Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Trasferire (vendere) la licenza


Ciao, sono in procinto di vendere il mio PC con installato Windows 10 (aggiornato gratuitamente da Windows 8.1).

Lo venderei con tutta la licenza Windows 10 che a me non serve più. 

E' possibile? Come si fa?

Grazie mille.



若改用手動開啟(以系統管理員開啟cmd輸入指令)則會出現: 無法啟動主控網路。群組或資源不是處在執行要求操作的正確狀態。

點開裝置管理員發現 網路介面卡內沒有Microsoft hosted network virtual adapter 但有Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter


Gain à une loterie

Fractionné à partir de ce thread.

Bonjours voila j'ai reçu un mail donc je sais pas si c'est vous mais je vous fait par donc si ce n'ai pas vous faite le nécessaire .merci


(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
C:\WINDOWS\system32>PowerShell dir $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\*edge*^|ren  -newname MicrosoftEdge.old ; dir $env:windir
\SystemApps\*edge*\AppxManifest.xml ^|Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register ;& mklink /J %PUBLIC%\Desktop\Mi
crosoftEdge.old %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\MicrosoftEdge.old & pause
ren : 对路径“C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe”的访问被拒绝。
所在位置 行:1 字符: 39
+ ... :LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\*edge*|ren  -newname MicrosoftEdge.old ; dir $ ...
+                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (C:\Users\Admini...e_8wekyb3d8bbwe:String) [Rename-Item], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RenameItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand
Add-AppxPackage : 部署失败,原因是 HRESULT: 0x80073D02, 无法安装程序包,原因是它修改的资源当前正在使用中。
错误 0x80004004: 无法安装,因为需要关闭以下应用: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge。
注: 有关其他信息,请在事件日志中查找 [ActivityId] 10b63d5a-ad71-0002-c2bb-b61071add301,或使用命令行 Get-AppxLog -Activ
ityID 10b63d5a-ad71-0002-c2bb-b61071add301
所在位置 行:1 字符: 125
+ ... AppxManifest.xml |Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register ;
+                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (C:\WINDOWS\Syst...ppxManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
为 C:\Users\Public\Desktop\MicrosoftEdge.old <<===>> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Packages\MicrosoftEdge.old 创 建的联接
请按任意键继续. . .

Eddress lookup in Outlook


I figure that if I knew what it was called I might have found the answer myself.

When I address an outgoing message, I enter a letter in the "TO" line and a list of eddresses show up that I can select.  I'll call it a "Sender List"

I had a c-drive failure and am picking Outlook repairs manually.  I believe I have everything except this sender list. 
What is it called?
Where is it located?
How do I pull it out of the backup and install it into the new Outlook installation?

codigo de confirmacion


Hola buenos días, desde hace días he intentado validar mi cuenta de Microsoft infructuosamente pues me pide que complete mi correo, lo completo, y dice que enviaran código a mi correo pero nunca me llega tal correo con mi código.

Mi cuenta es desde esta misma desde la que estoy escribiéndoles. por favor ayúdenme con el codigo

Windows 10 takes an hour to start up


when I start up my computer it gets to a black screen with the little circle going round and round. It takes up to an hour for the sign on screen to finally come up. How do I correct this? This has been going on for a week. Also the speaker icon shows a error and the diagonistic screen comes up and corrects the problem. After this the window works fine, until I have to restart, or turn off and start up. The same black screen comes up eventually and goes round and round for about an hour befor the sign in screen comes up. 

* Moved from Insider

* Original title: Windows 10 start up

Surface Pro 4 Touch Screen Not Working


Hi , This is Ali Al Duhaimi From IRAQ,

My Surface Pro 4 Touch Screen Not Working with my finger! just with the open and some time also not work with the pen ,

Please your reply  

Tenho que pagar o OUTOLOOK

Cada vez que tento entrar no meu email «hotmail» versão outook, aparece a versão premium para pagar. O que faço para reaver minha minha conta no computador? 

Screen goes black after surface logo

I have a surface pro 3. When it boots up it gets to the surface logo and then right after that the screen won't come on at all. I tried pressing up on the volume and power at the same time, going into recovery options but nothing helps. But the screen works fine when I get to recovery it just won't work after it starts up.

Current RS5 Canary 17611.1000 Skip

Multiple accounts


Skype tells me that there are now two Skype accounts associated with the one email address.

How can I merge these two Skype accounts?

clear Bing search history


Clearly, in order to clear my Bing search history I would normally tap Manage History (located directly under the Bing search box)  and then, on the next page, I would tap Clear History. For some reason it is this very page where I would hit Clear History which no longer comes up.  Instead, when I tap Manage History, the next page will be Change History Settings (I do not want to Turn Off History) along with the long list of all my searches.  What is going on?  Why won't the Clear History page pop up after I hit Manage History under my Bing search box? This has not happened before; is it some sort of glitch?

Lumia 535


Cher Microsoft,

C’est tellement sympa de votre part de  me permettre de vous faire part de mes problèmes avec mon téléphone Lumia 535. J’ai récemment saisi votre offre et vous ai adressé 3 requêtes via mon téléphone. Or, à ce jour je n’ai pas reçu de réponse. Vous dites que vous collectionnez mes commentaires pour améliorer vos produits. Au vu du nombre incroyable de problèmes signalés par les utilisateurs sur le forum vos futurs téléphones devraient un jour être au point, c’est tout le mal que je vous souhaite. Toutefois, dans l’immédiat j’aimerais recevoir une réponse à mes problèmes et ceci de la part de Microsoft et non pas d’un utilisateur sur le forum. Si j’ai un problème avec ma voiture je vais voir mon garagiste et non pas un automobiliste qui possède la même voiture pour lui demander de s’occuper de mon problème! D’un autre côté, je sais que le marché de vos téléphones ne pèse pas lourd, ni dans le marché ni dans votre stratégie et ainsi ce n’est pas dans vos priorités de vous occuper des nombreux problèmes signalés. Si c’est bien le cas, j’estime qu’on devrait vous interdire de vendre des téléphones.

A bon entendeur…..et au plaisir de vous lire.

Автоматический запуск программ при загрузке Windows


Добрый день!

После очередного апдейта столкнулся с таким явлением, как автоматический запуск программ и открытие файлов, которые были не закрыты на момент выключения предыдущей работы. Например, выключаю Windows (корректно), при этом в фоновом режиме (свернут в трее) запущен Outlook. После очередного запуска Windows, Outlook запускается автоматически. Если перед выключением Windows закрыть Outlook, после очередного старта он не запускается.

Аналогично с файлами. У меня есть несколько текстовых файлов, ярлыки которых я внёс в автозагрузку (мне они нужны всегда в начале работы). Так вот, eсли я перед выключением Windows их не закрою, то при следующем старте они открываются дважды.

Наверняка, MS добавил какую-то настройку. Как это отключить?

Windows 10 (ver. 1709)


P.S. Пожалуйста, не отвечайте, если не знаете. И не предлагайте переинсталлировать Windows :)

Exporting Contacts

When I try to export my contacts (This Computer Only) from Outlook 2016, I only find the few contacts that are on my ISP email.  Where can I find the file for the "This Computer Only" contacts to export?

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse (USB) Stopped working with Windows 10 - driver update fails and error occurs "The driver installation for this device is missing an


Not sure how this happened. Right after a Windows 10 update my Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse (USB) stopped working with my Windows 10 laptop. The device shows up in device manager with a "Computer Icon" - Unspecified at the top of the Icon and "Microsoft USB optical mouse" at the bottom. "Need troubleshooting" shows up. I've run "sfc scannow " with no errors. When I attempt to let Windows 10 update the driver for Microsoft Hardware USB Mouse I get the following error: "An error occurred during the installation of the device: The driver installation file for this device is missing a necessary entry. Contact you hardware vendor." It's a Microsoft USB mouse so that would Microsoft. 

The USB port works fine with other USB devices, i.e., Smartphone and thumbdrives.

I've reinstalled the USB Hub Drivers. 

Rebooted several times

Removed the device and added again....

Any thoughts on this? Is there a pointer to the driver that I can download and run? 

Problem ein sfc /scannow durchzuführen


Ich möchte einen sfc /scannow über das cmd Eingabefenster als admin durchführen. Ich habe das in den letzten Tagen bereits einige Male gemacht, allerdings immer offline. Zuletzt kam der Hinweis, dass es noch beschädigte Dateien gäbe und um diese zu reparieren, sei eine Internetverbindung notwendig. Da ich kurz zuvor Norton deinstalliert habe (es gab Probleme), habe ich erstmal Norton wieder installiert und einen kompletten Scan aller Dateien durchgeführt. Danach wollte ich das sfc tool nutzen, bin über die Windowstaste ins Suchfeld gegangen und habe cmd als admin angeklickt. Ich hatte mich mit dem admin Konto schon angemeldet. Das Eingabefenster erschien auch. Wenn ich allerdings sfc /scannow eingebe, erhalte ich den Hinweis, dass ich als Administrator angemeldet sein und eine Konsolensitzung ausführen muss. Meines Erachtens mache ich das schon. Warum also wird der scan nicht ausgeführt?

configuração de mudança do windows spotlight

Bom dia, há cerca de 2 semanas atrás, eu instalei uma ISO do windows 10 Pro/64bits com versão 10.0.16299. E depois disso, eu estou tendo um problema com o windows spotlight(destaques do windows). No meu sistema anterior que era windows 10 home single language/64bits de março/2017, o windows spotlight alterava suas imagens em exatas 24 horas. Já no novo sistema do windows 10 pro, as imagens se alternam em cerca de 32,64,25,72 horas. Da última vez, a imagem permaneceu de quarta,quinta,sexta,sábado sem se alternar; no outro sistema o normal era ela mudar de um dia pro outro. Como eu configuro o tempo de mudança do windows spotlight?

Excel Objects

When I embed an object in Excel and save it, it turns into a picture.  How do I stop this from happening?
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