Hi, something strange has happened in my windows photo gallery. I get thumb nails of all my husbands photo's mixed in with my photo's even when his computer is not awake. We have network sharing. My...
View Articleram nao funcionar por completo.
olá, eu fui ver o nome do meu computador e reparei que a memória ram utilizado é de apenas 6,55 gb / 8,00 gb ja fiz as alterações no msconfig e continua desse jeito. ps: o meu notebook tem uma ram ddr3...
View ArticleNo me deja actualizar windows 10.
Buenas tardes.Después de intentar todas las vías para actualizar mi surface 1 128gb no logro actualizar en absoluto. Siempre aparece el error0x8007001f y no hay modo de que la actualización vaya para...
View ArticleI'm trying to locate a file called that's used for TML5 & CSS3...
I'm trying to locate a file called that's used for TML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners on Channel 9 of Microsoft Virtual Academy
View ArticleMy apps (excel) to show up as an option for default apps
I bought a new computer and imported a number of files from my old computer. I went to open one in file explorer and it did not know how to open an xls file... the only option it gave me was Explorer,...
View ArticleProjetar a tela não funciona
Repentinamente a projeção de segunda tela pelo HDMI não funciona mais. Já tentei atualizar o driver do Intel(R) Graphics e não resolveu o problema.
View ArticleSupprimer le mot de passe d'un compte administrateur
Bonjour,Je dispose de 2 sessions administrateur sous windows 10 et la première contient un mot de passe. Lorsque le système démarre, cette session s'ouvre automatiquement sans taper le mot de passe...
j ai un pc portable azus et je suis sous windows 10; ma souris avec fil fonctionnait tres bien puis arret subit.j'ai éteint redemarré rien.J'ai fait une restauration anterieure rien.Il parait que ce...
View ArticleSpegnimento improvviso pc mentre gioco
Salve, Da qualche mese ho un problema mentre gioco a quasi tutti i videogame, prima me lo faceva solo con quelli più pesanti (mass effect andromeda) ora ha iniziato a farlo anche con quelli meno...
View ArticleSigning in too many times
How long must I wait to be able to try signing in again if I have tried signing in too many times with the incorrect password? I forgot my password, but when I remembered it, I had tried signing in too...
View ArticleBattery icon missing
After the last update for Windows 10, the battery icon is missing from the tray at the bottom of my screen. How can I get it back?
View ArticleNo me llegan mails en mi cuenta Hotmail
Hola, no me llegan mails desde el 10/2/2018 a la Bandeja de entrada. Lo aclaro porque la carpeta Correo No Deseado se actualiza constantemente.No creo que sea un problema de espacios ya que limpie hace...
Dzień dobry, mam taki problem, że pojawił mi się ekran niebieski z komunikatem, że komputer napotkał problem, a nim był ten kod: DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL. Potem komputer się uruchomił, ale przy...
View Articlevervangen Office XP (ja antiek ik weet t) door Office 2016
Ik heb een antieke office XP vervangen door een versie van office 2016. Daar ik weinig tot géén verstand heb van computers en hun software had ik het verhaal gekregen dat 'zelfs ik dat kon'. Dus vol...
View ArticleMacro to copy files from multiple folders to a single folder
Hello,I need a macro to copy about 300 files that are scattered in different subfolders in between other files, into one single folder.I have got a list of file paths in Column A in the format:...
View Articleistallierte Skype Version
Hallo, wo finde ich meine istallierte Versionsnummer und wo kann prüfen ob ich eueste Version habe?Gruss aus BerlinGünter
View ArticleSupprimer définitivement un compte local administrateur
Bonjour,Comment supprimer définitivement un compte local administrateur?Cordialement.
View ArticlePianificazione creazione punto di ripristino
Salve! vorrei programmare la creazione di un punto di ripristino giornaliero del sistema e a questo scopo ho creato un'attività nella sezione Systeme Restore di Unità di pianificazione.Il comando...
View Article2018-02 Atualização Cumulativa do Windows 10 Version 1709 para sistemas...
oi tudo bem estou com um erro e não consigo arrumar erro na atualização 2018-02 Atualização Cumulativa do Windows 10 Version 1709 para sistemas operacionais baseados em x64 (KB4074588) Falha em...
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