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Excel 2016 für Mac


Folgendes Problem mit Excel 2016 für Mac:

Format von Datafile

  • "JJJJ" ; 1. Quartal ; aaaa ; eeee ; ect.
  • "JJJJ" ; 2. Quartal ; bbbb ; gggg ; ect.
  • "JJJJ" ; 3. Quartal ; cccc ; hhhh ; ect.
  • "JJJJ" ; 4. Quartal ; dddd ; kkkk ; ect.

Obiges Datenformat über viele Jahre (J) erstellt und mittels Säulendiagrammen dargestellt! Die erstellte Datenbank wurde angelegt zur Erfassung von Energieverbräuchen und Kosten!

Problem mit Excel 2016 für Mac:

  1. Das Erstellen eines Säulendiagramms für Gesamtverbräuche, bzw. Gesamtkosten in Abhängigkeit der Jahre (x-Achse) und der Verbräuche (y-Achse) ist nicht möglich!!!
  2. Die Summenwerte stehen jeweils in der Zeile des 4. Quartals
  3. Wählt man unter "Einfügen" die Vorlage "Säulendiagramm" wird ein leeres Diagrammfenster erstellt
  4. Mit rechter Maustaste öffnet sich neues Fenster mit Möglichkeit " Daten auswählen"
  5. Nach "Daten auswählen", neues Fenster mit der Möglichkeit x-Werte und y-Werte separat auszuwählen
  6. Auswahl der x-Werte (JJJJ) in Datenfile; jeweils Werte in 1. Spalte, 4. Zeile des jeweiligen Jahres
  7. Die gewählten Zellen für die entsprechenden Jahre werden digitalisiert!
  8. Bei Auswahl der y-Werte z.B. "kkkk" (wieder über Datenauswahl-Fenster), wird die Digitalisierung der x-Werte aufgehoben und lässt nach dem OK ein Erstellen des Säulendiagramms nicht zu!!!
  9. Es wird dauernd umgestellt auf das Fenster für Spaltendiagramme!!!! Ein Erstellen des Säulendiagramms mit x- / y-Werten gemäss den ausgewählten Zellen wird nicht zugelassen!!!
  10. Mit früheren Versionen (Excel 2003, Excel 2007) auf Windows PC (XP und Vista) war das Erstellen von solchen Säulendiagrammen problemlos möglich.

i want to download windows 10 restone. tell official link

i want to download windows 10 restone. tell official link

Проблема с кодировкой вложения при пересылке сообщения с outlook IOS


Добрый день. Периодически проявляется следующая проблема: имеем какое-либо входящее письмо с вложением, название вложения содержит русские символы. Если данное письмо переслать с устройства iphone с помощью ios outlook, имя вложения превращается в нечто подобное: "=utf-8BMjAxNjAxMjJf0JRgNC10LTQu9C+0LbQtdC90Lg== =utf-8B0LUg0LQviDRgNCw0LTQuNCw0YLQvtGA0LDQvC5wZGY==", оригинальное имя при этом :    "20160122_Предложение по радиаторам.pdf" 

В чем может быть проблема? 


Hello.I own a Lumia 640LTE.My question is this.I know how to send multiple MMS by selecting a contact then going to photos and attatching each photo individually.You can send up to five.Ok.But about a week ago I was using a method that was much quicker.All I had to do was go to photos and select five photos in one go.Then tap the share button,add the contact and send them all in one go.This method was very quick.I do not know what has changed in settings or maybe somewhere else.I did have Windows 10 Mobile Preview installed around that time but I am not certain.Perhaps that function works in Win 10.I would like to know if that method of sending multiple MMS is possible with the Denim software.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanking you all in advance.

this pc

δεν ανοίγει το this pc ούτε από το desktop ούτε από την έναρξη

W10 64位专业,运行几个小时后总是出现鼠标右键问题,注销或重启之后故障全无

W10 64位专业,运行几个小时后总是出现鼠标桌面右键问题,注销或重启之后故障全无。

Il pc non riesce a fare il download dell'aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 1511 per sistemi x64 (kB3124262)

Sono giorni che windows update mi segnala che è in download dell'aggiornamento descritto sopra. Non so cosa fare, ringrazio tutti per l'aiuto.

playlist to flashdrive

how do I get my playlist from WMP to a flashdrive or similar in song order I have made it??? It keeps on synching it in files thus trowing out my rhythm of song choices. Tried all sorts, and getting very frustrated. I m trying to make a party nigh evening with different genres and beats to get to a pumped up beat in the middle of the evening and slower at the end. Now I just get random songs I put on my list and not in the order I wanted them.





Alors que COURRIER WINDOWS 10 fonctionne parfaitement, je n’arrive pas à synchroniser



Seuls les évènements périodiques entrés dans Outlook 2016 apparaissent dans Calendrier WINDOWS 1O


En revanche les évènements, périodiques ou non, entrés dans Calendrier WINDOWS 1O n’apparaissent pas dans OUTLOOK 2016.


Je sollicite la communauté pour harmoniser parfaitement ces 2 calendriers


Cordial merci par avance


Suggestion for OneDrive in dealing with unsyncronized files


May I suggest to OneDrive that in cases of unsynchronized files, that instead of creating another file with your username and advice you of that fact, that maybe it can just read the maker of the file and if it matches with the editor of the file, that a separate file with your username added to the filename, need not be necessarily created.

Menu Démarrer inaccessible et icône barre des tâches invisibles sur Windows 10



J'ai achété un ASUS en octobre avec Windows 10 d'origine, et j'ai rencontré plusieurs problèmes dessus depuis :

- le clic droit ne s'affichait plus, impossible d'ouvrir une image ça m'affichait "Délai d'attente expiré". Depuis j'ai reinisialiser mon PC et plus de problèmes

Mais depuis 2 jours impossible d'ouvrir le menu démarrer ni d'ouvrir une image. J'ai tenté une manip en allant dans le gestionnaire des tâches --> fichier --> Exécuter une nouvelle tâche j'ai entré "smd" et coché "Créez cette tâche avec des privilèges d'administration" puis j'ai entré dans l'invite des commandes "sfc /scannow". Une fois la vérification terminée aucune violation n'avait été enregistrée ... 

Et ce matin je ne peux toujours pas ouvrir le menu démarrer et maintenant les icônes de la barre des tâches ont disparu (sauf le menu démarrer, la loupe de recherche, l'icône de l'affichage des tâche et la bulle de notification) 

Je n'aurais peut être pas du faire cette manip donc si quelqu'un peut m'aider ça serait gentil .. 


Mailprogramm von Windows 10 funktioniert nicht mehr

Seit  einer Woche bekomme ich bei Windows 10 Mailprogramm Fehlermeldung 0x80072751(keine Verbindung beim Konto), die ist aber nach wie vor vorhanden, wobei keine Mail abgerufen werden können, unabhängig von Einstellungen.



1 月31日付け杉本幹示様からのメールに回答しましたが、ご返事がありません。再度質問致します。

サインインは解決しましたが、01/29以降 新しいメールが受信不能です。別のPC (OSはWindows XP) では受信できています。  送信は可能です。 対処法をご教示下さい。 2016/02/03  浅田 孝

Windowslivemailについて 追記




Windows live mailは12. ・IEは11です。



ошибка 0x8024001e

возникает на windows mobile. как исправить?

Office 365 educational offline.


I am having trouble getting office 365 educational offline, my online version of office works fine, but i can not download the offline version anywhere? how does it work? i have Windows 10 and no office on my pc. 

kind regards.

Excel 2016 si blocca



Ho acquistato office 365 business su una macchina con Windows 7 home 64 bit. Nessun problema in fase di installazione sia con la versione 365 che con la versione 2016. Ho scelto la 2016 perché la 365 si bloccava. Vengo da office 2007 che funzionava perfettamente. L'office 2016 anche su altre macchine mi crea problemi di connessione che si risolvono con la procedura per la pulizia della cache e la disconnessione e la riconnessione dell'account.

Vengo al problema. Excel dopo qualche minuto passando da una schermata ad un'altra da una navigazione in internet ad Excel si blocca dopo qualche minuto. In sostanza uscendo dalla compilazione o dopo qualche minuto rientrando nella cartella di lavoro il programma segna la clessidra e richiede il riavvio, l'attesa o l'arresto  (Excel non risponde). Ho già provato a pulire la cache e a disconnettermi dall'account, a reinstallare sia la versione  32 bit che 64 bit ma nulla da fare. Il bello che quando pulisco la cache rimane stabile per qualche ora. 

Sul registro eventi mi pare che il blocco porti a questo errore.

Bucket errato , tipo 0

Nome evento: AppHangTransient

Risposta: Non disponibile


Firma problema:


P2: 16.0.6366.2062

P3: 569c4c5f

P4: unknown

P5: unknown

P6: unknown

P7: unknown




File allegati:

I file potrebbero essere disponibili qui:

Non mi pare ci siano altri problemi. Quando si blocca Excel anche gli altri applicativi office funzionano male appena interrompo Excel tutto sembra rifunzionare normalmente.

Vi ringrazio in anticipo per la risposta.

Buona giornata.


Email attachment


Good day,

I am trying to send a PDF File to a colleague, but its just hanging in my outbox in outlook.

I have deleted the email out of the outbox, made a new email with a different attachment (also PDF) and it send.

I tried to send the first attachment again and still wont send...

I have scanned the PDF File and deleted it and made a new copy of the PDF and still it wont send..

Anyone have any idea? 

Shrink text on Overflow won´t work



I am trying to set up a master for my PowerPoint presentations.

I have set AutoFormat also "Shrink text on Overflow". Now I am using a placeholder so that my master works properly. Textboxes is no good. However, no matter which font size I am selecting if the text is larger than the placeholder the font size won´t shrink. I read in one post "that´s the way it is as it is not expected for titles to shrink text".

I truly hope this is not the case. What logic should that have? So shall I tell the user "Please only use font size 24 and if your title is too long you will have to shorten your title". Generelly speaking this would be correct from presentation side of things, but I am not in a position to lecture members of the board or my clients, how to do their presentations. So am I  expected to tell them..."yes, you can see the Smarttag but it won´t work if you choose to shrink text to fit". How can I set up properly a master if this option won´t work for placeholder.

So I do hope that I am just missing something as otherwise I am not surprised why everybody is avoiding placeholders, resulting in badly created masters, that won´t work.

Please advise if there is a way to get placeholder to shrink text on overflow.

Kind regards,


Can’t you replace files via File Explorer?


I’ve been trying to do this, that instead of accessing the file and saving it by replacing another file, I wanted to just use the file explorer and cut the file to paste it to another file with a different filename. But file explorer wouldn’t allow that to happen.  So it wouldn’t replace a file, but it just moves the file to another location or directory. So is it not possible to use file explorer to replace another file?

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