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윈도우10 앱 상에서 폰트가 안 나옵니다.


어제 윈도우 10 설치를 했는데 부팅 직후부터 폰트가 안 나오더군요.

여기 커뮤니티 문의 글의 답변대로 설치 미디어 이용해서 재 설치 했더니 초기 화면(부팅 직후의 화면) 에서 폰트는 보이게 되었는데

원격접속 하면 앱에서 전혀 폰트가 보이지 않습니다.

뿐만아니라 브라우저에서도 팝업이나 버튼 형식으로 누르게 되어 있는 메뉴는 글씨가 안 보입니다.

지금 작성하는 글도 사진첨부 버튼이 보이지 않아서 사진을 첨부할 수가 없네요.

원격접속 기능이 필요해서 일부러 PRO 버전으로 구입했는데 이런 문제가 생기니 당황스럽습니다.

전혀 폰트가 안 보이니 원격접속으론 업무를 할 수가 없네요.

빠른 조치 부탁드립니다.

Windows Defender


Why i can not update Defender ?

It's shows me connection failed every time whenever i try to click on update button.
Also i downloaded update.

Please help me with to solve this.

如何移除不存在的網域控制站 win2008 server

如何移除不存在的網域控制站 win2008 server

Perdí el número de seguridad de mi Nokia Lumia 1020


Hola que tal miren mi problema es el siguente : Hoy por la tarde puse un codigo de seguridad para que mi hermana no utilizara mi celular para jugar, resulta que me confundí al poner el número yo había anotado el número que planeaba poner pero le eche un vistazo rápido y me equivoque al ponerlo, y desde que hice eso ya no se cual codigo es el correcto, yo se que números eran pero no se en que orden y probando con distinto orden los números no he podido llegar al correcto.

Y si lo se muchos dirán sigue probando distinto orden y el problema es que cada vez que erro el codigo se va sumando un cooldown de minutos a los que debo esperar para tener otro intento, ahora mismo el cooldown es de unos 60 minutos y si erro el proximo intento seran 120 minutos y así se multiplica por dos el cooldown pero llegara un punto en el cual cada muchas horas podre tener un intento y este celular es el unico que tengo y lo necesito para comunicarme etc.

Si alguien tiene algún tipo de solución le agradecería un montón desde ya gracias y que tengan un buen día o buenas noches.

IE 11 freezes after short time on the internet


This has started within the past 2 to 3 weeks.  Not sure if there has been an update that is conflicting with my computer causing this problem or not.  After a short time on the internet going through various websites, the computer freezes where the mouse continues to move for the first 5 clicks from which nothing happens and then the mouse does not move as well.  Ctrl Alt Del does not work.  When the mouse moves, I cannot click on anything that will work.  Cant close IE.  The only method I have is to push and hold on/off button until the computer turns off.  There is no error codes.  This just started happening and I have had this computer for 2 to 3 years.  I have windows 7 and IE 11.0.  Thank you in advance.  James
















IE 사이트에서 그림이 보이지 않습니다


IE11인 상태입니다. 모든 사이트가 글자는 보이는데 그림이 보이지 않습니다.

초기화 진행 후에도 동일합니다. 

다른 방법이 있을까요?

alias problem: emails do not show alias name, but outlook_bunchofnubmers@outlook.com

when I send and email to a friend, they have no idea who is sending email as the from address reads the cryptic outlook email address...ugh...I did add an alias, but it does not show thru...so what good is it?  NONE!  Any suggestions on how to fix?  thx in advance vm

Windows Live Mail Problems

I have Windows 10 & use Windows Live Mail.  Periodically when trying to receive mail, I get a popup login that will not accept any password I use.  I typically do not have to do a login.  In the past, Microsoft has helped resolve the problem.  I believe it is a Microsoft issue, but now they want to charge to help me fix it.

Continuous blue screen errors following Creators Update


Ever since the creator's update (which started my loud computer at 2:00 in the morning) I have experienced issues with continuous blue screen errors. Since the update, if I remember correctly, I have had at least 11 blue screen errors that I can remember. Just this morning, I had 3 in a 1 hour period. All of the error codes relate to memory management. I ran the diagnostic tool which told me that it was a hardware issue, so I opened my computer, cleaned the ram contacts and ran the diagnostic again. The diagnostic told me that no problems were detected. After starting again, I had another BSOD within 5 minutes. 

I added 4 gb of ram to my computer a few months ago, and everything worked smoothly without any of these problems. I did not drop or otherwise abuse my laptop in this period as it was sitting on my desk the whole time. 

I need a solution, and I need one fast.

(No technical information beyond this point, just ranting)

I have 2 online courses starting this week, both of which require heavy computing. I have a national competition in a week that I need to prepare for. I have final exams all of next week. This is the single most inopportune time for Microsoft to be forcing updates on computers that ruin people's systems. If anybody can help, it would be greatly appreciated. If nothing works, Apple just won itself a new customer. 

"""Upgrading""" to Windows 10 has been perhaps the worst decision I have made relating to computers. Even the despicable Windows 8 was better in my view, especially for SST devices. From the disheveled, mismatched UI and eternal spyware to the byzantine, unnavigable menus, the only SINGLE thing that I thought was better was having the start menu in the corner again. Windows 7 was the golden age of Windows, but now it is a rusty scrap heap that has been spray-painted with a flashy, "modern" look to appeal to the lowest common denominator. ****, I bet my 2008 Windows XP Dell Latitude would have been just as good if not better had I not sold it.

Creators Update適用作業が再起動後に進捗91%で止まる



Win 10 Pro(64bit)

Core i7 270K



4月の公開直後に自分で設定をしてCreators Update適用を2回試し、







Outlook cannot send pdf attachments


I used word mail merge to produce a bunch of pdf documents and send directly as emails.

It started yesterday that the emails sent by outlook does not contain any attachments. 

The email copy in outlook sent folder still has the attachment. 

無法收到FACEBOOK 的重要信件


無法收到FACEBOOK 的重要信件

1.收件匣和整理規則 已完成

2.垃圾信件 安全寄件清單 已完成
已經爬文,所有都設定完成 還是無法收到FACEBOOK的重要信件 謝謝


windows 7 からwindows 10にアップグレードした時から、音(システム音、再生音などすべて)が出なくなりました。解決方法を教えて下さい。

OneDrive for Business cannot be set on Mac. Error message: "sorry, we can't add your 'OneDriveLocalFolder' right now. Please try again"

Split from this thread.

Same problem. 

I have followed the steps to 'Test SharePoint Online sync for Mac' including the terminal commands.

When I relaunch the onedrive sync client, I'm asked to log in and setup the local folder, and get the same error message "sorry, we can't add your 'OneDriveLocalFolder' right now. Please try again"

I'm also running:

OneDrive 17.3.6798

MacOS 10.12.4

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012).

To address other questions:

  • This issue does happen to other users in our organization.  It's a known issue and had also heard a 'fix' was coming in April
  • Affected library is an individual one drive for business site (not team).
  • Not sure if this issue occurs to other Sharepoint online libraries

전체 메일 수신불가 관련 문의


2017.05.16 오후부터 메일이 수신되지 않습니다.

해당 계정으로 메일을 보내면 수신자 주소를 확인 하거나 없는 주소라고 나옵니다.

발신은 가능한 상태이며 수신만 불가한 상황입니다.

인터넷에서 문자만 인쇄되고 그림은 인쇄되지않음


인터넷 웹페이지를 열고 화면 전체 인쇄하면 그림은 인쇄안되고

글자들만 인쇄가 됩니다. 한글문서에서는 글씨 그림 모두 인쇄가 됩니다.

다른 컴퓨터 기능은 전혀 문제가 없습니다.

하필 랜섬웨어가 문제가 된 월요일부터 이 지경이 되었네요.

서울대청초등학교 행정실에 있는 컴퓨터 3대중에 한대가 문제에요.

*조치해본 방법

1. 인터넷 옵션에서 고급에서 원래대로 해보았음

2. 인터넷 익스플로어 11을 제거하고 다시 설치해보았음

3. 프린터를 다른 프린터로 교체해서 해 보았으나 역시 똑같은 증상

4. 프린터 드라이버 다시 설치도 해보았음

해결방법 좀 알려주세요~~ ㅠㅠ

한글입력이 안되요(PC 카카오톡만!)


현재 인터넷이나 Office 프로그램 등 나머지는 한글 / 영어 입력 다 되는데,

PC 카카오톡만 한글은 안써지고 영어만 써지네요

카카오톡 프로그램 문제는 아닌거 같고 컴퓨터 IME(입력기) 문제인거 같은데 어떻게 해결해야 되나요?

Missing Program Icons

Some of my program icons are missing in Windows 10.  How can I restore them?

me borraron dos correos electronicos

me borraron 2 cuentas de hotmail la cual una tengo vinculada a facebook y se me olvido la contra y ahora nose que hacer, ya que hotmail no me deja ingresar ya que me dice que no existe pero la otra vez cambien mi contraseña con la cuenta alternativa lo cual me confirma que el correo esta bien escrito porfabor algun administrador que vea esto y me ayude es urgente
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