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デスクトップに作成されたフォルダ「removable storage service」の削除方法


あらたなPCにwindows10をインストールしました。その後、ドライバー、アプリケーションのインストール、環境設定を行いようやく終わった矢先にデスクトップアイコンにインストール等した覚えのないフォルダアイコンが出来ていました。それが「removable storage service」です。何だろうと思って開くとBlu-rayドライブやUSBドライブの一覧が表示されていました。デスクトップアイコンに「PC」を表示させているので、不要なため削除しようとしてこのフォルダを右クリックしましたが、「開く、クイックアクセスにピン止め、スタートピンにピン止め、ショートカットの作成」しかなく削除出来ません。



Call of duty modern warfare 2

After the last big update from windows 10 my game will no longer launch can anyone help?

Ever waited for an update to download forever nearly? Me too. Troubleshooter tries and fails to fix permanently.

webcam not working in windows 8.1

The webcam "Camera Sensor OV2722" on my Lenovo Thinkpad 10 with Windows 8.1 stop working after some unknow upgrade. The imaging device is "Intel Imaging Signal Processor 2400", rear cam is "Camera Sensor IMX175" (working well) and front cam is "Camera Sensor OV2722". In device manager i have updated all driver also from Lenovo website.

What I can do ? thanks



Buenas tardes la presente es para informar que tengo problemas para acceder a mi correo Institucional.

me una ves que ingreso mi usuario y contraseña me carga la pagina principal del correo y al finalizar me aparece el siguiente mensaje de error.

X-ClientId: 611C61A024C14D8E86242092662CEBEE
request-id: c46b139e-0771-4628-b83d-272a2f1141f2
X-OWA-Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.DatabaseNotFoundException
X-OWA-Version: 15.1.1124.7
X-FEServer: MWHPR21CA0007
X-BEServer: MWHPR13MB1069
Date: 23/05/2017 20:45:19
InnerException: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.DatabaseNotFoundException

Insider 16199 170513-2252 - Photo & Films & TV apps are not updated from Store

Lumia 535 com bloqueio de tela, contagem regressiva e bloqueio no site


Caros, boa tarde. 

Meu celular lumia 535, apareceu 1238888 minutos para digitar nova senha, quase dois anos e meio pra desbloqueio do telefone.

tentei pelo site, localizar/bloquear, porém piorou, continua bloqueado e agora também bloqueado no site windowsphone.com. 

Tenho muitos arquivos e videos, não gostaria de perde-los.

Existe alguma maneira de desbloquear o telefone, tanto a tela quanto o no site windowsphone.com. E sem perder as fotos e videos?



Aggiornamento a Windows 10 non più possibile


Buonasera, avevo gia' prenotato l'aggiornamento a w10 da w7 che ho ad oggi installato nel mio pc. Il pc mi risultava compatibile a w10 e il controllo per la compatibilita' non aveva rilevato alcun problema. Circa una settimana fa' l'icona della bandierina di aggiornamento per w10 era scomparsa, dopo alcuni giorni e' ricomparsa nella barra delle applicazioni, ma un ulteriore controllo mi segnalava che il mio pc non era piu' compatibile per un problema di CPU. Quindi ho ritenuto necessario annullare la prenotazione per non incorrere in eventuali problemi al momento dell'installazione dell'aggiornamento in oggetto. Ho secondo voi fatto bene, o e' il caso di aspettare un ulteriore controllo del pc, quando verra' lanciato di nuovo automaticamente? Ora che ho annullato la prenotazione che devo fare eventualmente per riaverlo se i requisiti ritornassero ottimali. Grazie Andrea.

aggiornamento kb3035583

Salve, oggi dopo aver cancellato la prenotazione a w10 perche' il mio pc non supporta tale so mi si e' ripresentato in windows update l'aggiornamento KB3035583, quello che installa la bandierina di windows 10 " ottieni windows 10" . Questo aggiornamento l'avevo gia' installato il 17 luglio e mi e' stato riproposto in data 05 ottobre. Ora che devo fare, dato che a me non interessa w10, lo posso nascondere o lo devo installare comunque??? Grazie Andrea

How to view photos in a Slideshow in Windows 10?

  1. Open Microsoft Media Player.
  2. Drag and drop your photo folder(s) to the Play list (on the right side of the window) and click play.
  3. It will play a slideshow of your photos AND videos - pretty cool, eh?

I spent the past hour looking up how to run a slideshow in Windows 10. Since MS decided to discontinue Windows Media Center (WMC) from Windows 10, I had to find a new slideshow viewer, and there is no clear way to run one. If you search Windows 10 for "Slideshow" you get exactly NOTHING.

The Photo App in Windows 10 is awful and doesn't have a slideshow option. Hello? Microsoft? Photo App? Slideshow? 

Also, the Slideshow Icon that used to be in Explorer when you selected photos isn't there anymore.

And also as well too - you can download a slideshow App from the MS Store that will show ads on your family photos until you pay to have them go away. Yay. Progress.

Instead of using Media Player, I'd prefer to use the old Windows Media Center application that had the nifty zoom and border options - real slideshow options.

If there is such an application for Windows 10 - please do share.


Remote desktop non si collega e nessun flusso video viene riprodotto

Dalle ultime build di Windows r2 non riesco più a stabilire connessione desktop remoto con pc che monta versione ufficiale di Windows 10 con tutti gli aggiornamenti, neanche l'assistenza di Windows, stessa cosa con i video in streaming (esempio youtube), gradirei qualche dritta














2017/4/21 更新(製品カテゴリ誤っておりました。)




Dell: Vostro Desktop 3268

CPU: i3-7100

メモリ: 4G

HDD: 500G




MS Word 2010 - Auto restart numbering in word file


Hi guys,

i am using a large word mail merge file for printing official letters for employees which has numbering.

The file once saved after mail merge continues the numbering in all the letters.

Can i set the restart numbering by default in all the pages?

Please suggest.

Thank You!


Excel - Adding seconds to time and date

Currently we are importing data and then changing the date and time using a custom format to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss and then saving as a .CSV .  When we reopen the file the time has left off the seconds, this has just started happening in the last week before this it worked fine.  Do you have a fix or has anyone experienced this issue as of late?

Security warning when activating links in a PDF document created from a word document


 Hi all.

I have written an article about my family history using word 2013. My computer is running Microsoft Windows 10. Having written the document there are many pictures of certificates which I want the reader to be able to refer to as he reads the document. I have stored these in the same folder as the word document and use the "Same Folder" option when setting the hyperlink up in the word document.

The system works fine in Word but when I convert to a PDF every time a reader tries to access one of the linked files the following pop up appears.

This is frustrating but even more frustrating is that after clicking allow another pop up window appears. Is there any way of preventing these pop ups?

Any advise would be appreciated.


Cannot edit on office for mac with my student account


Hi, i am a student and have the license to office 365 student edition. I am currently using a macbook air and it does not seem to allow me to edit documents as it use to before. Rather, it keeps showing this. (Refer to attached screenshot 1)

Additionally, every time i try to sign in with a different account, this will come up. (Refer to attached screenshot 2)

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Why does my original computer have more files than my new computer on OneDrive?


a week ago I put in a new computer with windows 10 just like my older computer.  After signing into OneDrive on the new computer I  can only see about half on my pictures. Is there a download feature or a refresh feature? Just to double check, how can I verify my sign in user name on the old computer? thanks 

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***








Aplikace se nespustí - "načítám" (windows10mobile)


Když chci spustit některou aplikaci na windows 10 mobile, tak se mi nepustí, akorát se mi na černé obrazovce zobrazí text "Načítám..." a běhá mi tam 5 modrých teček. Poradíte mi prosím jak to opravit? 

Rád bych takové řešení, kde bych nepřišel o své údaje v aplikacích, např. v mé aplikaci pro poznámky a úkoly, kterou nemám synchronizovanou ani zálohovanou (bojím se že obnovením do továrního nastavení bych o údaje přišel). Odinstalování a nainstalování aplikace ani restartování telefonu nepomohlo.

V minulosti ten text "Načítám..." po spuštění aplikace trval jen pár vteřin a pak se aplikace spustila, nyní se už nespustí vůbec. Týká se to např. těchto aplikací: WhatsApp, OneDo, City Art Search

Telefon mám Lumia 735, build 10.0.15063.138

Office365: Sharepoint UI Changed; How do I add document list to the home page?


All of my older Sharepoint sites on 365 are setup so that the home page includes a listing of the documents on the site. I created a new site today and the entire editor UI for the site is different. There's an obvious + sign to add elements/widgets to the home page but none of them seem to have the functionality of the document listing that's on my older sites' home pages.

1) Is there a way to add a document list to the home page using this newer edit UI?

2) If not is there a way I can revert the site to the older, more functional edit UI?

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