J'ai crée un second compte local administrateur. Comment faire pour le supprimer complètement du système?
J'ai crée un second compte local administrateur. Comment faire pour le supprimer complètement du système?
Depuis la création d'un nouveau compte local administrateur, c'est le compte initial qui s'ouvre automatiquement au démarrage du pc. Comment faire pour ouvrir automatiquement la session de son choix lorsque plusieurs comptes existent?
I have looked far and wide online for a solution but still could not find one that actually fixed the problem.
System specs:
- Windows 10
- Asus z170 gaming pro carbon
- Nvidia geforce gtx 1070
- Intel I7 7700K
- 16GB kingston RAM (don't know if it helps I'll just put it in)
- 3hard drives
So I upgraded my CPU from an Intel I5 6500 and added a better cooler and then the problems started.
The problem is:
It started with just not getting any sound through my headphones, then i noticed that the default audio device was Realtek digital output.
I started looking in the devices list and only found Realtek digital output and Nvidia audio drivers but no headphones/speakers.
I also found a lot of sources saying just turn on certain settings for the headphones in the devices list but it isn't there so that is also out of the question.
For now I can play sound on my monitor through HDMI output but the front and rear audio jacks for headphones and microphone do not work and won't even detect anything I plug into it(yes I also tried many different devices).
The solutions I found but did not help at all
- Update the drivers/windows/bios: did all of it (for some tried multiple times and multiple versions
- unplugging(from MoBo)/ resetting the front audio jacks
- Update drivers from Realtek manually (automatic. manual and extra manual(going to the site and downloading it instead of picking from a list))
Had this problem for last few days and tried every solution online. Ultimately none of them worked until I found this tiny bit of code. Follow this and it should solve your problem.
Go to start and select Command Promt (Admin) at the prompt type:-
net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
press enter then type:
net localgroup Administrators /add localservice
press enter then type:
press enter and restart your computer
- and last but not least un-building my entire PC and rebuilding it to no effect at all
I am hoping this gets resolved and helps anyone else with the things I've tried and did not work for me.
hola tengo una pregunta , mis auriculares no funcionan en mi laptop los conecto y no se escucha nada pero si los quito se escucha en altavoz sin los auriculares alguien sabe porque sucede esto.....
quando vou tentar baixar algum app na loja da Microsoft não aparece a opção de baixar, fica um espaço em branco
Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)
Bonjour, bonsoir,
Ayant effacer par erreur la totalité de mes discussions Skype, je souhaiterais savoir si je pourrais accéder à mes historiques complets de discussion privées ot publiques ??
En attente d'une réponse/solution rapide,
Γεια σας. Εχω ενα προβλημα. Εχω τα windows 8.1 και δεν μπορω να κανω φορματ. Το εχω προσπαθησει με διαφορους τροπους αλλα στο τελος το μονο που γινεται ειναι να κανει restart ο υπολογιστης σαν να μην εγινε τιποτα. Επισης το ιδιο συμβαινει και οταν προσπαθω να μπω στο safe mode.. Εχω τα drivers σε cd απο τοτε που αγορασα τον υπολογιστη. Τι να κανω
Comment supprimer définitivement des contacts et pas que les bloquer sur skype
Hola, quisiera saber cuanto pesa la actualización 1709, creo que es la fall creators update, porque Windows Update descarga lentísimo, y eso que consume todo mi ancho de banda, además se la pasa con altibajos, es decir el servicio que muestro en la imagen, que según yo, supuestamente, es el que utiliza Windows para descargar las actualizaciones a veces no consume nada, pero cuando está descargando pasa de 1,8mb a 0,2mb por ejemplo.
Generalmente, las actualizaciones al estar mucho tiempo descargando o que alguien en mi casa utilice internet se cancelan dando nada mas que un código de error y diciendo que busque eso de internet a ver si puede ser de ayuda.
Quisiera que me ayudaran con esto, gracias.
Recently I was notified that I'm over my storage limit for OneDrive files. In downloading them, I noticed that the ZIP files, when selecting a large batch (pictures), were actually empty after download on my PC. When testing 10-50 files, I got the same result - except 10-15 minutes later, the ZIP files had the contents as intended. So my theory is that it's just taking a long time to download these, but it seems quite inefficient. At the present moment, trying to download 200+ files, I'm getting an empty ZIP folder again. Other than downloading 10-50 at time, does someone have a suggestion for efficient downloads?
Thank you!
Presently i am using Windows 10 , version 1511
i want it to get updated to windows 10 version 1707
what are the various ways to get it updated to version 1707
everytime i switch on my laptop "windows update assistant " automatically gets installed on my screen and i can also see it in control pannel.
Do i need to use "windows update assistant" to get my windows updated ? and does it updates windows in "one go" ?
or there are other ways to get my windows 10 version 1511 get updated to windows 10 version 1707 in installments.. as i am short of internet data.
cada ves que ejecuto Excel o al programa Microsoft me aparece una ventana que dice "problema de suscripción office 365".
He reinstalado el office varias veces y nada. Que puedo hacer.
I just received an error message 0X80072ee7
Windows Warning Alert malicious spy ware detected and to call 1888 854-6330
Is this a virus or ???