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I bought a Dell manufactured laptop online. This came loaded with Windows 10. However under the update & security tab it gives me an error 0xC004F012 when i try to activate windows. I do not have the product key also as it came pre- installed. Can someone help pls?

iCloud Kalender synchronisieren mit Windows 10 Kalender App



ich möchte meinen iCloud Kalender mit der Windows 10 Kalender App synchronisiern, ohne Freigabe vom iCloud-Kalender oder einen neuen Kalender. Ich möchte mich nur mit meiner Apple-ID und Kennwort einloggen.

Zur Info: Bevor Apple die zwei faktoren Authentifizierung eingeführt hat, lief es bei mir auch ohne Probleme.

Kennt jemand eine Lösung?

Kalender von outlook.com mit Office 2016 synchronisieren

Hallo zusammen

Das Thema gibt es schon öfters, aber ein Lösung habe ich noch nicht gefunden (oder dann übersehen).
Ich möchte mein outlook.com Kalender - der Account läuft nicht über eine outlook-Adresse - mit meinem Desktop Office 2016 synchronisieren und dies am liebsten mit dem Mail-Konto/Mail Adresse, mit welchem/welcher ich das outlook.com Konto habe. Somit ohne ein zweites Konto im Outlook habe zu müssen.

- Den Kalender auf meine Mail Adresse kann ich nicht freigeben. Gebe ich meine Mail ein, passiert nichts.
- Eine neues Konto mit Exchange und eas.outlook.com kann ich machen, aber die Kalender sind anschliessend leer.
- Konto mit "Office 365"geht auch nicht. Er erkennt mein Microsoft Konto und versucht auch ein neues Konto zu machen, aber nach Beendigung wird verlangt, dass man Outlook neu startet, um dann anschliessend zwei Fehlermeldungen zu platzieren... das wars dann. 

Danke & Gruss

Intel RealSense 3D camera doesn't work


Yesterday I bout an Intel RealSense 3D camera, but unfortunately it is not working.

Should I install any software for it? or it must be working directly.

please help me.

my pc properities: 

windows 10

Intel core i3



Code Erreur 0x80070570


A l'attention de Mme Patricia Guenot SVP


J'ai perdu le lien relatif au message d'erreur lorsque je tente de faire des sauvegardes (version Window 7) avec mon Pc tournant sur W10.

j'ai tenté de refaire toute la procédure avec le Chkdsk mais je rencontre déjà un problème de droit d'accès pour effectuer cette démarche sur mon disque dur bien qu'admin de mon PC il me mentionne que je n'ai pas les privilèges suffisants !?

D'autre part je constate que deux sources de sauvegarde s'effectue sur mon PC , une selon W7 et l'autre probablement sous le système W10, je n'y comprends plus grand chose.

je me permets tout de même de joindre quelques Print de la situation actuelle de mon PC tout en devant vous signaler qu'à partir de demain je devrai partir pour 10 à 20 jours et de ce fait serai éloigné de mon PC.

Merci par avance de votre aide et de votre patience SVP.

Bonne fin de soirée.

Cl. G.

Il semblerait que les sauvegardes selon le système W10 ne rencontre pas le problèmes des sauvegardes effectuées avec le système W7 ?

En réitérant mille fois mes remerciements anticipés pour votre aide.

email blocking


Hello Community

Can anyone please tell how can I stop receiving unwanted or to unsubscribe from newsletters I no longer need. And what if there is no unsubscribe link on the newsletters?

Windows Live Mail 2012

Does the amount of mail in my Live Mail 2012 affect my disk space?

I have just got a used laptop but i cannot send or recieve any emails. Help

I have just purchased a used laptop, I have put information in but no response. can anybody please help.

Word crashes when compiling field codes of an equation which contains a double macron.

Whenever I have a combining double macron (U+035E) in my field codes for an equation that was created with ctrl+F9, and I press F9 again to compile it, Word crashes. This strangely seems to be the only time it does this. My first thought was that I had way too many field codes in my document, so I closed the document I was working on, and then opened a new page, tried again, and it still crashed. I tried typing only the double macron by itself with no other code but "eq" and it still crashed. Anybody know why this is happening? I'd really like to use that symbol for notating line-segements in a trigonometry cheat-sheet. What I wanted to input was { eq \f(D\s\up(͞)F,A\s\up(͞)D) }. The version of Word is Office 365 ProPlus version 1609 build 7369.2130.



Jeg har problemer med hurtigtilgangs funksjonen.
Når jeg prøver å åpne en mappe i hurtigtilgang på start-menyen så åpnes mappen i 1-2sekunder før den lukker seg/krasjer.
Det går fint å åpne mapper gjennom filutforsker, men bruk av hurtigtilgang fungerer ikke.
Om jeg legger en mappe til hurtigtilgang lukkes også mappen ned. (men mappen legger seg til i hurtigtilgang likevel).

Jeg har prøvd å fjerne alt fra hurtigtilgang å prøve igjen uten hell.
Jeg har prøvd å tilbakestille oppdatering til tidligere tidspunkt (hadde kun mulighet 3dager tilbake og problemet har vart i 1uke så ikke mye hjelp der).

Har oppdatert win10 og oppdatert skjermkortdriver direkte fra produsent, uten at det heller har fungert.
Det virker som problemet oppsto etter oppdatering av Windows, men er ikke sikker.

MOUSE non funziona all'avvio: "Controller USB Open HCD Standard non funziona correttamente".

Ciao, ho un problema con il mouse. Da qualche giorno il mouse collegato a porta USB non funziona per niente. Andando in gestione dispositivi l'icona del mouse è sparita, e su quella del PC c'è l'avviso che c'è un problema che, quando clicco per risolverlo, mi dice che manca il driver. Quando clicco per correggere, sistema il driver e mi dice di riavviare. Dopo il riavvio il mouse funziona, così oggi ho cliccato sul mouse e, dopo avere controllato se ci sono problemi, viene fuori la scritta "Controller USB Open HCD Standard non funziona correttamente". Così clicco per ripararlo, ma quando spengo e riaccendo il PC si ripresenta lo stesso problema.  Cosa devo fare? Grazie. DZ

Advanced Display Settings Missing and Display missing from Control panel items In Build 15063.296

Hello Microsoft. Where have the advanced display settings gone? Next, where has the "Display" item under all "All Control Panel Items" gone? Both are missing in this creator build. The Display item was still there in build 15019 (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-performance/win10-ver-1703-build-15063296-unable-to-log-into/6fc1c8ca-25d0-4d4c-93db-5576ee293952?tm=1495309852559). Coupled with the very irritating icon positioning bug (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/after-install-of-windows-10-creators-update-452017/30f918e9-1af9-44aa-a558-98c932e52c1c), the Feedback hub login bug (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-performance/win10-ver-1703-build-15063296-unable-to-log-into/6fc1c8ca-25d0-4d4c-93db-5576ee293952?tm=1495309852559), I am starting to think that maybe my engineer colleagues at work who crow about Apple may be on to something...

Ошибка при установке программы


Доброго времени суток. При установке программы выскочила ошибка
Текст из журнала ошибок таков:
Ошибка при создании контекста активации для "C:\Users\boris\Downloads\Smart_Switch_PC_setup (2).exe". Не найдена зависимая сборка "Microsoft.VC90.MFC,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"". Используйте sxstrace.exe для подробной диагностики.
Программа которую пытаюсь установить "Smart_Switch_PC_setup" 

Подскажите пожалуйста что делать



Est il possible de créer son propre langage sur Windows 10?



Est-il possible de créer son propre langage sur Windows 10?


Tuhaf bir hata: Windows 10 orijinal olmasına rağmen ara sıra "Ürün Anahtarı Girin" hatası veriyor.


Merhabalar. Tuhaf bir sıkıntı yaşıyorum. Cihazımda Windows 10 Home sürümü mevcut. Sürüm orijinal, herhangi bir yazılım vasıtası ile kurulmamıştır. Bu konuda kesinlikle eminim ama son günlerde tuhaf bir sorun çıkarıyor. 

Birkaç günde bir sağ altta "Ürün Anahtarı Girin" yazısı beliriyor. Anahtar girmek için ayarlara girdiğimde sorun kendiliğinden düzeliyor. Bunu kalıcı olarak nasıl düzeltebilirim?

The May 20th Windows 10 update

My system updated the Windows 10 last night, and now I can't access my iCloud calendars or contacts in Outlook. I just get the "the folders cannot be accessed" error message. Is there a fix for this yet?

Factory reset

So I have began the process of wiping everything from my computer and since 6pm (now 2pm next day) my computer has been sitting at a screen with the widows icon and below it says "Preparing". No loading circle, no running sequence nothing. Any have ideas how long this may take or what's happened?

Comment supprimer l'installation de W10 depuis windows update sous W7



Depuis maintenant un certain temps, j’essaie de trouver comment supprimer le téléchargement de Windows 10. Plus précisément à chaque fois que je lance Windows Update et qu'il recherche les maj, la première qu'il lance c'est le téléchargement de Windows 10 que je ne veux pas (je l'ai sur un autre disque deja). J'ai beau supprimer certain KB (KB3035583, KB2952664, KB3021917) ça ne change rien.

Je souhaite faire les mise à jours de sécurités et correctif mais ce fichu téléch de la maj win10 m'en empêche :) .

Auriez vous une idée ou une modif à faire dans la base de registre ou peut être d'autre KB à supprimer ?

merci pour vos suggestions

BSOD error - BAD POOL CALLER, while connecting to University WiFi using WiFi certificate?



I've been lately getting BSOD displaying the error message BAD POOL CALLER every time I connect to my university WiFi, using the WiFi certificate to login. I have updated the latest drivers and also installed the latest Windows updates but this keeps repeating. I have no issues in connecting to WiFi in other places though. I tried uninstalling and removing the certificate and then reinstalling it but still faulty. 

I couldn't find another thread which discusses the same issue, hence this post.

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