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Posta indesiderata su Outlook 2016



sul mio computer ho installato Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus, e da diversi giorni ho un problema su Outlook 2016. Infatti, benché aggiungo degli indirizzi di posta elettronica o nomi di dominio all'elenco Mittenti bloccati, quando ricevo una mail dai suddetti indirizzi, Outlook anziché spostarla nella cartella Posta indesiderata, la recapita nella Posta in arrivo. Ho controllato l’elenco Mittenti bloccati, e non supera le 500 voci, anzi sono di molto al disotto di tale limite massimo. Sapreste dirmi dov'è il problema. 

stampa report con modalità dettate da casella controllo in maschera

Buona sera,
ho una maschera (m1) associata a una tabella (tb1), che mi visualizza tutti i dati della tabella in colonna (visualizzazione continua). in questa maschera è presente un pulsante (cmdStampa) il cui scopo è quello di aprire un report (r1): tale report è associato alla stessa tabella e mi fa visualizzare gli stessi dati che vedo nella maschera.
Ecco il problema. Nella maschera vorrei inserire una casella controllo (cc1), che se spuntata, quando clicco sul pulsante cmdStampa, mi stampa il report rendendo visibile un grafico interno al report.
la casella controllo preferirei non associarla a niente.
Ho fatto così. Ho spostato la casella controllo su una nuova maschera (sm1) non associata a nulla. L'ho inserita come sottomaschera nella maschera principale. su click di cmdStampa (è nella maschera principale) si apre il report. Su carimento del report, ho scritto un if che se il valore della casella controllo nella sm1 è "Vero" (ho impostato Vero come valore predefinito della casella, senza però associarla a niente), allora mi rende visibile un grafico e fa partire il comando stampa, altrimenti stampa senza renderlo visibile.
Ho fatto bene? non sembra funzionare...
Tra l'altro la casella controllo rimane sempre spuntata e anche se ci clicco non mi toglie la spunta (questo vale solo se vedo la casella dentro la sottomaschera, quando apro la maschera principale).

Chiedo la luna o è fattibile?
Si accettano anche suggerimenti si strategie diverse



Outlook 2016 - Problem with signed Emails


Hi all,

i have a problem regarding Outlook 2016 and signed Emails.

A soon as I try to send a signed email from my Exchange Account, I get an error dialogbox showing:

Please find my settings below:

I have tried the following steps:

--> Delete Outlook profile and create a new one

--> Repair Office installation

--> Completely uninstall office and reinstall: I downloaded the offline installer and the version it contained was 16.0.6741.2048. The bug was NOT present in this version. As soon as I updated to version 16.0.9001.2080 the problem reappears.

--> Try another user profile on my PC: The problem still occurs with other users on my windows machine

--> scanpst.exe

--> delete certificate in certmgr.msc and reinstall it

--> Tried to figure out what's going on using procmon, but nothing obvious for me

Can someone please help me?

Kind Regards

windows 10 打开启用或关闭Windows功能时卡死

windows 10


that massege apper to me when  I open the computer 

your windows license will expire soon  

you need to activate windows in setting

Werken met de scanner

Hoe kan ik documenten die bestaan uit meerdere pagina's scannen naar een PDF bestand.

Reproducción automática eliminar dispositivos guardados

office key


sir I signed in with my Microsoft account but your operator does not allow me office excess that why I m facing much problem .Please allow me my office product key, thank YOU.

Ease of Access

Every time i restart my laptop, Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse turns on. I un-check it do what i got to do. Windows updates, laptop restarts back on again. How do I either stop that from happening or turn of Ease Of Access center all together?

unwanted uninstall of the *whole older-version suite*! Instead of just replacing the individual old version of the new software I purchased!


I was happy with the version of Office suite that I had.  In order to take an Excel class though, I had to purchase and install a new version of Excel -

Excel 2016.

To do this, I had to download the latest Office instead (I have Windows 7 and had an older version of Office Suite which suited me just fine - I had to use MSI-based because Click-to-Run was a problem with this older version - it interfered with other programs on my PC). 

When I let it replace the older programs, I didn't realize it wouldn't just replace the older version of Excel - it would eliminate *EVERYTHING MS Office of that age*. 

I only wanted and purchased the new version of Excel  (not the other programs) because I had to for this class, and did not want it to wipe my whole entire old Office Suite, all the programs - I was happy enough with those, darn it. I don't need to update every program I have, all the time.

I cannot find a way to restore or redownload my previously purchased and happily used suite. I don't want a subscription, and I had deactivated OneNote and Outlook and other features that were unwanted.

I don't want to buy a whole new everything.  Just wanted the new Excel and not the rest of it. I am way not rich.  How can I get my older Office Suite back?

I cannot reach any sort of human to ask, even, without buying a subscription....this is ridiculous.

Brak dźwięku po aktualizacji systemu


Niedawno zmieniłem system z Win 7 na Win 10 i od tamtej pory prawie nic nie działa.

Jedną z najbardziej wkurzających rzeczy jest brak dźwięku.
Szukałem pomocy w google ale nic nie pomagało.
Jak to naprawić?

Windows 10 s installiert anstelle Windows 10 Home


nachdem ich die HDD durch eine SSD getauscht habe. ich komme jetzt nicht mehr auf das Windows 10 Home zurück. Was kann ich tun?

Eine Neuinstallation hilft auch nicht, weil es wieder das 10S installiert.

Actualizacion de windowns (portatil asus ) bucle de reinicio


Hace dos dias windows me obligo a descargar la actualizacion, pues llego a 16% y luego se apago, y volvio a encender, sin embargo solo aparece una letras que  primero dice "intentando recuperar la instalacion " y despues dice "instalando version anterior de windows" despues aparece el simbolo de ASUS  se queda unos segundos hay y cargando la ruedita y luego se torna negra la pantalla, le aparece un cuadro de marco blanco grueso como por 2 segundo y se apaga y vuelve a repetir lo mismo y no arranca solo se queda en el bucle. Que puedo hacer para solucionarlo?.

Nokia Lumia 520.Вылетает из приложений: галерея,вызовы и все родные приложения,а потом телефон перезагружается.

Nokia Lumia 520.Вылетает из приложений: галерея,вызовы и все родные приложения,а потом телефон перезагружается.А пробовал сделать сброс через программу windows device recovery tool,она просто ищет телефон и все.Если ваш телефон не обнаружен тыкал,но ничего не происходит 

No puedo establecer un PIN para inicio de sesión en mi equipo.

Cada vez que intento establecer un PIN para iniciar sesión con él en mi equipo dice que hubo un error. Entonces cuando quiero cambiar la configuración agregando un PIN me aparece lo siguiente: "NO SE PUEDE INICIAR SESIÓN. Hubo un problema al iniciar sesión". Y aparece mi cuenta. Y es todo, no me permite establecer un PIN. ésto sucedió a causa de una actualización del sistema, antes si era posible, ahora no sé qué hacer, ojalá puedan ayudarme. Gracias.

recovery(d) map overige opslag niet zichtbaar

recovery(d) map overige opslag niet zichtbaar

Bloqueio do hotmail

ola ... estou de ferias e fui acessar meu email e bloqueo... tentei desbloquear preenchendo o formulario e enviar pra outro email mas mesmo assim nao foi aceito pela seguranca... tive que criar um novo email pra poder tentar realizar o desbloqueio, gostaria de saber como prossigo ? Se meu telefone esta fora de area ?

min mail adress står på inloggningssidan till hotmail.. Dessutom är lösen offentligt. (Det är windows 10). Hur får man det bort?

min mail adress står på inloggningssidan till hotmail.. Dessutom är lösenordet offentligt. (Det är windows 10). Hur får man det bort?

I can't receive or send email from outlook. I don't want to use gmail. Please help. I have been up all night

I can't receive or send emails from my outlook. I don't want to use gmail. Please help

Skype iOS 9.3.5


iOS 9.3.5  Skype последней версии iPhone 5s 

При звонке в скайпе когда я включаю музыку начало ставить на удержание ,раньше такого не было,в чем проблема?Раньше  я мог общается в скайпе и смотреть видео,сейчас нет,оно начало ставить на удержание

скайп переустанавливал - не помагает

обновлять ios не хочу потому что модель телефона старая 

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