on upload of new update, I get error message 0x8007001f at the end. And...
error message 0x8007001f at the end of update and update fail for windows 10
View ArticleFiepende SSD und Energieoptionen
Hallo zusammen,ich besitze das neue Surface Book 2 und habe einigen Fragen.1. Wie stelle ich meine Energieoptionen so ein das beim zuklappen nicht immer der Laptop ausgeht bzw. in Ruhezustand geht ?Ich...
View Articlecannot restore old mail adress
Hello, I appreciate any help, I am really becoming desperate right now. I have an old hotmail.de (I am german but living in the UK right now) account with which I logged into facebook. I never had a...
View ArticleError Code 800F020B when trying to download Hewlett-Packard - USB - 5/3/2017...
An earlier thread suggested that this similar update was not important if the USB ports on the computer were functioning as they should. Does the same suggestion apply to this update?
View ArticleIl pc con W10 si blocca, va in freezing ogni volta che uso WordPad
Sto scrivendo un libro ed è gia la quarta volta che perdo tutto il lavoro perche il pc va in freezing mentre uso WordPad.Non nessun problema con nessun altro programma, solo con wordpad si blocca...
View ArticleHow to run microsoft flight simulator 2004 in windows 8.0 or 8.1
How to run microsoft flight simulator 2004 in windows 8.0 or 8.1?
View Articleskype audio problem
Hi,I've setup everything like it should be. The audio from skype should come in on the standard playback communication device but instead it comes in on the main speakers. When i test it with the build...
View ArticleAktivace Office 365 pro Mac
Offici bez problému nainstaluji a pokud je otevru, tak to probiha aktivace a vyskoci hlaska. Doslo k nezname chybe. Kod chyby je: 0xD000001C.Muzete mi poradit. Děkuji
View Articleinstallieren von CD
ich kann keine cd mehr installieren. es geht der startbildschirm nicht auf.
View ArticleMicrosoft Edge Pen Tip rubbing away/not working
I have had my Microsoft Edge for a few months now, and I have noticed that the top has seemed to stopped working from time to time. I've had another pen and the black part around the inner tip has...
View ArticleReport Message Add ins
Hello Team,Need help on newly launched Report Message ADD-insOn this Add-in there are below 3 options;Select one of the following options: Always send a copy of the message to Microsoft Never...
View ArticleResetting pc
Good day,Since I'm no longer a student I would like to reset my laptop with Windows 10 EducatioN. I do not have a windows activation key.If I reset my laptop will I need an activation key? I do not...
View ArticlePerte des miniatures dans l'explorateur de fichier
Bonjour,Les miniatures dans l'explorateur de fichier se recréées à chaque démarrage du pc. Comment faire pour qu'elles ne s'effacent pas au redémarrage?Cordialement.
View ArticleHow to sign in Skype with my Skype name and password and not with Microsoft...
I am not able to use skype from my phone and the app is useless for me, because i can's sign in to skype withy skype name and password. Instead it is signing me in to a new skype with Microsoft...
View Articlemicrosoft store
Hoi, ik heb een spel gekocht maar kan m niet vinden of downloaden.Hij is ook al betaald.
View Articleoutlook2016 が起動できません。
View ArticleCountry region problems
Hello, I setup the free trial for Office and this has used the USA region, which has now expired (22/2), however now when I try to purchase the Australia region it is giving me the below error:Sorry,...
View ArticleMi pantalla se congela y aparecen múltiples miniaturas de lo que tenia en...
Hola comunidad, soy nuevo aquí, pero tengo un problema con mi Windows 10, hace ya tiempo, cuando estoy trabajando en mi ordenador en algunos momentos se me congela la pantalla y aparecen múltiples...
View ArticleMy desktop icons won't open on my windows 10
I keep on double clicking to open my desktop icons but they just won't open. Even when I go to the start menu and try from there it still won't open any program. The only program it will let me open is...
View ArticleПриложение Xbox на Windows
Заблокирован доступ к серверу в приложении Xbox, что делать?
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