Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Migrazione da Nokia Lumia 520 Windows Phone 8.1 a Microsoft Lumia 650

Salve , ho acquistato un nuovo Lumia 650 , ho avviato il tel senza sim , e mi sono connesso alla wi-fi , dopo di che ho aggiornato all'ultima versione. Ho inserito la Micro SD che avevo sul Lumia 520 e volevo procedere al ripristino di tutte le applicazioni , contatti , sms e varie , ma sono riuscito ad inserire i dati del mio account ed ha sincronizzato solo la mail e one drive. Avendo saltato la procedura iniziale ed aggiornato , se inserisco la simo e riavvio , c'è modo di ripristinare il backup del 520 senza dover tornare alle impostazioni di fabbrica e rifare la procedura iniziale ? Grazie







OSはWindows7 64ビットです

Saving from word to pdf - graphics not converting correctly


When converting my word document to pdf my graphics are not converting correctly. I have some graphics that were created in adobe or even dashed lines that were created in word are not converting correctly. Example: I have a dashed rule made with dots and when I convert it to pdf the rule appears to have a white background where it should not. Can anyone help me?


xbox one



bedankt voor uw hulp, ik ga het meteen proberen. is het ook een optie om de game in de intertoys/mediamarkt/Bart Smit enz... enz... te kopen? het probleem dan is wel dat ik nog 35 euro tegoed heb staan op mijn xbox

mvg frank

Visual Studio 2015 installation issue


Hello, I have been trying to install visual studio 2015 so I can install the core tools listed here https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windowsvs2015

Every time I install Visual Studio 2015 I get errors with packages not installing and these subsequently prevent me from installing the core tools.  See below screen shot for the errors that I get - I get these errors in both the community and professional versions. The install log shows the following errors for each of the packages shown below

[18C4:2618][2017-02-07T13:17:37]e000: Error 0x800b0003: Failed authenticode verification of payload: C:\ProgramData\Package

[18C4:2618][2017-02-07T13:17:37]e000: Error 0x800b0003: Failed to verify signature of payload: nugetvs

Any ideas why this verification would fail?




gostaria de saber pq todos os dias tenho que acertar o horario e a data do meu computador..

הפעלה מחדש של Windows


קניתי מחשב חדש לפני חודשיים בערך עם Windows 10 מותקן מראש, לפני כשבועיים הופיעה הודעה במחשב שאומרת שצריך להפעיל את Windows מחדש מכיוון שהרישיון פג... אני לא קיבלתי מפתח מוצר ביחד עם המחשב ואני לא רוצה לקנות את Windows מחדש, 

מה אני אמור לעשות?

Unable to enable Secure Boot/Disable Legacy in BIOS after cloning to ssd



So I purchased an Intel 600p ssd with the intent to transfer all of my files and windows installation onto it.

After doing so, which requried secure boot to be turned off and legacy options to be turned on, I switched secure boot back on.

One I restarted, the screen backlight never game on and stayed like that for almost 7 hours. After pulling the ssd and disabling secure boot, the system turned on without a hitch.

I have given up on figuring this out myself, so I help here hopefully for an answer.



Alienware 17


GTX 970m

16 gigs of ram

512gb Intel ssd 600p boot drive

Secondary HGST 1tb hard drive

help wanted

hallo zusammen.Frage:wie krieg ich win7 von meinem Desktop Comp mit win10 auf mein 10 jahre altes laptop mit winXP home???

Can I update windows using virtual image drive?

Windows 10 Build 15007 really killed windows update (trying it over and over again) and I am wondering if I can update my PC to 15025 using ISO and virtually mounting it (without the use of cd)???

side by side with just one ribbon


Hopefully this will make sense.

In previous versions of Excel, when you do the side by side view, there was one formula bar and ribbon across the top workbook.  If the bottom workbook was active and you clicked on the ribbon, it made the change to the bottom workbook.

With Office 365, each workbook now has it's own ribbon and formula bar.  If the bottom workbook is active and you clicked on the ribbon, it makes the requested change to thetop workbook.  This is annoying for two reasons: A- I forget that it's independent and have to undo a lot (what can I say, old habits die hard); and 2- without the bottom ribbon present you could view more rows of each workbook.  And yes, I tried hiding the bottom ribbon and that does give me more rows, but on the bottom workbook only.  The top remains with fewer rows showing.

So I guess my question is- is this true?  Has anyone else noticed this?  And is there a way to make it go back to the old way, so that they share the top part of Excel and each show more rows?


Problème de synchronisation…

Fractionné à partir de ce thread.

La synchronisation ne s'effectue pas !

Cependant, je reçois mes messages sur mon téléphone.

idem pour moi, ça fait 3 semaines que ça **** sur le  PC , mais j'arrive à ouvrir ma messagerie sur le téléphone,  ça commence à bien faire,

Automatically subscribe to Groups I am invited to

I would love an option that when I'm invited to a new OWA Group, I will automatically be subscribed to that Group. Sometimes the Group owner forgets to "subscribe" members to the Group then the members have to manually subscribe themselves. A pre-selected option that lets me automatically subscribe to all future Groups regardless of the option that the owner selects.

OneNote sync failure


I have OneNote 16 on my desktop PC (Windows 10), and apps on my iPad and my Android phone.  All of these have played together happily for ages, everything syncing smoothly.  A few days ago they stopped doing so.  I now cannot sync any of my notebooks.  I have followed some advice on this site, but to no avail.  I cannot open and view any notebooks on OneNote online - when I click on the URL attached to a notebook OneNote online tells me 'this item might not exist or is no longer available'.  When I try to sync I get the following error message: 'We're sorry, something went wrong during sync. You might not have permissions. (Error code: 0xE0190193)'. All my notebooks are labelled 'not syncing'.

This is annoying.  Any solutions anyone?

Невозможно активировать microsoft office стандартный 2010



Года три - четыре назад через интернет магазин (Ozon) был куплен microsoft office стандартный 2010.

На почту был выслан ключ и ссылка на дистрибутив программы. Все это время офисом пользовался без проблем.

Офис стоял только на одном ноутбуке, больше нигде не устанавливался.

Три дня назад на ноутбуке была переустановлена Windows 10 (лицензионная).

При активации microsoft office стандартный 2010 через интернет выдается сообщение, что

"активация данного продукта невозможна поскольку ключ продукта недействителен".

Активация по телефону тоже не помогла.

Прошу подсказать как возможно произвести активацию?

Powerpoint Präsentation - Bildschrimaufzeichnung



ich habe folgendes Problem. Meine Powerpoint Präsentation beeinhaltet 62 Folien. Diese Folien möchte mit einer Audiodatei zu einem Video(WMV) zusammenfügen. Ich habe das schon öfters gemacht und weiß auch wie das funktioniert. Doch seit etwa einer Woche habe ich das Problem, das bei der Bildschirmaufzeichnung mit der entsprechenden Audio Datei, die Folien nicht wechseln sobald ich auf die nächste Folie während der Aufnahme klicke.

Sie wechseln schon aber nur im Aufnahme Modus. Wenn die Bildschirmpräsentation vorbei ist und ich mir diese erneut anschauen möchte, ist immer nur die 1. Folie zu sehen und die folgenden nicht.

Woran liegt das?

Ich bitte um schnelle Hilfe.

Besten Gruß


חנות לא עובדת


כל תוכנה שאני מנסה להוריד מופיע שגיאה 0X800706D9ולא.. אין אפשרות להפעיל את ווינדוס דפנדר

Windows 10 anniversary update stuck at 32%


When I tried to update my windows 10 to anniversary update last year, it would get stuck, so I just deferred the upgrade. Yesterday I was forced to upgrade, and it still got stuck at 32%.

I tried clean boot, but it doesn't work.

I tried the upgrade assistant, but it says something like "setup cannot run. Restart the computer and try again." I restarted many times and it still doesn't work.

I tried the media creation tool to create an installation media on an usb stick. But it gets stuck at 32% too.

So 1) How do I make this upgrade go through? 2) Failing that, how do I turn off the update?

Surface pro 4


Bonjour tout le monde

est il possible d'être connecté la Surface Pro 4 a la dock et de laisser le réseau Wifi actif

auparavant, sur un notebook latitude dans les options Power management du Bios on pouvait permettre à la carte wifi de rester active en station.

il n'y a plus cette option sur une Surface...

le but étant que j'ai une imprimante sur un réseau wifi dédié et un réseau privé filaire sur lequel je ne peu y connecté mon imprimante.

Si qq un a la solution je suis preneur

merci d'avance

Movie Maker blurry and huge video

Every video that I import into MovieMaker (windows 10) is blurry and distorted. I have converted the MTS files to avi and wmv and mp4 and nothing works. I have also adjusted settings to reduce file size on my cameras and I still get the same result. I even ran a repair on all Windows Essential programs.
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