microsoft alert scam
I am getting the same scam others have been getting I tried removing it by using task master and by shutting down and rebooting my computer but it still pops up!! HELP!!!
View Articleproblème avec le proxy qui veut pas de desactiver
Bonjour,ca fait quelques jours que j ai installé la version windows 10 sur mon pc a la première fois tout etais normal mais après quelques temps lorsque j ouvre mon pc et je veux me connecter sa marche...
View ArticleWindows 10 not working.. .
Okay so the thing is that I downloaded some files from torrent, but when I deleted them Windows 10 got weird. all my data on desktop vanished. I uninstalled torrent, also scanned from Windows...
View ArticleNo visualizo una pc en la red, pero puedo acceder.
Buenas tardes a todos. Tengo un problema muy extraño. En la empresa donde trabajo, tengo 5 computadoras conectadas a un switch. Desde una computadora que tiene windows 7 entro en la red para guardar...
View ArticleSkype can't connect on Microsoft Windows XP Professional & Service Pack 3,...
Both, my OS and version of I.E. browser comply with the system requirement Skype suggested, but it says “Skype can't connect” as I try to log in Skype! I have upgraded with the latest version...
View ArticleSkype can't connect on Microsoft Windows XP Professional & Service Pack 3,...
Both, my OS and version of I.E. browser comply with the system requirement Skype suggested, but it says “Skype can't connect” as I try to log in Skype! I have upgraded with the latest version...
View Articleoutlook mail number ®±18885590072± outlook mail number WEST VIRGINIA
outlook mail number ®±18885590072± outlook mail number WEST VIRGINIA outlook mail number ®±18885590072± outlook mail number WEST VIRGINIA outlook mail number ®±18885590072± outlook mail number WEST...
View ArticleGroove Xbox Crashes.
xbox groove app still has a problem it had YEARS...
View Articleoutlook email tech support number ®±18885590072± outlook email tech support...
outlook email tech support number ®±18885590072± outlook email tech support number NEW YORK outlook email tech support number ®±18885590072± outlook email tech support number NEW YORK outlook email...
View Articlemicrophone problem
My laptop does not have a microphone port in it and my pre installed microphone sucks.Anyone got any tips
View ArticleMicrosoft doesn’t recognized account
i have a Skype account on my IPad but when I wanted to use my computer for skyping the program doesn’t recognize my account. I now have multiple accounts which I don’t want. I also have no contact...
View ArticleBluetooth suddenly not recongnised by Windows?
Hi all,When trying to install an old CD game onto my laptop, the Bluetooth seemed to stop working. The trouble shooter said that the device did not support blueooth, and after trying for around 3 days...
View Articleoutlook email technical support number ®±18885590072± outlook email technical...
outlook email technical support number ®±18885590072± outlook email technical support number NEVADA outlook email technical support number ®±18885590072± outlook email technical support number NEVADA...
View ArticleОшибка при запуске MediaCreationTool
По неизвестной причине запуск этого средства на вашем компьютере не удался. Если проблемы не исчезнут, обратитесь в службу поддержки и укажите код ошибки. Код ошибки: 0х80070006-0х90017
View Article®±18885590072± outlook email technical support phone number outlook email...
®±18885590072± outlook email technical support phone number outlook email technical support phone number DELAWARE ®±18885590072± outlook email technical support phone number outlook email technical...
View ArticleBing search history
I turned it off since I was unable to clear it and now I don't know how to turn it back on. There doesn't seem to be a prompt. Some kind of secret?
View ArticleProblema con reinicio automatico
Muy buenas, me explico mi pc se reinicia constantemente y estoy desesperado en encontrar una solucion, pues estoy realizando un trabajo y se reinicia inesperadamente, en un foro sobre este tema (de la...
View ArticleLogin bei allen Windows 10 Apps unter Administratorkonto nicht möglich
Hey,ich verwende Windows 10 Home und möchte mich mit meinem Benutzerkonto im Windows Store anmelden.Sobald ich beim Store die "anmelden" Schaltfläche klicke, passiert jedoch überhaupt nichts.Außerdem...
View Articleloadlibary: Dll-Initialisierungsroutine fehlgeschlagen error 1114
Naja! Die elektronische Steuererklärung der Stadt. Ich habe diese heruntergeladen und beim öffnen erscheint diese störungsmeldung.Ich habe einen hp pavillion g7 64bit, Intel core i5 und amd Radeon...
View ArticleLes émoticônes
Bonjour ,J'aimerais savoir pourquoi je n'ai pas tous les émoticônes . Je les avais avant la mise à jour , mais maintenant j'en ai quelques hein. J'ai essayer d'annuler la mise à jour mais toujours pareil.
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