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You've already renamed this account. Please try again later.


I accidently changed the account email on my Microsoft account.

I am not able to check the wrong email, because it is wrong, it actually doesn’t exist.

When I try to login to Skype I keep getting the “You've already renamed this account. Please try again later." error.

I tried to login to Microsoft website- to try to reset my email from there, but I am not able to login there- I got the same message.

I tried to contact Skype support, but the only option I have is to ask the community. And- to do that- I must Sign in to my account, which- obviously is impossible because of the initial error. So I created new account (just to be able to ask something!).

How can I get this changed to my main email and get everything working? It says “Please try again later"- does anyone knows how “later” I have to try?

Thank you in advance.

Windows Update erreur 0x80073712



Je viens de réinitialiser entièrement mon ordinateur donc sans garder les fichiers personnels. Cela a été fait en croyant que Windows Update pourrait installer les mises à jour, or ce code d'erreur (0x80073712) s'affiche toujours.

"Certains fichiers de mise à jour sont manquants ou présentent des problèmes. Nous tenterons de télécharger la mise à jour ultérieurement.

Code d'erreur : (0x80073712)"

Voici le détail pour Windows Update:

Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante :    C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe

Signature du problème
Nom d’événement du problème :    APPCRASH
Nom de l’application:    wuauclt.exe
Version de l’application:    10.0.16299.98
Horodatage de l’application:    efd6d9e3
Nom du module par défaut:    combase.dll
Version du module par défaut:    10.0.16299.15
Horodateur du module par défaut:    3db461b4
Code de l’exception:    c0000005
Décalage de l’exception:    00000000000b67f8
Version du système:    10.0.16299.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux:    1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1:    2474
Information supplémentaire n° 2:    24743fd4f00d71859f361d2691051db5
Information supplémentaire n° 3:    52d6
Information supplémentaire n° 4:    52d64c4309e344738f8561740f997640

Informations complémentaires sur le problème
ID de compartiment :    f28939d4b07b271c11f55c742d25580f (1294042121982269455)

Downloading from USB



I am trying to download pictures from my android turbo  ( Yes I enabled the USB Debugging) and from my external hard drive. Every time I try to import from either of these 2 devices I get an error that says:

Make sure your device is unlocked and that you accept the notification to connect. 

Please help as my phone is full and I need to remove pictures but I want to make sure they are saved before doing so. 

Thank you in advance for your help,


Lost wifi connectivity


In the last 24 hours I lost wifi connectivity with both of my Windows 10 computers.  My computer will not connect and my wife's computer will download, but extremely slow.  My Apple products still have full wifi connectivity so it doesn't seem to be my modem/router.  I am presently connected to my router via Ethernet and have good connectivity when I am hardwired. 

Here is information about my system:

- Windows 10 - 64 bit

- Dell laptop Inspiron 7520

- 6 gig ram

- Intel Centrino Wireless- N 2230

- Router is Linksys WRT 1900ac

Here are the actions I have taken so far:

I have restarted my modem and router several times.

I have restarted my computer several times.

I have checked for malware/virus.

I have updated my Linksys router to the latest firmware.  

I have used the Windows 10 troubleshooting system for wifi several times.  It goes through the process and says the gateway cannot be identified.

I have updated my driver for the Intel Centrino Wireless device.

Thank you for your help on this.


* Moved from Insider

Windows 10: Necesitas permisos para realizar esta operación


Tengo un disco duro de la marca Western Digital y quería mover el archivo autorun.inf a otro lugar. Ya se que los autorun.inf son archivos mal vistos por la comunidad y fabricantes por que suelen llevar virus, en este caso lo que realiza es el cambio de icono en su dispositivo.

Tengo la cuenta como administrador y no consigo moverlo me arroja siempre el mismo error. 

PD: no quiero formatear el disco duro

Changing a username in Skype


Is it possible to change a username in Skype without deleting the account and signing up for a whole new account? 



CDからwindows media playerで取り込んだ音声ファイルが消えることがあります。私は趣味でDJをしているのですが、Serato DJで読み込んだ曲が時々「ファイルが見当たらないので再生できません(要約)」と表示されることがあり、その時にミュージックフォルダを参照するのその曲のデータが無くなっています。何かの間違いで消してしまったのではないか、とごみ箱を見てもファイルは存在しません。しかし、そのCDから取り込み直すと、何故かそのファイルが復活し、全く同じファイルが二つある奇妙な状態になります。DJとしてクラブに参加することも考えているので、本番回している時にいきなり曲のデータが消し飛んでしまったらシャレにならないので、何とか原因を究明したいです。

Error con función BuscarV


Buenas, necesito de sus ayuda, les explico:

Tengo tres hojas de excel

En la primera: Una base de datos.

En la segunda: uso la función BuscarV para extraer unos datos de la base de datos a través de un ID , entre ellos consulto el nombre de una persona (y todo sale bien)

En la tercera hoja: necesito que el nombre que consulté en la hoja 2  se pasé directamente a la tercera hoja pero como está formulado con la opción BuscarV me da error de #¡Valor!, no se como puedo hacer para que al momento de yo hacer la consulta en la segunda hoja automáticamente me aparezca en la tercera hoja

muchas gracias de antemano


Office files opening as read-only


For the past few days I have only been able to open Office files as read-only. I have tried to go in to the OneDrive file settings and uncheck "ready-only," but every time I go back in the check box is filled with a black square. This only applies to my Office files; other file types are opening normally. I am on build 9029.2167 of Office (I am on the Monthly Channel [targeted] of Office Insider). I am on build 16299.248 of Windows 10.

I have already gone in to modify system-wide permissions to files. I have already performed an online repair of Office. I have already changed my antivirus software configurations to not interfere with read/write capabilities. Nothing has fixed the issue.

I am nearly at my wits' end. What else can I do?


Procedure For Reformating a Win 10 PC to clear a virus?


I have reason to believe that my PC is infected with malicious software (probably a virus). I know this because Windows Defender is turned off and cannot be restarted by any means available to me.

No free anti-virus or malware program I have tried has successfully dealt with the problem. They either cannot detect the software at all, or they detect it and prompt me to restart my PC in order to quarantine it, and the virus is still present afterwards. I even know where some of the virus files are, but even though I am the administrator of this PC I do not have access to this folder, and cannot change its properties, nor delete it. The virus is accessing the internet in the background, and I cannot even End Task it from the Task Manager. I need this thing gone.

Please give me simple step by step procedures on how I can safely nuke my drives to the ground and get a nice clean Win 10 install once again? 

If it is relevant, when I purchased this PC new it had Windows 8.1 installed on it, and I tried the free upgrade to Win 10 and decided I liked it better, and kept it. So my reinstall disc from the manufacturer has 8.1 on it, so I'd prefer not to use that if I have my druthers. 

Thanks in advance for any help!

how to unblock a blocked email address?

How do I unblock an email address I inadvertently blocked?

Impossible d'ouvrir une page sur internet

Depuis hier impossible d'ouvrir une page sur internet. Internet Explorer affiche : "en attente de go.microsoft.com" Et rien ne se passe. (Avec Edge rien ne se passe non plus). Dans le centre de réseau et de partage j'ai lancé l'utilitaire de résolution des problèmes de connexion internet "tentative de connexion à htpp:/wwwmicrosoft.com. La réponse a été: "la résolution des problèmes s'est terminée sans détecter de problème. Que faire? (je vous écris depuis un autre PC qui fonctionne)

Netflix no Egde e Internet Explorer

Netflix parou de funcionar no Edge e no Internet Explorer. Fiz download do aplicativo na pagina da Microsoft mas também não funciona. Porém está funcionando perfeitamente no Crome! No Edge e Explorer as vezes ele carrega a tela para selecionar o usuário e então fica travado. No aplicativo aparece a tela vermelha com o logo da Netflix e trava. Algume sabe o que está acontecendo?




i want to advertise myself as online arabic teacher on Skype arabic community for free.how can I get there?

Comment faire si j'ai plus les bouton pour lire ou télécharger sur Windows Store ?


Comment faire si j'ai plus mon bouton de Téléchargement svp ! Je suis sur windows 10 la derniere mise a jour et je voulais aller sur Windows Store pour avoir la démo de Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Sauf que j'ai plus le bouton démarrer ! aider moi svp !!

About the manual proxy setup



    Sometimes,automatically the manual proxy setup is turned on. And that time the internet of my pc isn't work. I tried approx 5 to 7 times to resolve it by "registry",but after few times it is turned on automatically. Please help me to resolve this problem.

install.esd file not found in $WINDOWS.~BT\Sources

I am trying to convert the esd file to an iso file to migrate an insider build to a different computer and hope to save bandwith. It as finished downloading and installing, except for the reboot and there is no install.esd file anywhere on my system.

Gamertag change

Do we get at least 1 free change?  My account was set up by my son while I was doing my Military tour over seas. He did a terrific job but his taste of GT's isn't quite to my liking. It's not my Christian but I get called by it often online. Can I get 1 free change? Boy Named Sue Thanks You  

"Windows Firewall is turned off"


Since automatic updating on my PC a week ago, I keep getting the above message -Why and what do I do.

Mozilla is a better browser.

IE doesn't work and Edge is miserable.   Mozilla for browsing and Duck Duck for searching.  Microsoft is regulating browser usage.  And will be fined millions again for forcing the use of edge.  They did this in Europe and were fined.  And why is Windows 10 not available on drop down below?  Such an inferior product is Microsoft .  It's not even a computer it's a real estate program gates used to place his Windows gui ( graphic user interface) .  Apple is actually a compute.  Recently learned this, and explains why Microsoft has problems.
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