Pb pour reinstallation de windows 7
Windows update
i am trying to update my laptop from window 8 to window 8.1 but it is continuously showing me error..., it is saying that window is already updating other apps but no app was updating at that time
so if there any way that i can update my window plzzz help me out
Не хватает свободного места на основном диске в телефоне с вин 10
regarding update
Skype Name Change
How do I change my Skype Name, the one chosen when first establishing a Skype Account?
error al instalar windows 10
buenas tardes
tengo el siguiente problema y no se como resolverlo...
descargue la heeramienta de microsoft para instala windows 10, y cree un pendrive para su instalacion en una pc de escritorio
al llegar en el proceso de instalacion de windows, todo va bien hasta que llega la opcion de reiniciar, se reinicia solo y esto lo hace muchas veces, no procede a mas con la instalacion del windows para ser configurado... al entrar a la bios del fabricante
me da la opcion del boot, ya sea del usb o del disco donde se "instalo", como es obvio, descartamos el boot del pendrive y dejamos solo el disco local, pero sucede lo mismo!! se reinicia una y otra vez el equipo hasta que aparece un mensaje diciendo que se
ha reiniciado mjchas veces de manera inesperada, y que le de aceptar para reiniciar y volver con la instalacion... que problema podria tener? disco duro defectuoso, pendrive mal configurado para instalacion?
ya van varias veces que lo he intentado... volvi a crear el pendrive pero no tengo otro disco duro donde mas instalar....
espero su respuesta y puedan ayudarme a descartar algunos inconvenientes...
Quero desaparecer da pesquisa do Skype.
Há uns anos atrás criei o perfil do Skype de nome MaxKBorcsik - Marixco Ubatuba (live:marixcoubatuba) .
"Pelo que lembro" foi criado a partir do email *** Email address is removed for privacy *** , que excluí da Microsoft mais ou menos 1 ano depois.
Criei agora o perfil no Skype de nome MaxKBorcsik através do email *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, mas quando as pessoas pesquisam no Skype também aparece nas pesquisas o perfil MaxKBorcsik - Marixco Ubatuba (live:marixcoubatuba), o que gera confusão quando adicionam aos seus contatos.
Até recriei o email *** Email address is removed for privacy *** que "pelo que lembro" seja o email usado para criar esse perfil do Skype, e assim chegar até a parte da configuração que o oculta das pesquisas, mas ao invés de ele usar o mesmo perfil, ele criou "mais um" perfil diferente.
Esse novo já ocultei das pesquisas e já o excluí da Microsoft.
Gostaria de saber como oculto das pesquisas do Skype o perfil MaxKBorcsik - Marixco Ubatuba (live:marixcoubatuba).
Не удалось подключиться к сети
После попытки подключения к сети вайфай выдает окно: "ОС Windows не удалось получить параметры сети от маршрутизатора"
Раньше все было без неполадок
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Eski email hesabım hakkında
Receptor de Mouse Microsoft Arc 1349
Buenos días a todos.
Tengo un Mouse Microsoft Arc 1349 blanco, he perdido el dispositivo receptor que conecta al computador para la señal inalámbrica. Requiero adquirir otro nuevo a través de Microsoft Colombia u otra empresa que me recomienden local; preferiblemente en Medellín donde me encuentro radicado.
Agradezco me den instrucciones.
Luis G.
Móvil: 3127470873
One Drive - embedding an Excel workbook
I have an Excel workbook on my One Drive which I want to embed into a web page.
I have used the Embed option from the right-click menu and have the code. Shows up on the page - that's all fine.
However, there is a little icon at the bottom of the workbook where people can view full size workbook. I don't have a problem with that. But what happens is that it opens in Excel online and there are options for people to download the entire workbook, print it, share it and edit even. That is *not* okay.
It was suggested by OneDrive's Facebook people that I use the Share option on the right click menu rather than embed. I did that and chose to 'view only' but that doesn't do the job - there is a link to view instructions to embed the file, but that link isn't working.
This is getting so frustrating, I can't believe this is so hard! Can someone please help? I'm using OneDrive personal, I'm not a business or anything like that.
outlook won't let me open or forward emails
Deleted email account
My son managed to change my wifes MSN account name to his name and then deleted my wifes name as an alias, is there a way to undo this, or at least reopen the account with her old contact lists and emails intact
integrate OneNote with our lms
hello I have tried many times to integrate my one note to our school lms (https://lms.moe.gov.ae/) which is made by ITworx(CLG), So please I need someone help me to do this or make it done I don't have tools to do this !!!
Office 2016 Professional Plus Fehler 0-1012 (0)
ich versuche Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus zu installieren, es kommt aber immer der Fehler 0-1012 (0).
Der Computer wurde frisch aufgesetzt (auf einer neuen Festplatte),
Es sind keine vorherigen Office Versionen vorhanden,
Fixit lief auch schon durch,
Es wird kein Antivirus verwendet,
Router: EasyBox 904,
Sauberer Systemneustart wurde auch schon durchgeführt,
Es wird kein Proxy verwendet,
Firewall ist ausgeschaltet,
Unter anderem Benutzerkonto konnte ich es auch nicht installieren,
Über ein anderes Netzwerk lässt es sich auch nicht installieren,
sfc /scannow lief auch schon durch, keine Fehler.
Meine C-Festplatte: Samsung 960 Evo 500GB
Prozessor: AMD Ryzen 7 1700x
Arbeitsspeicher: 16GB DDR4
Ich habe auch schon den Microsoft Support angeschrieben, der allerdings auch keine Lösung für das Problem finden konnte.
Update Windows 10 ผิดพลาด 0xc190020e
Call to a Skype number rings once then the call drops
I've just bought (for a whole year!) a local skype number, then I asked some friends to call me. It rings once and then the call drops. I do not even have enough time to answer the call.
What is wrong with it?
Many thanks,