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I am using a Dell XPS 8900 with a RealTek ALC 3861 sound card and I currently do not have any audio. I ran in safe mode and same problem occurs. In device manager under system devices, I have High Definition Audio Controller listed twice with a code 39 error message. I have downloaded the correct drivers multiple times via realtek's website and Dell's website and same problem occurs. I have removed both of them multiple times but to no avail. Under Sound, Video and game controllers, it only has my BeatsSolo Wireless Stereo and Mono listed and not the RealTek driver. I have removed both multiple times as well and tried installing the drivers for the sound card multiple times but is still not working. Any other ideas?

Skype para Windows 10 não detecta minha webcam nem o microfone dela. O Skype antigo sim.


Comecei a utilizar o Skype para Windows 10, depois de uma certa resistência, por estar acostumado com o antigo. Porém, percebi que o Skype para Windows 10 simplesmente não detecta a minha webcam e nem o microfone embutido nela. O Skype antigo detecta os dois e funciona perfeitamente.

Em chamadas com uma mesma pessoa, usando tanto o Skype antigo quanto o Skype para Windows 10, o Skype antigo é capaz de exibir minha webcam e detectar o som normalmente, o que não acontece com o Skype para Windows 10, que simplesmente não exibe imagem nenhuma da minha webcam e alega que meu microfone está com algum problema.

Nas configurações do Skype para Windows 10, ativar a opção "Testar Vídeo" não faz nenhuma diferença.

Achei esse erro um tanto estranho, principalmente por tudo funcionar no Skype antigo e não funcionar no novo. Posso continuar usando o antigo normalmente, só que, eu gostei do Skype para Windows 10 e seria bom se ele funcionasse perfeitamente.


How to delete a partition?

sharepoint online 에서 글꼴질문이요.

sharepoint online 에서 글꼴 추가해서 변경이 가능한가요?

Adding New Tables & Forms in a Split database


Dear All;

I just need your opinion on this issue below:

(A) I need to add three new tables in my application:


(1) I will create all of them in the Back end and use entity relationship within the back-end

(2) Create also the required forms within the back-end 

(3) Create new query required within the back-end

(4) Create a new report based on the new data query created with within the back-end

Finally close the BE and login the FE and import the following:

(1) New table links

(2) Forms linked to new tables

(3) New query

(4) New report

After that close the FE and open again the BE , this time now DELETE the new forms , query and report to ensure that they only remain in FE as part of FE. What I want to archive here is to ensure that the BE contain only tables nothing else and the FE contain :

(1) Macros

(2) Forms

(3) Queries

(4) Reports

(5) Modules




Office 365 Admin Center - Get List of Services



Under Office 365->Admin Center -> Settings -> Services and Add-ins , I want to retrieve the list of all Add-Ins and Services using POWERSHELL.

 The command-Let , Get-AzureADApplication, gets me the list of Add-Ins only and not the services. 

Can you help me getting to know the cmd-let through which I can retrieve the list of services that are listed here?

Выбор псевдонима при отправке почты в приложении outlook на android

Имеется аккаунт Microsoft. В нем используется почта формата *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Также добавлен псевдоним формата *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. При отправке почты в web-версии Outlook.com в поле "От кого" можно выбрать либо *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, либо *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Как в приложении outlook на android отправлять письма с почты *** Email address is removed for privacy ***?
Приложение при входе в учетную запись через *** Email address is removed for privacy *** видит только почту *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, при входе через *** Email address is removed for privacy *** видит сгенерированную почту формата *** Email address is removed for privacy *** и почту *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Однако, почты *** Email address is removed for privacy *** нигде нет.

trasferimento contatti da Outlook verso Iphone in formato CSV



Ho salvato da Outlook un file con contatti excel in formato .csv (non mi dava altra opzione) e li devo trasferire su iphone conseguentemente necessito che i contatti siano in Vcard.

Come faccio per convertirli?


Can't change my display name in Outlook.com?


Just recently, I had a problem with my display name suddenly changing to another one. For example: Eddie used to be my display name and it would say From: Eddie to the recipients of my emails. Now, my display name changed to some other name that I absolutely do not recognize and I have no idea how to change things back.

I tried changing my account name and Skype name, but it would not register in Outlook.com. I checked to see if there were any connected accounts screwing with my display name but I never connected any other email account in the first place. I've spent hours searching for a solution online and so far, none have worked.

Can someone help me with this?

retour manette sav



combien de temps dure la livraison pour un retour manette du sav en general?


Outlook Calendar contents disappeared


I am using Microsoft Office 2011 pack for Macs.

This morning my computer ran some routine updates and after restart my Outlook Calendar re-opened spankin empty of any content there was. Contents of this calendar would never sync with my Mac devises due to technical incompatibility so I don't have any backup. I can't find any .pst or .olm files on my Mac to restore from either. This is a disaster!

In Skype conversations (Scanalized it's not obvious) how do you italicize text?

In Skype conversations (Scanalized it's not obvious) how do you italicize text?

Resolución pantalla, letras reflejo blanco, pixelado



Tengo el windows 7 y la pantalla se ve muy mal, de muy poca calidad en general.

La gráfica está actualizada, en las opciones de resolución de pantalla ya he mirado y nada.

Se nota sobre todo en el texto, que hay como un reflejo blanco alrededor, y todo en general se ve como un poco pixelado, imagen de muy poca calidad en general.

Qué puedo hacer?

Powerpoint animatie



Deze computer dummy heeft haar powerpoint presentatie mét animatie opgeslagen als: PowerPoint-presentatie (*.pptx).

Deze presentatie moest nog verder bewerkt worden, helaas met het openen ervan kan ik de gemaakte Dia's niet meer bewerken. Alsook de animaties zijn verdwenen. 

Kan dit verholpen worden? 

Hopelijk wel, anders hele nacht voor niets doorgewerkt, en vanalles kwijt... .

Om dit te voorkomen:

Hoe moet ik deze in het vervolg opslaan? (1 als ik ze nog volledig moet bewerken en 2 als ik ze definitief wil opslaan om te presenteren. )

Graag stap voor stap uitleggen aub tx 

kann mich nicht anmelden. kennt jemand diese Fehler Meldung?

Hilfe, ich komm nicht weiter. Seit gestern habe ich diese Fehlermeldung. Kann mir wer helfen. Pc ist erst 4 mobate alt. Er starter, und startet. Dann zeigt er die Meldung an, dann neu Start. Habe Systeme Wiederherstellung gestartet, Problem nicht gelöst. 

'Undeliverable' message relating to an unrecognized email address

I just had a postmaster email telling me that an email I sent was undeliverable but it mentioned a different address to the one I sent the email to. However, although I have never seen it before the alternative address does look like it could relate to the person I sent the original email to. How can this happen?

Suddenly Screen gone blank


I am facing a problem with my computer as computer screen gone black and after some time again it restore , some times it happens 6 and 7 times, in a day,  kindly let me know if you any solution for it,

Window 10 home single use,


Rahul Sharma


Apex d spa

New Delhi

Licencias TS


Buenos días,

estamos en proceso de actualización de nuestra infraestructura. Actualmente tenemos 4 servidores:

  1. Windows 2003: actúa como servidor de TS (y tiene las licencias por dispositivo)
  2. Windows 2008: actúa como DC, DNS, DHCP, FS
  3. Windows 2008: SQL Server 2005, servidor de impresión, Navision 2009
  4. Windows 2012: SQL Server 2014 y Dynamics NAV (nuevo, migrando)

Queremos que el servidor 3. sea el nuevo servidor de TS y así poder prescindir del antiguo servidor 1. con 2003.

La otra opción sería instalar el servidor 4. como servidor de TS, pero no me gusta la idea de tener NAV, SQL Server y que a su vez sea TS.

¿Qué opináis sobre esta última opción (instalar TS en el mismo server que NAV y SQL?

¿Se pueden traspasar las licencias de TS del 2003 al 2008 o al 2012? De no ser posible, ¿se pueden adquirir licencias de TS para 2008?

Gracias, un saludo.




数字A1=13.4  A2=-10.6 A3=-3.1 A4=0.3   IF(SUM(A1:A4)<>0,"ERR",0)でゼロ判定が出来ずERRとなる。

また、A1=-20.0  A2=42.2  A3=-20.4 A4=-1.8 も同じようにゼロ判定ができない。



Office 365 Sharepoint als Ort hinufügen in Word 2016 ist nicht möglich



beim Versuch O365 Sharepoint als Ort in Word 2016 hinzuzufügen, hat sich folgendes Problem ergeben.
Jedes Mal wenn ich versuche Sharepoint hinzuzufügen kommt lediglich die "Einen Dienst hinzufügen" Maske, nach Eingabe der O365 Adresse und Betätigung von Weiter verschwindet die Maske wo normalerweise die Anmeldeseite von O365 auftauchen sollte und der Prozess kann beliebig oft ohne Ergebnis wiederholt werden.

Welche Ursachen kann das haben ?
Es passiert nur auf einem Gerät, auf anderen Geräten scheint es ordnungsgemäß zu funktionieren.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe vorab !

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