Window with lines of code when I click on a link.
When I click on a link (any link) I get a window with lines of code. This happened when I upgraded to Windows ten and did some upgrades. I have it on two laptops. Anyone know how I get rid of it.
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ONe computer out of three is not synching. I have exited from onedrive and re-started twice. I have checked that the microsoft account is correct. It shows downloading 61.kb of 131 MB at 0.0 KB/s 50...
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Hola, necesito ayuda ya que en mi laptop que cuenta con windows 10 y al momento de prenderla agarra el internet pero esta demasiada lenta y además a mis otros dispositivos los alenta demasiado o a su...
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Bonjour,J'ai un pc portable HP Pavilion, et j'aimerai connecter mon enceinte UE Boom en bluetooth. Le problème c'est que je ne peux pas activer le bluetooth. Que ce soit dans le gestionnaire...
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Any advice on how to proceed. possible best buy soldme the wrong card?
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