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cosa vuol dire quando si cancellano delle email e quando alcune porte usb smettono di funzionare?


Buonasera scusate il disturbo,

solo due domande: ho notato, negli ultimi 15 o 20 giorni che nella casella della posta della Microsoft, sono sparite molte email, che però per fortuna andando in outlook.com si trovano ancora, inoltre delle porte usb a volte non funzionano, cioè non i viene riconosciuto il mouse o una penna usb, la cosa non è mai  successa prima, non sarà che il mio vecchio computer, mi stia lasciando e che questi siano i primi segni di cedimento, magari della scheda madre???

Nota i driver della scheda madre e video sono tutti aggiornati, forse sarà perché la temperatura della CPU stà aumentando, ora per esempio stà in 50° a fine giornata, senno appena accendo il computer, stà in 40°,debbo cambiare la pasta termica del dissipatore 


Ettore De Rossi

Suddenly Edge is Aggravating


After updating Win 10, everything seemed okay. Then, after having the computer off for a bit and coming back to it, I saw this:

Do you see the top? It is scrunching up the page! How can I get that to minimize or go away?? Please tell me there's a way to minimize it....

Leeres Icon Microsoft Maus und Tastatur Center


Habe immer noch keine Lösung des Problems gefunden. Alle bisherigen Versuche sind gescheitert. Kann doch eigentlich nicht unmöglich sein, aber es gibt keinen Lösungsansatz des Problems, leider.

gez. Dölfi

Наблюдение за активностью ReadyBoost в Windows 10


Доброго времени суток!

В Windows 10 Home требуется отследить активность ReadyBoost при загрузке и работе системы. К сожалению, в мониторе производительности я не нашел группу «Кэш ReadyBoost». Как можно решить эту задачу?


Купил асер аспир е 15 винда 10 ка,  скочет глючит! привода нет в ней а по агригату есть. Что делать?

win7 iso runteladen

ich brauche eine win 7 64 bit Professional iso um meinen laptop neu aufzusetzen. mein code
wird aber nicht akzeptiert um die iso runterzuladen. da steht irgendwas von vorinstalliert usw. muß ich jetzt eine version von dubiosen seiten runteladen oder bekomme ich die doch irgend wie von microsoft?

Outlook Konto wiederherstellen nicht möglich, was tun?

Das Konto meiner Freundin wurde womöglich gehacked und sie kann es nicht wiederherstellen. Was können wir jetzt tun, um es wiederherzustellen?

Creator's update borked internet access for most apps... but chrome still works?

I got the Creators update last night and now I can not reach the internet from Microsoft Edge, Windows Store, Cortana, and most other apps.  Chrome works fine (using it to type this).  Help!

Windows 10 dijital geldi (8 den lisanslı).Ürün numarasını bulamıyorum.

dijital yüklenen windows 10 ürün numarasını nasıl bulabilirim?

Creators malfunciona. Esperar es la única opción????


Actualice a creators. Se me cuelgan todos los reproductores....VLC, GOM...etc. No tengo la carpeta windows.old. NI ganas ni tiempo de reinstalar el SO.

Llevo mendigando actualizaciones años y empieza a hacerse pesado.

Esperar es la única opción? Porque el que espera........DESESPERA!!!!!!

in outlook I cannot get it to look like a classic e-mail service


in Office 2010 outlook, my inbox will not appear as I`m used to with each e-mail just taking up one line with "sender" and "subject". I get a small paragraph with each one and I HATE  it. I have tried installing other e-mail programmes  but with no joy.

Pls help.

my e-mail is now   " *** Email address is removed for privacy ***"



Unable to use the project on second screen feature on windows 8.1 laptop with my Smart Tv


I am unable to use the project on second screen feature on windows 8.1 laptop with my Smart Tv since it only detects my TV as a play device (which I don't use/need). It does not detect the TV as a wireless device even though the TV is connected to the same home network.

I can see the TV as a Play device only and cannot add it as a wireless device so I can use the miracast project screen feature. 

Can you guys help, please?

Windows Live Mail

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app di posta orrendo vorrei installare Windows live mail come sul vecchio pc , dove lo trovo su web da scaricare io non sono riuscita a trovarlo, ma esiste ancora ho è ormai introvabile?

Latest upgrade to window- 10.5


Since upgrading to windows 10.5, my computer runs considerably slower.  I constantly have problems logging onto my computer and frequently have to keep restarting before I can log on to the computer.  This is costing so much time - at least 30 minutes every time I turn my computer on.  Before the upgrade, I never took more than 1 minute to log in.   Once logged in, the computer runs slower than it did before the upgrade.  I notice the "new features" are geared for a limited number of users.  What kind of idiots does Microsoft have working for them?  This will be the last computer I get with Windows on it.

P.S.  I am using a top of the line computer, not some low end one.

probléme dans un fichier Excel 97/2003


j'ait un ficher qui enregistre tout les résultat  de l'euromillion et je m'arrive pas a modifier les labels 

est il possible d'avoir un petit coup de main

EuroMillion-12etoiles (Récupéré)  14-05-2017 - Copie

Problema com windows hello


Olá pessoal, 

Estou tendo um problema que está me incomodando muito. 

Quando vou configurar meu windows Hello, consigo adicionar apenas uma digital, 

se tento configurar com outro dedo, aparece a seguinte mensagem: 

"O dispositivo não reconhece você, verifique se o sensor está limpo."

Tenho certeza que o sensor está ok, porque quando o uso para desbloquear o usuário, funciona normalmente

o problema mesmo é para adicionar outro dedo (caso o que vou usar esteja indisponível por algum motivo (ferimento ou algo assim).



我是WIN10 HOME INSIDER VIEWER CHINA用户,64位系统,6G内存。最近几天接到几次大的更新,大概从上周5月15日左右开始,开机后出现内存逐渐升高的问题。开机内存消耗40%左右,大约1小时内的时间,内存消耗逐渐上升至99%,最后死机。


El pc no se inicia tras la ultima gran actualización de windows 10

Hola. Al terminar el dia el pc me dijo que tenia que reiniciar el sistema por una actulizacion. Asi e cerre todo y apague el pc y cuando iba a reinicar no se reiniciaba. Salia una pantLla diciendo. Diagnosticando su problema y despues otra. Reparando. Pero nada y  finalmente sale una azul quexmexofrece reiniciar u opciones avanzadas. Asi que hago una restauracion de sistema y dice que encuentra un error 0x80070091. Busco soluciones en interner y a traves del simbolo del sistema encuentro una solucion pero al  escribir el segundo parametro takeown /f WindowsApss /r /d Y me dice que hay un error de sintaxis y que no hay valor para "/d". No quisiera formatear el pc y me gustaria encontar alguna solucion. Alguien puede ayudarme. Gracias

Ripristino percorso cartella utente Download

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 vorrei agganciarmi a questo thread perchè il mio problema è simile.
Per errore ho spostato (usando l'opzione "Percorso") la cartella di sistema Download all'interno della cartella OneDrive, senza prima aver creato una opportuna cartella.....Risultato: adesso la cartella OneDrive e la cartella Downoladscoincidono.
Nel profilo utente la cartella Download non c'è più, ma nella cartella OneDrive nemmeno.
Però il percorso Download punta alla cartella OneDrive.

Come posso risistemare tutto senza effettuare un ripristino? Mi basterebbe poter ricreare la cartella di sistema Download, con Windows 7 si riusciva a fare.



using windows 7 AND 10


A little over a year ago I bought a new Dell laptop with windows 7 installed. At the time, I did not have time to learn a new system (10), and it took me a long time to find a laptop that did not have 10 installed. Dell included a DVD copy of windows 10 for future install. 

I am still in school, same situation, and I'm perfectly happy using windows 7, but I know the writing's on the wall and I will eventually have to catch up to 10. So here's my question: Is it possible to have both 7 and 10 on my laptop such that I can still boot up 7 separately for work,  or bootup 10 to learn it? I'm getting a new computer next year and I want to be able to hit the ground running with windows 10.

I don't ever want to try to run 7 and 10 at the same time. Another possibility- maybe installing 10 on an external drive for the same situational use. I want to make absolutely sure that 10 cannot take over or interfere with 7 in any way.

Your helping is much appreciated.

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