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Wireless printer Envy 4500

Why I can not stablish a connection to my ENVY printer. I had it before I lost it today I have windows 10

Notebook a dataprojektor


Dobrý den,

zajímá mě následující věc. K notebooku s rozlišením 1920x1080 mám připojen dataprojektor s rozlišením 1024x768. Z notebooku pouze s HDMI je vyvedena redukce s výstupem VGA do dataprojektoru pouze s VGA vstupem. Je možné jak na obrazovce notebooku, tak přes dataprojektor sledovat stejný obraz takovým způsobem, aby notebook zobrazoval v maximálním rozlišení FULL HD a dataprojektor v maximálním rozlišení 1024x768?? Vím, že je možné nastavit pro zobrazení na notebooku s Windows 10 varianty: zobrazit na 1, zobrazit na 2, klonování a rozšíření plochy. Dá se nějak nastavit možnost, kterou jsem popsal?

Windows 8.1 pro kurulumunda mavi ekran veriyor


Windows 8.1 pro kurulumu nerdeyse yarıya geldiğinde mavi ekran veriyor ne yapmalıyım?

şimdiden teşekkürler

Problème de flash sur Lumia 650

Lumia 650 le flash de mon appareil photo nrne ne marche plus. Que faire? 

Windows 10 - Problemas al ajustar el brillo


 Muy buenos dias, tengo un problema con el brillo de notebook, lo que pasa es que hace una semana tuve que actualizar, luego de esto se reinicio y no podia ingresar a mi sesion de ninguna forma, debido a esto tuve que instalar nuevamente Windows 10 y no he podido ajustar el brillo.

he probado todo lo que dice este link https://answers.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/wiki/windows_10-hardware/windows-10-soluci%C3%B3n-de-problemas-para-el/9350e2d9-000b-4c73-8504-7328426dec3d , ademas de ingresar al Regedit y no me funciono tampoco.

Datos de Mi Notebook

Notebook: Samsung Ativ Book 8 

Modelo: 870z5e

Memoria 8192 mb RAM

Procesador: Intel Core i7-3653QM CPU 2.40 Ghz ( 8CPUs)

Tarjeta Grafica: Intel HD 4000

Tarjeta Dedicada : AMD Readon R9 M200x Series

Si alguien me pude ayudar seria espectacular

Windows defender windows 10

After update I have the old and the new version and old version works but takes 2 minutes to load and I don't see the check for virus off line on neither or check at start up? That was in the old settings where you could have PC shut down and run a check at restart ? Both Does seem to update and work. Show hidden icons is where the new one appears.

How do I show last date modified in an Outlook 2016 contact?

How do I show last date modified in an Outlook 2016 contact?

OneNote files

After a Windows 10 update i lost all my OneNote files. where can i look to find them


Выскакивает командная строка

Здравствуйте, у меня примерно каждые пол часа выскакивает командная строка и быстро пропадает (держится примерно пол секунды) подскажите как сделать чтобы она больше не выскакивала?



Windows 10 Все взяли из старых версий Windows но упустили старый добрый Dos. Нет в Windows 10 возможности запустить старые игры для Dos. 

Windows 10 мультиплатформенная операционная система на которой Геймеры не откажутся поиграть старые добрые Dos игры, если Windows 10 для всего то она и должна быть абсолютно для всего и старых игр тоже.

Microsoft Edge not responding

I'm using a windows 10 pc. Every time when Microsoft Edge is open then I close the lid and open it again(my closing lid option is "Do nothing), it stopped responding. Can anyone help me so it will respond after I close and open the lid? Thanks!

supprimer des identifiants et mots de passes enregistres dans google

bonjour  je souhaite supprimer un identifiant et un mot de passe enregistré dans Google ou internet explorer qui ressortent automatiquement quand je tape le debut de l identifiant . merci

Problemas na conectividade wireless


Boa tarde,

Desde de uns dias para cá que o meu PC com o Windows 10 me dá imensos problemas com o wireless. Ora é por causa do gateway, ora por causa do DNS ora não encontra o router. Mas isto só acontece mesmo com o PC, pois os telemóveis funcionam sem problemas. Ja tentei mil e uma coisas e nada... Linha de comandos e colocar lá o ipcongif e nada... Actualizar a drive de wireless e nada... IP fixo e nada... Não sei mais o que fazer. 

Alguém me ajuda? 

Malware in Internet Explorer


When I search something in Microsoft Edge, it usually redirects me to another search engine. Most of the times it isplusnetwork.org

It also happened in my Google Chrome. But I fixed it by removing the url of plusnetwork from target of Chrome's settings. But I am not getting such options in Microsoft Edge. Please help me fix it.

Plus, I have checked from Control Panel > Uninstall Program, there are no malware software installed.

Raccourcis de lancement rapide de la barre d'outil disparues sous Windows vista



Du jour au lendemain mes raccourcis de lancement rapide de la barre d'outil ont disparus. Ils ne reviennent pas après redémarrage.

Impossible d'en remettre des nouveaux, je n'ai rien trouvé dans les paramètres de la barre d'outil pour les faire revenir.

Une idée?


Windows Media Player--Ripping a disc


I have a new laptop: HP, windows 10, i7.  I listen to lots of audiobooks that I get on CD from the library.  I rip the CDs to WMP and then transfer them onto my mp3 player.

The other day I ripped 3 CDs of a book of 9 CDs without any problem. Today I just inserted disc 4 and got the message that Windows is unable to rip the disc.  It gave me the same message with disc 5.  I tried them in my desktop that I've usually used and it ripped them fine.

Any help out there?  Thanks.

Problema nel visualizzare foto



da qualche tempo ogni volta che cerco di aprire una qualsiasi foto mi si apre la seguente finestra errore:"Impossibile trovare il file (percorso file). Verificare che il nome del file sia corretto, quindi riprovare."

Ho cercato altre richieste di assistenza ma nessuna di esse mi ha aiutato. Quale può essere il problema? E come potrei risolverlo?

Aspetto una risposta al più presto.

[Office 365 Home Outlook 2016] Falsche "Von"-Adresse


Hallo forum,

ich habe ein Problem in Outlook 2016.

In Outlook 2016, und damit meine ich das Produkt im Office365, habe ich meine Uralt-Hotmail-Adresse und ein paar andere SMTP-Konten mit "Fremd-Domains" definiert.

Noch vor kurzem hat sich beim Antworten auf eine E-Mail , die an eine meiner "Fremd-Domain-Konten" gesendet wurde, automatisch die dazugehörige Adresse in "Von" eingestellt. Im März 2017 war das 100%ig noch so.

Also bei einer E-Mail an mein Konto A, wurde beim Antworten die Adresse von meinem Konto A im Feld "Von" angezeigt und automatisch verwendet.

Jetzt nicht mehr:-(

Nun kommt beim Empfänger meiner Antwort meine Uralt-Hotmail-Adresse und nicht die vom aktuellen Konto.

So sieht dann die Antwort beim Empfänger aus:

Von: Name Konto A [mailto:Adresse Konto A] Im Auftrag von Uralt-Hotmail-Adresse

Gibt es dazu eine Lösung?

Was mich wirklich irritiert ist die Tatsache, dass beim Verfassen einer neuen E-Mail es darauf ankommt, in welchem Konto man gerade den Posteingang aktiv hat.

Dann erscheint die dazugehörige Adresse in "Von"!!

Danke und VG


Surface Book - Windows 10 Pro - freezes when coming back from resting


My Surface Book i5 - 256G hangs when I go away. I'm not sure if I'm going away long enough for it to Sleep, or just time out the monitor, but when I come back and hit the space bar, sometimes it will re-monitor, sometimes, not. I have Automatic Updates, I'm at Version 1703 - Build 15063.296. 

I seemed to have a similar problem, early on (I've had SB for about a year and a half), then it went away after a couple of updates, but seems to be happening again, for about the last month (coincidentally, after the last major update). It doesn't happen all the time, but frequently.

It just happened (the instigation of this question) with Chrome, File Explorer, and Excel open.



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