touch sreen keyboard problem
in my Microsoft surface pro, touch screen keyboard does not work....what should I do?
Estrazione dati da Array contenuti in stringa Json
Ho una stringa JSON con dentro un array ma non riesco a recuperare i dati al suo interno.
Ho effettuato diverse prove ma senza esito, ho sempre come risposta l'errore di runtime 424 necessario oggetto.
Sotto ho aggiunto il codice della sub, spero che qualcuno mi possa dare qualche suggerimento.
Public Sub GetPerson7(IDPerson As Long)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
'Dim db As Database
'Dim qdef As QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Dim myNestedArraysJson As Variant
Dim p As Object
Dim competitionId As Object
Dim competitionId2 As Object
Dim element As Variant
Dim change As Variant
Dim change2 As Variant
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim DataLine As String, jsonStr As String
Dim p2 As Object
Set db = CurrentDb
'Set p = ParseJson(y)
strSQL = "PARAMETERS [matchId] Long,[competitionId] Long,[partita] Text(255),[data] Text(255),[seasonId] Long,[gameweek] Long ; " _
& "INSERT INTO Calendario (matchid,competitionid,partita,data,seasonid,gameweek)" _
& "VALUES([matchid],[competitionid],[partita],[data],[seasonid],[gameweek]);"
Set qdef = db.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)
myNestedArraysJson = "{""competitionId"":524,""seasonId"":185382,""matches"":[{""matchId"":2759811,""goals"":[],""match"":{""wyId"":2759811,""gsmId"":-89032," _
& """label"":""Frosinone - Chievo, 0 - 0"",""date"":""May 26, 2019 at 5:00:00 PM GMT+2"",""dateutc"":""2019-05-26 15:00:00"",""status"":""Fixture""," _
& """duration"":""Regular"",""winner"":0,""competitionId"":524,""seasonId"":185382,""roundId"":4416686,""gameweek"":38,""teamsData"":{""3254"":{""teamId"":3254,""side"":""home""," _
& """score"":0,""scoreHT"":0,""scoreET"":0,""scoreP"":0,""coachId"":0,""hasFormation"":0,""formation"":null},""3165"":{""teamId"":3165,""side"":""away""," _
& """score"":0,""scoreHT"":0,""scoreET"":0,""scoreP"":0,""coachId"":0,""hasFormation"":0,""formation"":null}},""venue"":null,""referees"":[]}},{""matchId"":2759812,""goals"":[],""match"":{""wyId"":2759812,""gsmId"":-89033,""label"":""Internazionale - Empoli,
0 - 0""," _
& """date"":""May 26, 2019 at 5:00:00 PM GMT+2"",""dateutc"":""2019-05-26 15:00:00"",""status"":""Fixture"",""duration"":""Regular""," _
& """winner"":0,""competitionId"":524,""seasonId"":185382,""roundId"":4416686,""gameweek"":38,""teamsData"":{""3161"":{""teamId"":3161,""side"":""home"",""score"":0,""scoreHT"":0,""scoreET"":0,""scoreP"":0,""coachId"":0,""hasFormation"":0,""formation"":null},""3178"":{""teamId"":3178,""side"":""away"","
& """score"":0,""scoreHT"":0,""scoreET"":0,""scoreP"":0,""coachId"":0,""hasFormation"":0,""formation"":null}},""venue"":null,""referees"":[]}}]}"
'''Set p = ParseJson(y)
Set p = ParseJson(myNestedArraysJson)
For Each element In p.Items
Set competitionId = p("CompetitionID")
For Each change In competitionId.Items
qdef!matchid = change("matchid")
Set competitionId2 = change("match")
For Each change2 In competitionId2
qdef!partita = change2("label")
qdef!Data = change2("date")
qdef!competitionId = change2("competitionid")
qdef!seasonId = change2("seasonid")
qdef!gameweek = change2("gameweek")
Next element
Set element = Nothing
Set p = Nothing
Set competitionId = Nothing
Set competitionId2 = Nothing
End Sub
Profildaten, Guthaben, Verläufe verschwunden
Guten Tag,
nach längerer Nichtbenutzung habe ich meinen Status auf Skype überprüfen wollen.
Nach Eingabe mit meiner E-Mail-Adresse konnte ich mich nach Zusendung eines neuen Passwortes (hatte das alte vergessen) anmelden.
Es sind aber folgende Daten verschwunden:
- Mein Aliasname
- Bisherige Kontakte
- Chat und Anruf-Verlauf
- Guthaben.
Was ist da passiert?
Wie kann ich meine bisherigen Angaben und mein Guthaben wiederherstellen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
delete an image on Yammer
How do I delete an image I published on Yammer in a post? It's not very intuitive.
Bij een foute handeling kan ik mijn e-mail niet meer gebruiken.
Ik moet mijn beveiligingsgegevens bevestigen met een code en sync eveneens.
Deze code wordt slechts toegezonden via e-mail maar vermits deze niet werkt zit ik in een vicieuze kring.
Hoe kan ik dit verhelpen?
multijoueur xbox live
après avoir branché ma tablette ASUS , l'ordinateur ne la détecte pas?
L'ordinateur ne semble pas reconnaître la tablette ASUS.Que dois-je faire?
Merci. Salutations
windows 预览体验计划页面问题
Проблемы с входом в учетную запись
Escritura en Word
how to deactivate account of a dead person
my mom died but her Skype account is still active (we did not know the password). It is ufaz_2013.
Yesterday I got a reminder about her birthday by Skype because the account is still active.
Is it possible to deactivate it?
I can’t log in my account on Xbox One S
Hi all, Ive been researching the issue with paperport failing to load, as i am having issues with it, and couldnt find the answer on NUance / Windows help pages.
Apparently its an undocumented compatibility issue between Nuance PPT and Firefox believe it or not ... not W10 - you need to make a minor amendment to your registry entry removing Mozilla Firefox as browser se;ection in paperport user settings, and replace with IE or Edge etc
Here is an article - I faffed around installing, uninstalling etc, cleaning registry, doing it all again ... and again, and then found this earlier -IT WORKED!!!!
PaperPort has the following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ScanSoft\PaperPort\PaperPort User Preferences
It contains many values (fields), one of which is BrowserSelected (a string, i.e., REG_SZ). What Andrea reported is this: when the data inBrowserSelected is Mozilla Firefox, PaperPort crashes! He changedMozilla Firefox to Internet Explorer and PaperPort no longer crashed! We exchanged several posts there and discovered that any data inBrowserSelected other than Mozilla Firefox will cause PaperPort to open properly. It doesn't even have to be an actual browser name — e.g., it can be
hope it works for you too :)
security camera
camera off line
windows 10 v.1803: Can see a pc but can't access it's shared drives.
Two pc's with windows 10 v1803, on a private network (both), with "find devices and content" turned on, with file sharing turned on (both for private and all networks), both can see each other, and one of them (let us name it: shared-pc) has three drives shared with full rights for "everyone" (sharing tab and security tab of their properties).
When I click to shared-pc icon (windows explorer of the second pc) it says: can't access..... check spelling...... error 0x80070035.
Any suggestions?
Child screening time limit not working for some games.
I already set screening time for my kids account on xbox one settings. While this time limit working for most games, it does not works for some games (some game selections in fifa 17) and dome games. Is this normal or am I doing some thing wrong.
Windows license key
My Dad has built me a new PC which has a solid-state drive which we want to do a clean install of Windows on. We are going to take the 1 TB conventional hard disk drive out of my current PC and put it into the new PC.
My current PC has a Windows 10 pro 64 bit license key. We are assuming that we can use that license key to activate windows on the new PC as the old one is being decommissioned.
Please can someone help us with the process for doing this? We are reasonably capable of doing things like creating installation media.
Thanks! :)