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Instalação office 2013

olá boa noite!

Estou trocando de computador e tentando instalar o office 2013. Ambos são Windows 10. Segui o procedimento recomendado, inseri as chaves válidos. A instalação concluiu com sucesso. No entanto, quando clico em qualquer um dos programas, word por exemplo, ele me solicita a ativação do office 365.

Como devo proceder?

Marcelo Coelho dos Santos




Не работает функция копировать/вставить в Word

Внезапно перестала работать функция копировать/вставить в Word. Не первый раз. Прежние способы решения проблемы не помогают (через параметры настройки). 

Кроме того, при переводе документа Word в PDF программа Word "вылетает" и отрытые другие файлы этой программы перестают отвечать, приходится закрывать программу экстренно (не корректно) с последующим восстановлением файлов. Что крайне неудобно.

Excel - Conditional functioning

I am trying to conditionally function a cell that has been previously dateif to calculate how many months since a date.

I am trying to change the colours

under 9 months is green

between 9 and 12 months is yellow

over 12 months is red

I can conditionally function a cell but not a dateif cell.

Please help

Demande de S.A.V

Bonjour, bonsoir

J'aurais voulu savoir si je pouvais avoir un numéro me permettant de joindre la plateforme Skype directement car aucune réponse à mes interrogations ne se trouvent sur la plateforme d'aide. Je souhaiterais donc pouvoir m'adresser verbalement à une personne pouvant me renseigner d'avantage, cela m'aiderai beaucoup.

En attente d'une réponse/solution rapide,


Closing the Edge Browser

Every time I close Edge, I'm asked if I want to close all tabs, and each time I close I select the "always" option. YET, my option never sticks so each time I close I have to repeat the process. How can I remedy this?


catagories from outlook 2003, how to get them to show in 2010

It's a shame you screwed up a great program like outlook 2003 with a mess called 2010.   However I've been reluctantly forced to upgrade so that I can make contacts and other things work on my phone.

That being said, none of the appointment categories from outlook 2003 have transferred to outlook 2010.  Some of the colors are there, but none of the categories. 

What do I have to do to get my categories back?

"No hemos podido completar las actualizaciones"

Buenas tardes Comunidad Microsoft.

Gracias de antemano. Tengo un PC con las siguientes características: Procesador AMD Athlon(tm) 64x2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ 2.19 GHz; RAM: 4,00 GB; sistema operativo de 64 bits, procesador x64 y he intentado hacer las actualizaciones de calidad siguientes:

  1. 2018-01 Actualización acumulativa para Windows 10 Versión 1709 para sistemas basados en x64 (KB4056892) (9 veces) y cuando pide reiniciar el computador se congela y me toca resetearlo 2 veces seguidas y salen los siguientes procesos:
    • Preparando reparación automática
    • Diagnosticando su pc
    • Intentando realizar reparaciones
    • Se reinicia solo y después
    • Preparando Windows
    • No hemos podido completar las actualizaciones.
    • Deshaciendo cambios
    • Y por último sale el escritorio normal.

Cuando voy a historial de actualizaciones sale:

No se pudo instalar en ‎10/‎01/‎2018 - 0x800f0845

Ultimo error de intento de instalación en 24/02/2018 – 0x800f0845

Último error de intento de instalación en ‎20/‎02/‎2018 - 0x800f0845

Último error de intento de instalación en 09/02/18 – 0x800f0845

Ultimo error de intento de instalación en 10/01/2018 – 0800f0845


  1. Actualización de seguridad para Windows (KB4056892)

No se pudo instalar en 10/01/2018 – 0x800f0845


He tratado descargarlas manualmente, pero continúa haciendo lo mismo todas las veces que intento. ¿Por favor hay alguna manera de solucionar esto?

Gracias nuevamente, Jan


One Note for Windows 10 - Search Results for Handwritten Text Not Working


I have a brand new Surface Book 2 that I am using with One Note for Windows 10.  The problem I am having is as follows:  When I perform a search, the program finds, recognizes, and highlights handwritten text.  However, the highlighted text doesnot show up in the list of search results.  For example, in the attached screen shot, I searched for the word "correctly."  The handwritten text is highlighted in yellow (so it is clearly being recognized by the program), but the search column says "No results found."  This is very frustrating and any support would be appreciated.  


Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

error code 0x85ad60af in msn mail inbox

I am running Windows 7 and MSN Premium, and for the last three days one of my four accounts will not send and receive emails in my Hotmail account.  The inbox shows a "yellow triangle" and when clicked, I  receive error code 0x85ad60af.  I cannot find a way to clear this error message and get msn to sync with my Hotmail account.

notifiche indesiderate da Softonc, come evitarle?

ricevo notifiche indesiderate da Softonc, come evitarle?

Périphérique USB erreur Code 28 : la souris ne fonctionne pas (plusieurs souris testées)

Voici le message d'erreur donné par le gestionnaire de périphérique :

"Les pilotes de ce périphérique ne sont pas installés. (Code 28)
Il n’y a pas de pilotes compatibles pour ce périphérique.
Pour trouver un pilote pour ce périphérique, cliquez sur Mettre à jour le pilote."

Détail de l'évènement :

L'appareil USB\VID_145F&PID_011A\6&d56d4a0&0&2 a été configuré.

Nom du pilote : null
GUID de classe : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Date du pilote : 
Version du pilote : 
Fournisseur du pilote : 
Section du pilote : 
Classement du pilote : 0x0
Numéro d'identification d'appareil correspondant : 
Pilotes surclassés : 
Appareil mis à jour : false
Appareil parent : USB\VID_8087&PID_8000\5&319b28f4&0&1

Je n'arrive plus à avoir une souris qui fonctionne sur n'importe quel port usb.

Elle est reconnue, mais windows ne trouve pas le pilote et demande une mise à jour.

La mise à jour du pilote ne donne pas de résultat.

La désinstallation dans le gestionnaire de périphérique, la résinstallation du pilote avec le cd rom de la souris, et le redémarrage ne suppriment pas l'erreur. La souris s'allume au démarrage et s'éteint.

La désinstallation de tous les contrôleurs de bus usb avec un redémarrage ne donne aucun résultat.

J'avoue que je ne sais plus quoi faire...

Pourtant avec d'autres périphériques, mes ports usb fonctionnent : clé usb reconnue et accessible.

Je n'ai pas trouvé plus d'aide sur les réseaux sociaux.

Merci pour votre aide, si quelqu'un a déjà eu ce problème.

Aggiornamento e riavvio continuo del pc

Il pc non riesce ad installare un aggiornamento qualitativo, nello specifico "Aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 10 Version 1709 per sistemi basati su x64 (KB4074588)", una volta scaricato chiede di riavviare il pc ma dopo il riavvio esce un messaggio dove dice che non è stato possibile installare l'aggiornamento continuando a scaricarlo ma, appunto, cercando invano di installarlo all'infinito!!! Come posso risolvere urgentemente? Grazie

Decomission On Premises AD and leave the authentication only in O365

Hi everyone,

We are migrating all the infrastructure that we have on premises to AZURE and O365.

We have all the exchange mailbox on O365 and skypee too.

We need to demote our AD server and leave the authentication on AZURE and 365.

We have dirsync/addconnect, my doubt is, is it possible to demote theses infra and leave the users working in cloud only?

I searched on internet and doesn't found nothing like this.

Best Regards.

Не могу активировать ключ win 10 после изменения оборудования (изменил мат.плату и процессор)


Я создал учетную запись майкрософт и привязал к ней ключ win 10 28.06.2016 г.

До этого была установленна win 7 про (есть наклейка с ключем) обновленная до 10 (ключ не могу найти).

После изменения оборудования никак не могу добавить, по сути почти новый компьютер, к существующей учетке майкрософт.

Старый компьютер уже удалил из оборудования в учетке.

Активировать сейчас никак не могу

how to transfer a game from current user account to another user account on the same computer

i have problems with forza horizon 3 on the current account and i want to transfer the game i think it might solve most of the problems i have if i move it, and also because of xbox app it not let me sign in always give me an error so when i created another user account everything works great except the game is not there.

i download a casino program but now the program is so small i cant see everything

I down load a program but it is to small on my screen i cant see all the word etc

Where to find messages? No longer accessible on desktop dashboard

I need to find some messages and they all appear to be inaccessible.  Any thoughts on where they can be found?  I have a huge archive. 

윈도우 10 재설치 후 그래픽 드라이버 설치 실패

현재 사용중인 사양 : DELL XPS 15 9550 모델이며,

내장그래픽으로 HD530, 외장그래픽으로 GTX 960M이 탑재되어있는 제품입니다.

클린설치를 위해 Mediacreation tool로 설치했고, OS 빌드는 16299.214버전에서 방금 248 버전으로 업데이트 했습니다.

최근 업그레이드까지 다 했음에도 불구하고, 드라이버를 설치 한 다음 장치관리자에서 확인하면

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

라는 오류가 생성되었습니다. 

최신 geforce 그래픽 드라이버를 설치하게되면 블루스크린이 나오게 되고,

이전 그래픽 드라이버로 1709 업데이트즈음에 나온 그래픽 드라이버로 모두 롤백해봐도,

삼각형으로만 되어서 외장그래픽 드라이버가 제대로 설치가 안되어서, 그래픽 사용을 못하고 있습니다.

혹시 이에 대한 해결 방법이 있을까요?  원래 잘 사용하고 있었는데, 외장 그래픽이 안되니 업무를 보는데 지장이 있네요.

Skype stuck on just a moment

Okay, so I'll be very specific, I used my anti-virus and it removed a couple of adware programs, restarted my computer and skype was stuck on just a moment, so I decided to remove it and install it again, turns out that I'm not connected to microsoft store cause of error 0x80072EE7, I got past that as well with fiddler so I figured it, a connection is blocking skype and that's why I'm not able to actually connect, the really weird part is though that I continue to get notified when I get a message in the desktop version. Some help?
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