using a conroler to play a game on a laptop
Windows Activation
Hi there...
I had a question about activating windows.
I have already activated it , but recently the windows alerts me that my windows activation will expire soon so what should I do now?
In windows settings' activation part there is a way to change the product key , but is it necessary to change it?
Потерял ключ от Windows 10
Подскажите пожалуйста, имеется ли возможность узнать, через учётную запись Windows, свой ранее зарегистрированный ключ на другой ПК?
Или если есть другая возможность, к железу ключ не привязан и у производителя ПК не узнать.
copy the configuration of my programs to other system of windows 10
hello the first thing,
i have one partition of windows 10 THAT IT'S COMPLETELY BUGGED.
so i am installing new one with the boot etc..
in this old partition i can copy the configuration of my program's
at first windows 10 was a completely disaster.
Skype for Business Web App Not Installing/Working
Can you please offer a fix/ suggestion for why Skype for Business Web App isn't functioning/recognized/loading?
I have three separate computers where I seem to be unable to join Skype for Business meetings via the webapp. I do not have a Skype for Business account, and need to join as a guest. The "Guest, type your name below" screen always has the "Install Skype for Business Web App plugin..." checked. The msi file downloads. I run it. I say to install. Then nothing happens; I'm left waiting for the browser to recognize it's been installed. This occurs for multiple browsers, computers, versions of Windows. If I'm lucky, I might be invited to join the meeting while I wait, but that never works because I don't have audio. A few times I've been able to connect after multiple attempts, sometimes taking up to 10 minutes to resolve. I was once able to find a suggestion to uninstall prior versions, but that didn't work my most recent attempt. Neither of these options should be seen as acceptable - even if they worked reliably.
Right now, I'm just asking everyone to use Blue Jeans or WebEx. Those services work flawlessly. Some of my meetings are international and so the call-in numbers are not viable.
Switching contact picture inserted into sent emails
I have two contact cards for myself in Outlook 2010. My Contacts are synced between my desktop, laptop, phone and other devices using I have two contacts because one contains bare bones contact information for distribution to others. The second contact contains information I do not wish to share. Each contact contains a unique photo of me.
When I send an email, the sent message displays my photo from the wrong contact. I want outlook to link to my other and correct contact when I send an email. Can you tell me how to do this?
compaq presario home pc the speakers
Having trouble with my compaq presario home pc the speakers and audio is NOT working .
enabling .Net 3.5
I followed all the given directions, but I still cannot enable 3.5. Where to now?
This is a Windows 10 Pro installation and I need 3.5 to continue an install of Vsphere for our VM's.
Still throws 0x800F081F, which means it cannot find the source files.
Please advise..
Recording Audio in skype for business using API/SDK
توقف الحاسةب عن العمل بسبب الدخول الى vegnettes windows 8.1
Transparence du menu démarrer
Ceci est une question sans grande importance mais qui m'intrigue..
Il s'agit de la personnalisation du menu démarrer.
J'ai choisi une couleur, et j'ai activé la transparence pour la barre des tâches ET le panneau du menu démarrer.
Or cela ne marche que pour la barre des tâches.. Le panneau démarrer est de couleur uni sans transparence.
Je ne sais pas de quoi cela peut venir. J'ai regardé avec Regedit pour modifier la transparence mais aucun effet.. du moins sur le panneau démarrer.
Si une solution est trouvée je suis sûr qu'elle pourra servir à moi et à d'autres qui cherchent peut-être des heures et des heures en vain..
bonne journée !!
Windows 7 premium obselete
bonjour quand je veux faire les mises a jour windows 7 pack 1 erreur
"WindowsUpdate_80070308" "WindowsUpdate_dt000" c'est quoi ?
word 2016 erneut installieren
beim Zurücksetzen meines Laptops ist mir mein Office Home & Student 2016, verlorengegangen. Wie kann ich es wieder installieren ?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
windows 10,updates gedownload
ik heb laatst Windows 10 ge update , dat duurde een dag en nacht en toen kon ik ze niet installeren, omdat ik de computer weinig gebruik uitgezet en vandaag weer eens aangezet. De updates zijn vandaag allemaal ge download , maar krijg wel de mededeling windows defender antivirus - wachten op installatie, windows programma voorvoor het verwijderen van schadelijke software - wachten op installatie en beveiligingsupdates voor Adobe Flash Player wchten - op installeren, computer ook al een keer uitgezet en weer opnieuw aangezet maar deze mededelingen blijven staan. Maw computer aan maar geen. beilige updates erop.
Schijnt bij veel mensen zo te gaan en wat kan eraan gedaan worden en dan niet hele verhalen over gaan programmeren want das niks voor de gemiddelde gebruiker gewoon makkelijk te begrijpen handelingen svp. Ben al bij a zover dat de computer het raam uit vliegt binnenkort,
USB Automatic Backup
I am operating a Windows 7 HP desktop with a WD external hard drive. I carry a lot of business information on flash drives. Is it possible to automatically backup a flash drive to the WD external hard drive when I plug the flash drive in?
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this question.
copy the configuration of my programs to other system of windows 10
hello the first thing,
i have one partition of windows 10 THAT IT'S COMPLETELY BUGGED.
so i am installing new one with the boot etc..
in this old partition i can copy the configuration of my program's
at first windows 10 was a completely disaster.
Recording Audio in Skype for Business using API/SDK
Проблема с учётной записью Windows 10
extracción clave de producto de licenciamiento
Tengo un portatil ASUS con licencia de Windows 8.
Hace un tiempo microsoft me sugirió actualizar a windows 10 y lo hice.
Ahora, después de formatear el portàtil, me dice que debo activar windows pero me da el error 0x8007232B.
Contacto con asus y no hay forma.
Mepodrían decir como substraer la clave de producto de licenciamiento que debe estar en el HDD para poder validar el Sistema Operativo?