Can't install updates please check time and date
Hello,I have run the Insider program on my Lumia phone at the Fast Ring.The first update I received the phone couldn't install it due to some error !The following message appears right after...
View ArticleOriginal Windows Movie maker? (solved, link here)
Hello, I'm looking for a trusted download source to redownload Windows movie maker (windows live, but 2.7 XP version is also acceptable) I'm using windows 10 and the Photos program is VERY basic, its...
View ArticleBenutzerdefinierte Priorität
Hallo,was ist bei Outlook eine benutzerdefinierte Priorität ? Welche Werte kann sie annehmen ? Gruß, Mainze
View ArticleRemote Desktop Stopped Working
the remote desktop ASSISTANT has stopped working and crashes immediately when I try to open it. Does anyone have any ideas? I am using the google remote desktop in the meanwhile, but I would like to...
View Articleskype messenger
i hope i have this right. you people have the skype messengers. when i am on video on skype the camera keeps freezing up on me. i have downloaded the lastest version of it and it is still freezing....
View ArticleCrashing and Blue Screen while playing WoW.
I tried to find the log that went with the crash and I think this is it, but it is always crashing. If this isn't it, I'm pretty good at understanding where things are if you tell me. I just want to...
View Articleusb mouse not responding
my usb mouse and headphones are not responding... my mem stick is
View ArticleI lost access to MY email
I have two accounts. I was trying to change put the take the email off account one and put it on account two. So I replaced the email on account one, but then I accidentally logged into it again. I...
View ArticleMi PC no me deja abrir ningún programa ni escribir
Cada que intento abrir un programa me sale un cuadro de propiedades y no puedo abrirlo. Intenté escribir en la barra de Cortana pero tampoco puedo hacerlo.
View ArticleWindows 10 Apps Probleme :((((((((((((((((((((((
Hallo Liebe Gemeinte :)und zwar habe ich ein Probleme bei mir gehen die Apps Xbox und Windows Store und Gmail nicht :(und zwar habe ich internet und kann andere dinger auch online gehen und kann auch...
View ArticleRete window 10 non fa vedere i pc
Buongiorno, ho 2 pc su cui è installato win 10 (il portatile ha l'edizione Home e il fisso ha la versione Pro).La mia rete è cosi composta ho un modem/router principale dove ho anche la connessione...
View ArticleLaptop won’t restart
following a failed windows update my dell laptop wont restart - it keeps putting up an dialogie box thst says that windows could no complete the installation to install windows in thos computer restart...
View ArticleSkype Videoanruf automatisch annehmen auf Android 4.1.2
Hallo ihr Lieben,Ich möchte meinen jungen Hund im Blick behalten, wenn ich das Haus verlasse. Hierzu nutze ich Skype. Nun würde ich gerne mein altes Galaxy S2 als Dauer-Doggy-Cam nutzen, da dieses eh...
View ArticleUnable to view screenshots
I am unable to view screenshots, as I am being requested to reinstall a screenshot app.
View Articleerror msg
"WindowsUpdate_80070103" error msg. what does it mean and how do I get the update installed?
View Article"In rete , non ho trovato nessuna app del vostro store !"
Ho, cercato in rete di recente , durante la settimana e......, vi devo confermare quanto segue:"In rete non esiste la possibilità di scaricare l'app del vostro store : "microsoft store!", sembra che...
View Articleécriture manuscrite
Écriture manuscrite comment retrouver l’ecriture Antérieure à la mise à jour survenue fin printemp-debut été 2017merci
View ArticleMicrosoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download
Comprei junto com meu telefone no site do extra, o Microsoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download, em 14/ 02/ 2018, no site do extra diz que ele já está...
View Articlewindows 10: barra delle applicazioni ridimensionare
ho un portatile con windows 10, non so come, ma la barra delle applicazioni, che tengo bloccata in basso, si è disposta su due righe.avendo uno schermo di 13 pollici, vorrei riportarla a una sola riga...
View ArticleProblemas al conectar Disco Duro Externo
Hola!!! Tengo una notebook SURFACE con Window 8.1 Pro y después de las últimas actualizaciones de Windows me reconoce mi Disco Duro externo, el mismo que siempre utilicé en la misma máquina. Podrían...
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