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*** Email address is removed for privacy *** hesabımın ıcınde yenı bır e posta kurdum ve herhangı bır sahıs ana eposta olan *** Email address is removed for privacy *** hesabını sıldı. Sılmesıyle hesey sıfırlandı eskı e posta adresımı gerı getırmek ıstıyorum yardım. 

Photo selection

I have a large selection of photos that I want to transfer to a memory drive. I used to be able to click the first picture, scroll to the last, press shift and select the last picture and all would be selected. Now it will only select one picture at a time. Is there something I can do to rectify this?

Microsoft Outlook


Bom dia  ! 

Como faço para ver as horas de recebimento em dias anteriores?

No meu aplicativo só aparece as horas do dia atual.


Anuncio "TABOOLA"

No cabeçalho do meu e-mail recentemente aparece anúncios, se diz ser de um site tal de "taboola", não autorizei nada, mas não consigo remover de jeito algum, limpei extensões, cookies, histórico de navegador, se tornou um atrapalho pois toda vez que clico está lá na primeira opção,  preciso de ajuda...

Non riesco a connettermi a un servizio di Windows. Non riesco a connettermi al servizio Client di Criteri di gruppo

Dividi da questo thread.

Gentile Franco, 

è da qualche settimana che dopo aver acceso il mio computer portatile, mi appare questo messaggio: "Non riesco a connttermi a un servizio di Windows. Non riesco a connettermi al servizion Client di Criteri di gruppo. Il problema impedisce l'accesso agli utenti standard. Come utente con privilegi amministrativi puoi esaminare il registro eventi di sistema per informazioni sulle cause del problema." 

La versione di Windows che ho è 8.1. Ho avuto una serie di problemi in queste settimane: Chrome si avvia dopo 10/15 minuti dopo aver premuto l'icona. Idem per altri programmi e cartelle. Quando cerco di creare una nuova cartella, si blocca tutto e la cartella non risponde. Quando vado alcune biblioteche il pc non si riesce a connettere alla rete. 

Inoltre, ho notato che avevo ben due antivirus attivati, Avast e McAfee (che ho rimosso). Windows Defender però non riesco a eliminarlo perchè non mi appare l'impostazione di amministratore.

Posso seguire i procedimenti che ha descritto in questo articolo per questo problema? 

Grazie mille, 


Converted from win 7 to 10, skype automatically updated, now dont have any contacts, wont let me sign into old accoutn


Under win 7, i had a separate standalone version of skype. My login name wasnt my email addy. Now under 10, its linked to MS account. I do not have any of my old contacts, and it wont let me sign into my old account since its looking for an email address now (linked to MS).

Any help would be appreciated.

Is the site Instant Software Store safe?



I need to buy Access 2010 and they have it for download. 

The website says that they are certified Microsoft Partner and part of the Microsoft Partner Network.

Thank you.




I have a 5 year old lap top (no I can't afford a new one) and it came with MS Office pre installed and no disc, no disc drive in the laptop.

I recently had a problem and had to do a full reset of my laptop.

After the reset, all my Office programs were gone.

Now, when I try to get them back, Microsoft wants me to buy a new product (can't afford that either).

All I want is my original pre installed software back.

I have tried Googling it  but it just gives me fake product, or things with viruses.

Can anyone, anyone at all help me.

Thank you!

deactivering licentie

Ik heb lang geleden een officiele versie van "office home and student 2010" geinstalleerd op de PC van mijn dochter. DVD heb ik nog met license key. PC van mijn dochter is gecrashed en geeft geen teken van leven niet meer. Nieuwe PC gekocht. Probeer nu ofiice 2010 te installeren, maar bij het openen krijg ik de melding dat het maximum van licenties bereikt is. Hoe kan de oude licentie verwijderd worden ? Ik heb de oude PC nog, maar hij start niet meer op. Bedankt



Meu teclado não está funcionando algumas teclas como: ( i, k, m, o, u, y, n) O que pode está causando isso?

OBS: Estou escrevendo no teclado virtual. Aguardando a resposta. 

Temporary files

I have 27.8GB in temp files, I want to delete them but I'm unsure as to what they are, if I delete them will it delete any of my saved work?

Recovery Drive D:

How to make more space in my Recovery drive D: ?

950 xl scherm reageert niet meer


Zomaar opeens reageert het scherm niet meer op aanrakingen.

batterij eruit gehaald paar keer,

koude herstart gedaan.

niks helpt.

rare is dat mijn appjes op de computer wel gewoon binnenkomen en verstuurd kunnen worden.

ik kom niet verder dan het aanmeld/startscherm op de foon want hij reageert niet op aanrakingen.




When trying to quick repair my office 365 software I get error 30015-13. When reinstalling completely I get error 30015-11 (2). Needless to say that it urgent for me since I use the software on a daily basis for my work.I have tried many thing as suggested onn internet but the same error remains.

I can't access Outlook mail on Chrome


Whenever I go to access Outlook mail in Chrome, I get an error message saying 'Something Went Wrong'. It asks me to refresh and I do so, but the same thing happens. Can you fix this/tell me how to fix it, and tell me what's wrong please.

The error code which comes up is this: 

cId: 08AF6FECB624435893E428FA0C9E355A
app: Mail
st: 500
reqid: undefined
wsver: undefined
efe: undefined
ebe: undefined
et: ClientError
esrc: Bootstrap
err: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
estack: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:198)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
    at Window.addEventListener (<anonymous>:1:256)
ts: 2/24/2018 2:46:53 PM

La cuenta XXX no permite hacer modificaciones en un MAC.


Al abrir cualquier archivo word en mi MAC, se me abre en modo "Vista solo", sin poder editarlo aunque sea la autora del mismo. Tampoco 

puedo modificar, guardar ni imprimir ningún otro archivo asociado al Office 365.

En la cabecera aparece el siguiente mensaje: "La cuenta XXX no permite hacer modificaciones en un Mac. Para obtener más información sobre su plan de Office, póngase en contacto con su administrador".

Soy la administradora del equipo y, hasta el momento, no había tenido ningún problema al utilizar mi cuenta Office 365 en mi Mac. Al revisar mi licencia de Office365, veo que está instalada en mis 2 equipos, sin embargo, solo en el Mac me da este problema.

Agradecería una solución a la mayor brevedad posible.

Microsoft 640xl (Error:unable to find a bootable option)


Quisera saber saber cual es el problema o el por qué sale este error en mi windows phone (Error:Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down) y si tiene o no solucion.

Ya intente hacer reset pero no da.

Intente usar Windows recovery tool y no fuciona ya que el telefono tiene que estar encendido para que lo reconozca por lo tanto no funciona.

Espero y me puedan ayudar...Es que me costo bastante comprar este microsoft y en 2 meses pasa esto...

Mouse I think

Computer stuck on the microsoft screen saver ...you know with all the nice pictures. Mouse is not working ...I tried other mice no good...I have rebooted several times

Personalized URL


Please I am using skype for business basic, and I want to know how to get and send personalized URL to people I invite to meeting.

Again, I understand I can invite up to 250 people, and do they have to have skype for business or regular skype?

Thank you.

Non riesco a scaricare programmi della Agenzia delle Entrate IVP.17.jnlp per adempienze fiscali



Ho windows 10 Pro N Vers 1709 con tutti gli aggiornamenti di Febbraio 2018.

Con grande  sorpresa ho provato a scaricare alcuni programmi dell' Agenzia delle Entrate .jnlp che si aprono automaticamente.

Invece si apre Adobe Reader e mi dice file non compatibile  o corrotto.

Premetto che sino a Ottobre 2017 ho regolarmente scaricato e compilato questi programmi.

Ho provato a aggiornare Java IRE in tutti  modi.

Ho provato con altro computer.

Aiuto devo compilare le dichiarazioni.

Problema di windows+ java?  O gli ultimi aggiornamenti non fanno leggere java?



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