Xbox One Minecrfat update
Can't login into xbox live
Та-же фигня. Одесса.
Windows 10 BSOD
My Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro 1370 keeps on encountering BSODs, I have had this problem for a few years now. It used to encounter BSODs when i had windows 8.1, then i tried upgrading to windows 10, it crashed many times during the upgrade, but after many tries it finally upgraded. The problem still persisted despite upgrading to windows 10. I have reformatted my laptop to factory settings, tried disabling windows update and done everything that i could have. Please help me out...
№ 229683
office2016 word折叠易死机
Bing search results
Windows defender antivirus
Geacht forum,
Na een hoop vreemde storingen, geen toegang meer tot register, heb ik maar ten lange leste de boel opnieuw geïnstalleerd.
ook dat ging niet vlekkeloos, maar is gelukt.
Bij herinstallatie de apps tot een minimum beperkt en uitsluitend gecertificeerde apps gebruikt, om mogelijke conflicten te voorkomen.
Edoch, ik krijg de melding nu dat er geen antivirus software actief is, omdat het door mijn organisatie is uitgezet???
Ik heb deze storing al vaker binnen de artikelen op het forum gezien, maar helaas zonder bruikbare oplossing.
Verder wordt er aangegeven dat j de map programfiles een" invalid character"bevat, waardoor ik de virtualbox niet meer geïnstalleerd krijg.
Dit zegt mij totaal niets, met het weinige wat ik van computers weet.
Is er iemand die raad weet met deze 2 vervelende zaken.
Graag hoor ik van u
Handy Samsung GT-S5230 (sehr alt) wird über USB unter Windows 7 nicht erkannt
Hallo zusammen,
ich kann seit einiger Zeit keine Fotos mehr von meinem alten Handy Samsung GT-S5230 über
Samsung PC Studio auf PC kopieren.
Jetzt habe ich versucht ohne Samsung auf das Handy, auch per USB, zuzugreifen, aber
Windows 7 zeigt kein Gerät an. Keine Meldung.
Was mache ich falsch?
Lieben Gruß Detlef
Why cant I Dowload 64bit(windows)
il mio account di skype non è visibile sulla directory
Problemi di stampa in Windows 10
Buongiorno. Ho installato su disco fisso nuovo il sistema operativo Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.
Questo è il mio problema: dopo aver installato due stampanti, una laser e una a getto di inchiostro, e aggiornati i rispettivi driver, la stampa dei documenti vira verso il giallo, in modo molto evidente per la laser.
Cosa si può fare? Grazie per l'attenzione
Tasti non funionano
Buongiorno. Da un po' di tempo sulla tastiera ogni tanto non mi funzionano i seguenti tasti (che stò digitando con la Tastiera sullo schermo) che poi magicamente dopo un breve periodo rifunzionano:
"2" "Q" "W" "S" "Z" "X". I tasti che invece non funzionano più ormai da qualche settimana sono: ctrl (sia destro che sinistro), win, alt e alt Gr. Ho provato tutte le soluzioni, anche un ripristino del sistema (visto che dovevo comunque farlo) ma niente. Se potete risolvere o darmene le condizioni ne sarei lieto
I can delete skype
Why I cant delete skype from my computer? I have tried it all (it is not listed in my programmes so I can remove it from there)
After spending almost two hours deleting all the skype related entries in the register, I am left with two that simply will not get deleted (gives me an error message that says:
Can not delete
Microsoft-Windows-Skype-ORTC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ Error while deleting key
Issues with bluetooth and cumulative updates
I've been having issues with Bluetooth and cumulative updates since July. I mention both because I believe this is related but this is only my opinion. I'm running Windows 10 Home. My desktop is an HP Pavilion 500-319na.
1) Bluetooth: basically some of my devices work and since July some don't. I've got several audio speakers and one of them just won't work (and also a mouse). It shows in the list of devices as paired but when I want to connect it just says "It didn't work". In the device manager, it appears in Other peripherals and strangely I can't uninstall. Also, it did blue screen a couple of times when trying to pair for example (bthport.sys IRQ something).
2) Updates: basically since July the cumulative updates won't work. It installs then restarts and say that something didn't work and revert back. Error code 0x80070002. Showing now for both the July and August updates.
I'm running out of ideas of what I can do (tried latest driver updates etc). Your help much appreciated.
Thanks & regards,
Win10 64bit環境で OS立ち上げ時に頻繁に ブルースクリーン 停止コード:SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED 失敗した内容:fvevol.sys が発生する。
Kωδικος Σφαλματος 0χ800704Ψ8
ich habe plotzlich keinen sound meht auf meinem laptop
Hotspot - edit button not available
I am trying to get WIFI on my phone using my laptop who is connected to a lan wire.
I have gone to mobile hotspot .Under "share my internet connection from", I don't have the "edit button". It disappear …
How can I get it back ?