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HP ENVY 5530 scanner will not scan to a e-mail. Copies, but not scans to e-mail. Scans to computer, but not e-mail.

My HP Envy5530 will not scan to a e-mail.  Will scan to the computer.  Will copy.

Windows 8.1 Login Screen Lock Time


I frequently am logging in and out of my Windows 8.1 laptop. I have a good, secure password that I use and because I'm human, sometimes I mistype it. The issue is that on these occasions, I am locked out for a good 30 seconds from attempting to login, even for the second time.

I can understand the time delay if it were say, my 5th or 6th attempt, but for one attempt this is entirely too long. How do I go about significantly reducing this, or ideally removing it?

Thank you very much!

Downloads Keep Deleting My Favorites?



Every time a windows download comes in it wipes out all of my favorite websites and I have to import them all over again and I keep getting back stuff I’ve deleted over and over again….Why? What can I do about this?  I went from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

                                                                                                                                                    Thanks, JB

my nokia no quiere descargar nada dice que la cuenta de microsof no eata disponible

Buenas intento descargar algo my nokia lunina 521 y ne dice que la cuebta microsof no esta disponible en este momento ya tengo mas,de dos srmanas asi haber si me,podrian ayudar agradecido estare,

OneDrive is not provisioned for this user [Multiple Users Effected]


I just started noticing that some of my Active Users are not getting OneDrive provisioned. I can't tell the difference between the users that are not having issues and those that are. I have 36 Active Users and 18 of those are having this issue. I have already compared the licenses assigned to the working and non working user accounts. I have tried to use PowerShell to force personal site provisioning. I've had the users log into O365 and click OneDrive but it just goes to a blank page. I have also unassigned licenses and re-assigned and even went as far as deleting a user or two and adding back but the same issue still persists.

Brandee has OneDrive working normally:

Dean has the same licenses assigned but OneDrive will not provision:

Also noted is that for these users, when we log into O365 they have about nine applications within the O365 E3 Suite that are "white outed" and say they're being provisioned. We've been waiting for several days for these to provision. Anyone got any ideas?

microsoft edge

Ola possuo um lumia 435 com a ultima atualização do Windows 10 instalada e desde então o navegador microsoft edge tem ocupado 1gb do meu armazenamento. O que eu posso fazer para reduzir o espaço ocupado pelo navegador.

Windows 10: Tablet mode vs desktop mode applicatoins behave differently

I use a legacy application that is based on .net framework 3.5 and sql server compact 3.5.  I also have office 2002 installed on some computers and Office 2016 on others.  The legacy applications (Office 2002 and the first mentioned) launch properly when I am in desktop mode.  They fully launch whether I use the desktop icon, the taskbar icon, or from the application list.  If I switch to tablet mode and launch these applications by clicking on the tile  the applications either hang or when I hover over the application icon in the taskbar it appears to be fully open, when I click on it in from the task view button, it will seem to be available to use then I click within a cell, the document or click on a table and it will flash and then the start menu takes over the screen.  MS Office 2002 can launch with a few quirks in tablet mode if I click on the taskbar icon. However the other legacy app cannot launch from the taskbar in tablet mode. Office 2016 does not exhibit this behavior.  I can launch these applications in desktop mode and then switch to tablet mode and they run correctly.     What is the difference between tablet mode and desktop mode when launching an application?  What would cause this difference in behavior?

Windows Defender y gestores de correo electronico


Hola amigos, en estos ultimos meses he podido apreciar como Microsoft esta centrando sus esfuerzos en mejorar

su software antivirus, proximamente la licencia de mi antivirus va a caducar y por esto mismo estoy pensando en

cambiarme a Windows Defender sobre W10 x64 Pro.

Mi pregunta es si este software antivirus me protege tambien los programas de gestion del correo 

electronico, el software que yo uso concretamente es Mozilla Thunderbird, por tanto quisiera saber

si el antivirus de microsoft me protegeria , puesto que por mi profesion uso constantemente el email.

Gracias anticipadas a todos y un saludo. :)

buenas tengo un problema tengo window 7 el reproductor se queda pegado

que hacer cuando el reproductor se queda pegado sigue sonado la canción pero se pega y el problema me afecta para entrar a paginas para ver sonido que hacer al respecto 

Problem with TempVars


I am attempting to create the recordset. But I get a Runtime error 3061, Too few parameters. Expected 3

If I replace the tempVars in my query, with a regular parameter, say replace [tempVars]![CalendarID] with 1 and replace the tempVars fort year start and end with dates, everything works as expected.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

This is the recordset:

    strSQL = "SELECT RequestDate, AvailableSlots " & _
             "FROM qry_FilteredSlots GROUP BY RequestDate, AvailableSlots " & _
             "HAVING Month([RequestDate]) = " & intMonth

        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
        If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then rst.MoveFirst

This is the query:

SELECT qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Dates AS RequestDate, qry_Filtered_RequestCount.CountOfRequestID, qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Quota AS Slots, qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.CalendarID, IIf([CountOfRequestID]>=[Slots],0,1) AS AvailableSlots
FROM qry_Filtered_RequestCount INNER JOIN qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate ON qry_Filtered_RequestCount.RequestDate = qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Dates
GROUP BY qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Dates, qry_Filtered_RequestCount.CountOfRequestID, qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Quota, qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.CalendarID
HAVING (((qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.Dates) Between [tempVars]![YearStart] And [tempVars]![YearEnd]) AND ((qry_Quota_Assignments_ByDate.CalendarID)=[tempVars]![CalendarID]));

After malware, cannot access Win10 apps/ certain updates. Help?


I purged the malware (which changed my user permissions) and got the system working, after some tinkering was able to get sign-in for emails and get updating/defender updates resuming again but that's about it.

Windows Store is the only app that actually gives me an error message (0x8000FFFF) but none of my Win10 apps/features will load at all - and the account credentials look to be the problem. I tried reactivating some services and setting them back to automatic, but did see that "Shared PC Account Manager Properties" was turned off. I set to auto and reactivated it but got message that it couldn't start it and "Error 0x8000ffff: Catastrophic failure".

Omg why isn't my keyboard working!


so i was watching cartoon then i got to sleep. then tomarrow i opened my laptop (asus) then i typed in the password. and then i went to search something in google, IT WASNT TYPING. so i was really mad because it just got fixed from not turning on. and i have it about 8 months. so the problem is when try to type it doesn't, and makes a little beep noise. and i was really mad so i pressed a key really hard. and it typed. i searched everywhere how to solve this problem, but i didn't find any. so PLEASE help me. thank u

connexion impossible : résolu avec un lumia 640XL

je viens de réussir l'impossible sur un Lumia 640 XL en déconnectant le Wifi puis ensuite en faisant une ouverture de compte en mode cellulaire qui évidemment n'a pas abouti mais en reconnectant le wifi ensuite j'ai eu la surprise d'un résultat positif !

Microsot lumia 435: Problema al usar windows 10 mobile


hola ! tengo un problema grave.

lo que sucede es que el día 06/02/2017 a la tarde noche actualice mi Windows 8.1 a Windows 10 me demoro casi 3 horas la actualización. cuando vi había cambiado muchas cosas como por ejemplo transparencia en los iconos, además aumento la barra de tareas pero el problema en si fue que al momento de abrir el icono teléfono para poder realizar una llamada no abrió mas me reboto al menú principal(me sale teléfono apagado en el icono teléfono) por si no fuera poco el icono mensaje lo mismo paso no abría(me sale commsmessage),además lo mismo sucede con la configuración ósea ni siquiera puedo abrir configuración, igual en mapas ,internet Explorer, tienda(no puedo ni abrir menos descargar aplicaciones), fotos también, con Outlook lo mismo sucede me rebota al menú principal al igual que los juegos que me rebota .

en si el teléfono sin esas cosas elementales ya no sirve para nada necesito urgente que me solucionen el problema para colmo algunas aplicaciones se borro y el icono de whatsapp no esta en el menú principal. Pensé que la actualización mejoraría aun mas el teléfono pero nada lo ha empeorado y esta lento el teléfono

ya casi 24 horas sin poder conectarme a pesar que tengo internet . Estoy incomunicado prácticamente

Cámara de Windows 10



La cámara de windows 10 no me funciona. 

Si pongo la aplicación de skype, sí que funciona, pero con la cámara de windows 10 se queda negro y no se enciende la lucecita de la cámara.

He intentado instalar los drivers de la página de ASUS (la marca de mi ordenador), y no hadado resultado.

He actualizado los driver a la última versión que ha encontrado windows, pero nada.

¿qué puedo hacer para solucionarlo?



Botão suspender

Quando aperto o botão para suspender ele aparece para desligar (deslize o dedo para desligar) sendo que para desligar antes era preciso apertar e segurar por alguns instantes agr em apenas um clique da opção para desligar.  positivo duo zx3070 Windows 10 home. Gostaria de apertar o botão apenas uma vez para suspender e uma vez para voltar.

Necesito MDAC para windows xp service pack 3, por favor ayudenme.


Ayudenme por favor. necesito microsoft data access components (mdac) para mi viejo y casi inservible windows xp sp 3 xd

Necesito eso ya que lo he buscado todo el dia y aun no lo encuentro :c solo encuentro para otros service pack y links del mdac, pero estan en ingles (ingles avanzado, no se mucho) y tienen muchos links que no tienen nada que ver, ejemplo: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/842262/release-manifest-for-the-mdac-2.7-service-pack-1-refresh-2.71.9040.2 , tienen muchos links de esos pero ninguno es de sp 3 y eso me frustra :c tambien e descargado para otras versiones y no me sirven.

Si alguien me da un link del mdac para windows xp sp 3 (no importa la version mientras sea 2.1+) lo agradeceria MUCHISIMO, por favor si lees esto almenos tomate la molestia de ayudarme, por favor.

this kind of solution is what i want to find

<a href="http://forum.ogam.net.pl/topic/22894-showlivewatch-fifty-shades-darker-2017-online-movie-free-full/">Watch Fifty Shades Darker Movie Free Online</a>


Rumor 15031


Watching the Insider Beam live stream and

the rumor is 15031 maybe tomorrow.

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