Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Cortana Restart, Shutdown, and Sleep functions

I can't get Cortana to shutdown, sleep or restart my computer. I heard it was supposed to be a new feature of the creator's update and I know you can create shortcuts, but I thought the update would fix that problem. I have the 15063 build.  


Hola!! estoy como loca!! tengo una notebook con microsoft 10, quiero entrar y al poner la contraseña me dice que es incorrecta y siempre fue la misma, ya cambie la contraseña mediante el celulares y sigue diciendo lo mismo, desactive la red de wifi para probar sin coneccion y sigue igual, no se que hacer!!! ayuda!!!! porfavorr!!!

Queima de placa

Preciso da placa do Nokia 925. Alguém pode me ajudar? Please.

mpnotify.exe-BAd Image


What does Mpnotify.exe-Bad Image



How do I fix it?

Перенос PRO-лицензии Windows 10 на другое устройство

На моём ноутбуке стояла предустановленная Windows 10 Home, позже я купил обновление до Pro-версии через Microsfot Store и установил его. Сейчас я покупаю новый ноутбук, также с предустановленной Windows 10 Home и хочу обновить его с помощью купленной лицензии до Pro-версии. Как мне это сделать? Нужно ли "деактивировать" (откатить или т.п.) Pro-версию на старом? Если да, то как это сделать?



office 2007,系统win7。






J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide car mon ordinateur m'envoie des messages en plein ecran en disant: "Votre licence windows va bientôt expirer"

Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai ce problème alors que j'ai acheter ce nouveau ordi il y'a six mois seulement.

Merci d'avance!!!!!!

请问如何给国外的朋友用onedrive 发链接?

请问如何给国外的朋友用onedrive 发链接?

Erro ao baixar apps na loja windows 10 mobile

Toda vez que vou baixar algum aplicativo, alguns dão erro, agora é o erro 0x80070070 e eu não sei o motivo

Microphone issue Hyperx Cloud 2 headset


I have been having a problem for the past few weeks with my HyperX Cloud 2 headset. For whatever reason when I am running certain applications my headset's microphone will suddenly stop receiving input. The microphone will still show up under recording devices and in some cases it will be stuck showing that it is receiving constant input. The only fix I have found is to disable and then re-enable the microphone which will allow it to function normally temporarily until the issue occurs again. This issue does not happen when I am simply browsing the web or when my machine is idle it seems, but I can easily recreate this issue by simply playing Grand Theft Auto V for a few minutes. (Note: GTAV is not the only program that causes this I only use it to test the headset since I know that it can recreate the issue.) I have contacted Kingston about this issue and they have offered to replace the headset but I do not believe it is a hardware issue as the headset works fine on my laptop under the same conditions. The only difference I can see between my laptop and desktop other than the obvious hardware differences is that my laptop seems to be running a USB audio driver and Audio Endpoint driver dated in July of 2016 whereas my desktop is showing drivers from March of 2017. I have not been able to rollback in order to test whether or not the driver is causing this issue. I'm at my wits end so any help with fixing this would be appreciated.

My specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/ManGuyNY/saved/Wjm7P6


(Image is the mic stuck and not responding)









Desktop icons won't stay on the furthest left row without messing with my other icons

I am using Windows 10 and haven't made any changes aside from updating the OS to Version 1703, but since my desktop has been rather odd, the row furthest on the left won't have any icons be without pushing aside some other icons to remove it from being in that left row. I do not know how to resolve this, I have tried going into 'Desktop icon settings' and disabling  "Allow themes to change desktop icons" but with no avail. 

랜섬웨어 차단 실행후 공유폴더 접근이 안됨 오류코드 에대한 대응후 키보드 먹통


랜섬웨어 에 대한 대응 매뉴얼대로 실행한후

공유폴더에 접근이 안됨

오류코드 0X80070035

커뮤니티에 나와있는 내용대로

아래와 같이 시행

작업 1. 서비스 시작 확인

1.     제어판> 관리도구> 서비스 클릭 합니다.

2.     아래 서비스가 상태가 ‘시작됨’ 으로 되었는지 확인 합니다.

network access protection agent

network connections

network list service

network location awarenss

network store interface service

dhcp client

tcp/ip netbios helper

3.     시작 되어 있지 않은 서비스가 있다면 시작 합니다.



작업 2. SMB2 Disable

1.     “시작 -> 모든 프로그램 ->보조 프로그램 ->명령 프롬프트 “ 항목의 오른쪽 마우스 클릭 “관리자 권한으로 실행” 클릭 합니다.

2.     아래 명령어를 한줄 씩 입력 후 엔터 합니다. (입력 어려울 시 복사 후 명령 프롬프트에서 오른쪽 마우스 “붙여넣기” 합니다)

sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi

sc config mrxsmb20 start= disabled

3.     컴퓨터 다시 시작 후 접근 다시 시도 합니다.

-작업2 에서


sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi <=여기서 에러

sc config mrxsmb20 start= disabled

-> 컴퓨터를 다시시작하였는데 로그인전에서는 키보드가 작동하다가 부팅완료후 키보드 먹통됨

   usb 다른위치에도 설치하고 ps/2 키보드 연결해도 작동불능

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) Installation path


I'm having trouble with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86). I don't have a problem installing it, but I have an issue with where it is being installed. My problem is that it keeps installing in the wrong location. The reason I'm installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) is because I need it for software I need to run. That program is located on my H:\ drive, which is a RAID drive I use to store files and my Steam Library. The problem is that Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) keeps installing directly into in H:\

I'm not having trouble installing it and it actually does work, but my H: drive is now a cluttered mess and even though I'm not sure where it is supposed to install, I know that's not right.

Originally the package installation came from within the software files itself, which were located several folders into H:\. I tried to download and install it directly from the Microsoft website. My most recentvcredist_x86.exe came from here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29

Nonetheless, the package still installs in H:\

I have tried moving vcredist_x86.exe to my C: drive and installing it from there too, but it still installs it in H:\. This is also the only visual C++package I'm having trouble with. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and 2010 Redistribution Packages all installed in appropriate places.

Senha Windows 10


Prezados, boa noite!

Defini um PIN para entrar no Windows 10, mas agora descobri que posso entrar tocando em vários pontos de imagem (notebook com touch), mas pra isso precisa inserir a senha (e não o PIN) pra configurar esse modo de entrada. No entanto, toda vez que coloco a senha diz estar incorreto, mas entro no e-mail e no onde drive normalmente com ela. Gostaria de saber como faço pra alterá-la, resetá-la, configurar a entrada por imagem através do PIN ou qualquer outro método que deixe a entrada através do touch, ao invés do PIN. Muito obrigado. Atenciosamente, Wellington

Desactivar la luz nocturar en Windows 10


Hola, que tal comunidad un saludo.

queria hacerle una pregunta:

Como desactivo la luz nocturna en Windows 10, ya que no me permite quitarla, es decir no puedo desactivarla. No he podido ni cambiando el horario de la computadora, si saben un metodo por favor ayudenme, por que hay horario nocturno en el cual no me gusta que este activado.

"Teredo não conseguiu qualificar" - Windows 10 versão 1703


Olá, não estou conseguindo fazer conversas de voz pelo aplicativo Xbox do Windows 10 porquê o "Teredo não conseguiu qualificar".

Como faz para resolver esse problema? Já tentei resolver pelo suporte do Xbox mas nada deu certo. 



Onedrive取消订阅后 空间中的内容会保存多长时间?

我在其他地区订阅了Onedrive,希望用国内的支付方式进行续费。  现在需要先取消订阅  然后重新购买。我想了解这会对空间中存储的内容有什么影响。




  1. GDR-DU: LanguageFeatureOnDemand - Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems - (KB4016509) [zh-CN]
  2. 功能更新到 Windows 10, 版本 1703


오피스 계정이름을 영문으로 바꿀려고 합니다.


워드나 엑셀을 켜면 우측 상단에 한글 이름이 뜹니다.

한글 이름에서 영문이름으로 바꾸려고 하는데 바뀌질 않습니다.

어떻게 하면 되는지요??

이미 전화 상담을 통해 여러번 시도해 보았지만, 바뀌질 않습니다.

확인 좀 부탁드립니다~~

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