buongiorno, ho un problema con Excel 2016, quando opero nel formato ".xlsx". Il problema non si presenta se invece salvo nel formato "Excel 2003 in modalità compatibile" (.xls) .Si tratta di questo :...
View ArticleWin7 列印多工緩衝處理程序服務並未執行
Win7 32位元 要連接 Win10 64位元的電腦使用印表機新增印表機已設置完成當下也可以列印但每次只要重新開機,要列印就會跳出 "列印多工緩衝處理程序服務並未執行",重新新增印表機就恢復正常看過相關文章的解決辦法一 服務按一下 [開始],再按一下 [控制台]。按兩下 [系統管理工具],再按兩下 [服務]。按兩下 [Printer Spooler] 服務,然後將啟動類型變更為...
View ArticleOutlook2007 收到的邮件内容都变成了一行
你好,电脑Outlook 2007客户端收到的邮件格式发生变化,所有内容变成了一行,而网页office 365 outlook收到的格式是没有问题的,如下图。尝试更改了多种设置都无效,请问怎样设置电脑客户端的Outlook2007才能解决?网页office 365 outlook的邮件格式,与其他人一致。这个是电脑Outlook 2007客户端收到的邮件格式,内容变成了一行
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