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Titres de fichiers fantômes ...



Débutante sur One Drive, j’ai fait la bêtise de jeter à partir du dossier One Drive depuis mon ordinateur, deux fichiers Word, dont je n’avais plus l’utilité, dans la Corbeille (icône sur le Bureau) et j’ai vidé la Corbeille.

Hors, les titres de ces deux fichiers apparaissent toujours dans l’application Word de mon smartphone et je ne parviens pas à les supprimer. Lorsque j’essaie de supprimer ces titres, une info bulle me dit qu’ils ont été « renommés, déplacés ou supprimés » et parfois, que je n’ai pas « l’autorisation pour les supprimer » ou bien un des deux disparaît et réapparait à la réouverture de Word.

Pouvez-vous me dire comment procéder pour supprimer définitivement sur Word ces deux titres de fichiers devenus fantômes ?

Merci d’avance.




DNS server not responding/no network access

Hi. So I've been using windows 10 for a while and it hasn't had any issues until yesterday. The wifi was working fine but then it suddenly stopped working. I'm still connected and it says there is internet access but it comes up with 'DNS server isn't responding'. When I check the status of my connection it says IPv4: internet and IPv6: no network access. I've tried all sorts of YouTube solutions but none seem to work. It's not just my laptop, it seems to be happening to all of the devices connected to the modem. Please help!!!

Windows 10 fica com audio corrompido e reinicia


Boa noite,

Há 1 mês comprei um lenovo ideapad 110 com windows 10 home.

É muito bom o aparelho, atende minhas necessidades, enfim.

O único problema é que as vezes o sistema fica com o som corrompido, como se tivesse com defeito e depois ele reinicia sozinho, voltando o som ao normal. Uma vez eu escutava musica, daí começou a ser reproduzida lentamente e com chiados, até reiniciar só.

Porém o uso das telas permanece normal.

Outro detalhe é que as vezes o som ou as teclas aumentar volume, microfone on/off , etc, e barra de tarefas não funcionam , daí o sistema trava e eu preciso reiniciar.

O que seriam estes erros no windows


Windows 10 1703 problem? HDMI/DVI monitor not available on 1703 system, but works on 1607 system

My Dell SE198WFP monitor, which I previously occasionally connected to my Asus Zenbook UX305CA Signature Edition via micro HDMI to DVI, fails to show up.  The Zenbook is Windows 10 64 bit 1703.  My old HP Netbook, Windows 10 Pro 32 bit 1607, still can connect HDMI to DVI, so I suspect something ugly happened in the 1703 update on the Zenbook.  How can I get my Asus Zenbook to detect the Dell SE198WFP Monitor Driver?

1pm subtree


I just installed Windows 10 into my PC and am using Outlook for email.  Some files labeled 1pm SubTrees have appeared.  What are they?

Windows 10 Creator?


I just finished getting this update.  Can someone tell me how much memory it took up.  I don't use ANY of the nice things offered, that I am sure others do.  If it's just increased security, that fine...But I don't use any of the apps that I am aware except Windows Live Mail, which I am thankful is working still ,  This computer only has 6 GB memory so I don't want unnecessary files.

Thanks for any information, should  I delete ONE drive etc etc..




So, Microsoft wants me to focus on specific E-mails. Why do I care about the Roto Rotter guy that came to my house a year ago. This feature is pushing me to cancel my account and go to gmail even though it involves notifying my hundreds of contacts. Let's not even talk about the spam it wants me to focus on! Even posting this becomes impossible because of drop down choices. My wife only gets focused e-mails on her phone nas has to go to her computer to see what's relevant.

mensajes eliminadosssss

buenas noches necesito ayuda urgente!!! al abrir mi correo me pedia que actualizara mi informacion osea mi correo opcional y al hacer instalo outlook.com y me quedo totalmente vacia la cuenta quedo como recian creada y necesito recuperar mir correos en bandeja de entrada son importantes ayuda por favorrrr

Vertical Box Opens on ALL new docs

I wish I could attach a screen shot... but basically when ever I open a new Word document I now have a vertical box that I can not get rid of. I need help fast.

have been playing caesars casino for a while and accumulated many free coins and spend much money and now it gives me an oops something wrong and cant retrieve my free coins.

why cant I retrieve free coins after playing for a long time and spending a lot of money I get an oops something is wrong message and everything else works

Backup em uma partição já definida


Tenho uma partição de disco com 51.200 MB com nome de (Backup). Acontece quê quando vou efetuar o mesmo, acusa uma mensagem de ( Local de Rede). Posso usar a partição como backup, sim ou não! Obs: Não é para formatação do disco (C:), e só

para proteção de arquivos e segurança. Grato!

Телефон стал работать неправильно.


Помогите пожалуйста., ни чего не понимаю.
Несколько дней назад с рук взяла телефон Nokia Lumia 520.
интернета не было доступного, проверила так, вроде все работало нормально.
И с мобильным интернетом тоже все было норм.
Спустя 4 дня, утром включила интернет, и все на телефоне стало прыгать, меню, программы сами заходят по себе. 
Выключила передачу данных, вроде перестал прыгать. Снова включила, поработал 5 минут нормально и снова стал прыгать..:(((
Помогите пожалуйста, не знаю что делать, не разбираюсь сильно в этом во всем...

Windows 10 Graphics Card Problems

Hello all. I have just gotten my computer back from being fixed (a new motherboard and battery were installed), only to find that my graphics card was being listed as the Microsoft Basic Display Driver. I looked into the issue, and was basically told to go to the device manager, go under Display Adapters, and update my driver. To my dismay, I found that no such tab appeared on the device manager. I went to try Windows System Restore but had no backups to restore to. I am using a Dell Inspiron 5555, and it's not even a year old at this point. What should I do?

Error code 30015-6 (-1)


I am trying to install office 2016 professional. I keep getting  error code 30015-6 (1)

Foto Synchronisation


Gute Tag,

Wie kann ich einstellen dass Bilder die ueber den automatischen Upload vom Windows Phone auf der One Drive landen auch wieder geloescht werden sobald ich sie auf dem phone loesche?

Besten Dank.


I have received an email in Russian and I want to translate it into English, I am running Windows 10, how do I translate the email?

my word documents are no longer centred on the screen, they fill the screen


It is something I have done I am sure, but I don't know what

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

Windows 10 for Education. No puedo iniciar sesión y recién instale el sistema operativo.


Hola. Recién instale el sistema operativo Windows 10 for Education que me facilita mi universidad. Al momento de querer iniciar sesión me aparece el siguiente mensaje:

"No podemos conectarnos en este momento. Comprueba tu red e inténtalo de nuevo más tarde".

Ya revisé las conexiones y todo está bien, WiFi y por cable y sigue sin dejarme iniciar sesión. ¿Qué es lo que se debe de hacer? Mi usuario y contraseña son los que uso en la universidad. Gracias.

restoring my computer to factory setting

hi i have a emachineel1358g-51 and need help in setting it to factory setting

Как cделать запись голоса будто через Skype?


Пусть звучит странно, ребята, как можно сделать свой голос (акапеллу) как в Skype?

Чем сжать(и разжать) или как перекодировать чтобы звучало так же?

Есть варианты?

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