Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Problemas de audio y conexión


Desde hace un tiempo me conecta desde mi mac a skype y a la persona que llamo me escucha pero yo a el no, luego de unos segundos la llamada se corta.

Como puedo solucionar esto ?

Can't access Windows Store


In spite of having an internet connection that is working just fine (I'm able to post this issue on the answers.microsoft.com site), I get the error message "Check your internet connection and try again. We couldn't connect to the server." Code: 0x80072EFD CV: 3GNcIUF+kU2y2ZKM

I have tried all of the suggestions at this link: 


Nothing works

Email address for a complaint, and or a postal address so that I can send a letter to someone detailing my complaint.


I have asked the "chat" function whether i can reverse the ridiculous update to microsoft online outlook to no avail.  She instead transferred me to a call that was absolutely no help either and told me to look in the community.  

All I want to know is if I can reverse the ridiculous changes that microsoft keep bringing out to its email program, if not then I will close my account.

its a very simple question, basically Yes or No?

And also if there is an email address or a postal address of someone somewhere who I can relay my complain to, and will reply accordingly.  

kan ikke installere eller avinstallere noen programmer lenger, office programmene vil ikke åpnes

jeg har flere problemer som har oppstått og vart i ett par år nå på min pc, for det første kan jeg ikke laste ned eller avinstallere noen programmer lenger, også fungerer ingen av mine office programmer, hva kan jeg gjøre for å fikse dette?

Stamps.com Your time and money


Some times trying to print a 46c stamp the cost is deducted and the stamp will not print, this has been a going on issue for a long time.

Then we are forced to spend time to gather up and make copies then spend more money to mail the stuff to them in an effort to regain lost money, what a farce, Stamps.com knows they have problems at times and they are unable to fix or correct it. They make us customers jump through the holes, spending time and money to recoup lost postage monies caused by there errors. Same, Shame.

Bar Charts

I have created a bar chart for sales turnover.  Is there a way I can have 2 figures for each bar.  Example if May has £20,000 as turnover showing Blue on the chart  can the bar show a different colour to show that £15,000.00 of that is Labour costs?  

Outlook - forwarding a recurrence meeting invitation issue


One of the Users while forwarding a recurrence meeting invitation is facing following issue:

Instead of sending one meeting message, User sends few separate messages for the few following days (f.e. for each meeting days in the following two weeks) and one message for the time from last message to the end of recurrence.

So f.e. 

If meeting is reoccurring every day since 24/05 to 12/12 User forwards following messages:

- one for each day:





- one message for 09/06-12/12 

Has someone faced this issue also?

Thank you for every respond

Windows 10 Calendar App defaulting reminder settings

In the Windows 10 Calendar App, I understand that the 15 default for an event reminder cannot be changed - that's frustrating in itself as I would like to be able to set the option to "none" as we used to be able to do in Outlook.  My problem is that when I try to change the default 15 minutes to "none", and then save the event, it then defaults to 24 hours!  And won't be changed from that.  Could I have some advice on how to stop this happening?  Thanks

Invitations aux membres qui ne possèdent pas de compte skype


Bonjour à tous,

Je voulais savoir comment générer l'URL permettant d'inviter des personnes qui n'ont pas de compte skype sur Skype Entreprise.

Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

Contenu de PendingRenames, PendingDeletes et InFlight



Puis-je supprimer le contenu de ces dossiers (pas les dossiers eux-mêmes donc)?

Ils sont tous les trois situés dans C:\Windows\WinSxS\Temp

D'avance, merci pour vos réponses.

Windows 10 - Erro e Reinicialização



Recentemente fiz a instalação do Windows 10 em meu computador, porem estou tendo um problema muito incomodo com a reinicialização do computador em períodos aleatórios, entra na tela azul de erro do windows e reinicia o computar, já fiz todas as atualizações de drivers e desabilitei programas não essenciais para o sistema, ainda assim o problema continua, se alguém tiver uma solução fico muito agradecido. Os erros ão os seguintes:

-kernel security check failure;

-memory management;

-pfn list corrupt;

-bad pool header.

Windows Defender


Olá, sobre meu Windows Defender ele não inicia dá erro 0x80070422, já tentei buscar uma solução em alguns comando como no "Prompt de Comando" e no "Executar" porém não consegui resolver de nem uma das formas, sendo que não possuo outro app de anti-vírus em meu computador.

Por favor me ajude a resolver, pois tenho medo de ficar sem proteção com Malware, mas o windows defender nao esta sendo possivel reativar. Tentei reativar em "services.msc", mas nao se e encontrado o serviço windows defender, em "regedit" encontrei uma linha com "disable windows defender" em hkey local mackine ... , deletei a linha , mesmo assim nao consegui ativa-lo. Erro (O serviço não pode ser iniciado porque esta desativado ou nao tem dispositivos ativos associados , erro 0x80070422. Alguem poderia ajudar???

My Windows 10 Pro Upgrade from v.14393 (1607) to v.15063 (1703) Fails for the 2nd time


Upgrading from v.14393 (1607) to v.15063 (1703) Fails for the 2nd time. Whats going on, is it because of my location (DAN) or my SSD, or a (secret C: drive on my system I'm not aware of)? See uploaded pictures. Any help is highly appreciated!

Change screensaver settings to less than 1 minute interval etc.

I  have windows 8.1. I would like to alter my screensaver so that it always activates within 2-5 seconds of my not pressing a button. I would also like my screensaver to keep on working even if I am watching a dvd without pressing a key.I have themes downloaded and these seem to be blocking the screensaver(that is the screensaver image under "personalise" seems to have a red circle around it) and would like to see if both could be used without blocking the other. Any help appreciated! Thanks!

No input accepted in Turbo C++

I have downloaded every C++ available on the internet for Windows 10 and even windows 8, but i still find the same problem in every one of them. No input is being accepted from my laptop's keyboard. All of its functions and menus work 100% fine but i cant just type anything in it. Even the arrow keys don't work. I have Windows 10(64-bit). I have searched for answers but haven't got any solutions at all. I haven't tried using an external keyboard cause I dont have one. I would really like it if someone would help me out.

how do i hook up my printer


I have a hp computer and need to hook up my printer

Completely blocking a sender

Is it possible to completely block a sender on Outlook (I don't want the e-mails going to my junk e-mails - I want them completely blocked)? I am using Outlook 2010. This sender (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) is bombing me with all sorts of **** mail hourly.

Supprimer un site parasite qui s'affiche à chaque ouverture de Chrome



J'ai voulu me débarrasser de Bing et j'ai consulté (un peu rapidement) le premier site qui s'affichait et qui se nomme "comment-supprimer.com". Bing est pratiquement résolu (sans cette aide) mais chaque fois que je sollicite Google-Chrome depuis (que j'utilise depuis des années) cette page "comment-supprimer.com s'affiche d'office.

J'ai utilisé toutes les ficelles de mes très modestes connaissances sans avoir réussi à me séparer de ce boulet. Je ne trouve pas le point d'accroche.

Je sollicite donc des conseils appropriés pour ce faire.

Merci d'avance.


I am getting O365 login prompt while typing an email.



I am getting o365 login prompt in the middle of an email I am typing. This login prompt doesn't come everyday and we can not reproduce as it needs to be prompt automatically.

our environment is

      -  Windows 10

      -  O365  with office version 2016  

Windows update

Hi so today i tried to downloadwindows update but the update gets stuck at 0% although on glasswire (wich is a data consumption monitor software) windows service is consuming data in a high rate (that means its downloading)  so i wonder should i wait it out? or what?  i have a limited data planand and  i dont want to waste data on nothing 
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