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Outlook Online erstellt wirre Ordner



Hab seit einigen Tagen ein problem mit Outlook der Online Variante. Neuerdings werden mir immer wieder Unterordner mit einer Zeichenfolge ohne zutun erstellt, habe auch schon mehrmals versucht die Ordner zu löschen sind nach der nächsten Aktualisierung wieder da. Hat da jemand rat für mich? Hab auch noch einen Screenshot zur besseren verständlichkeit erstellt.



My computer is not recognizing my password should I need a USB drive to reset my password what do I do

I have a new HP laptops notebook I put password protected I know the password is right but it's under a Gmail account when I tried to reopen it it told me the password was not right it would not let me in it told me to change the password I needed a USB drive reset where do I find one

window7 홈 프리미엄k 인데 window xp 모드에서 볼 수있는 동영상 강의를 볼 수있는 방법!


window7 홈 프리미엄k 인데 window xp 모드에서 볼 수있는 동영상 강의를 볼 수있는 방법!

사이버 대학 강의를 들어야 하는 데 안되는 부분이 있어서요..

carga de camara cuenta profesional



Tengo un teléfono Lumia 950.

Es posible que la opción "carga de la cámara" cargue fotos de mi cuenta office365 bussines en lugar de hacerlo de la cuenta personal?

también me gustaría que se subieran automáticamente a onedrive de mi cuenta bussines, actualmente solo lo hace con la cuenta personal


USB приемник для Microsoft Wireless Keyboard & Mouse 1000

Подскажите где купить новый Usb адаптер для беспроводной клавиатуры и мыши Microsoft Wireless Keyboard & Mouse 1000.Ребенок сломол пополам.

Trouver mot de passe de mon pc


Bonjour,  je n'arrive pas à retrouver mon mot de passe sur mon pc pour le démarrer. Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?


Cracked screen on Lumia 2520



The screen of my Lumia 2520 tablet is cracked and I would like to get it fixed.. Is it worth getting fixed and how much can I expect to pay for it? Its a 10.1 screen.  Can advise where the best place in Manchester UK is to get it replaced? 

Thanks for your help.

Webcal does not have any elements, does not ask for password



For my work I need to be able to see my shifts I have in my calender. I am able to add the calender just fine in Outlook 2016, where it asks for my login credentials and I see everything. However, this way the items do not show up on my phone.

When I want to add the calender to outlook.com, so that it is synced with my phone, I am able to add the webcal calender URL, but it does not ask me for any credentials. This way, the calender is added, however no elements appear and I do not see anything on there.

Is there a solution to add this calender to outlook.com and therefor see the shifts on my phone? Thanks

MERGESEQ Directory from One Drive document


I have gotten a word document to work using a local hand typed excel file, but when I download the file from one drive the "key" feature stops working. I have tried to copy and paste to a different document and the file still does not work. The mail merge works but only for each individual record.

Windows 10 Einstellungen


Ich versuche gerade unter Windows 10 Home Edition 64 Bit Version 1607 (alle Updates) in den Einstellungen die Standard Apps festzulegen.

Obwohl IrfanView 4.44 (32 Bit) definitiv installiert ist, kann ich für die Bildanzeige dieses Programm nicht auswählen.

Offensichtlich kann nur "Fotos" ausgewählt werden, aber auch das erscheint nicht als Auswahl.

Was ist hier falsch.



Code erreur 1632 /download Java



J'ai réinstallé Windows 10 sur mon pc hors depuis je n'arrive plus a installer java version 8 update 121 ( 64bit), j'ai à chaque fois le même message:   code erreur 1632

J'ai déjà essayé de changer de navigateur / de redémarrer mon pc ...

Je suis aussi allé voir sur le site de java, sur leur page d'aide mais se code d'erreur n'es mentionné nul part.

J'aimerais donc savoir comment faire pour pouvoir arriver à l'installer car j'en ai grandement besoin, merci !

Missing OneDrive actiivities in audit log



I did some activities on 19th to 22nd Jan and 30th Jan on OneDrive Activities like sharing of files, provide access etc. \

But when I generated the audit log from the backend, I am getting audit log only for 30th Jan.

Can anyone please help about this situation? Why I am not getting audit log for 19th to 22nd Jan Log.


Enlaces no funcionan en Outlook 2013. "Las directivas..." No tengo Internet Explorer.


Estoy usando mi versión de escritorio de Outlook 2013 en un ordenador con Windows 10, y cuando intento abrir un enlace de cualquier correo me aparece una ventana con el siguiente mensaje:

"Las directivas de su organizacion nos impiden completar esta accion por usted. Póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema."

Todas las solciones que veo tienen que ver con Internet Explorer y NO TENGO INTERNET EXPLORER. Hay alguna solución alternativa? Gracias

Retrieve older e-mails


Hi, I have just started using outlook, and am not looking for an e-mail I sent the 4th of january.

But if i go to my sent folder I can only see my e-mails until the 6th of january.

How do I retrieve older e-mails from the server?

Thank you

Ny notesbog i OneNote



Nu har jeg efterhånden prøvet alle steder, og håber rigtig meget på jeres hjælp.

Jeg har office-pakken gennem min skole, men har ny ikke mulighed for at oprette en ny notesbog i OneNote.

Jeg har installeret OneDrive, er koblet til internettet og så er jeg logget ind i OneNote med den samme bruger som til OneDrive, og alligevel kan jeg ikke oprette en notesbog.

Jeg har prøvet at ændre farve, antal tegn og navn på notesbogen uden held.

Jeg har kun mulighed for at gemme den et sted, nemlig på "OneDrive - personlig", og kan derfor ikke ændre placeringen som den beder mig om.

Hver gang jeg prøver får jeg samme besked: 

"Notesbogen kan ikke oprettes

Der er muligvis ikke adgang tilplaceringen i øjeblikket, eller du har muligvis ikke tilladelse tilat gemme filer på placeringen. Du kan også prøve at bruge færre tegn i navnet på notesbogen."

Er der (PLEASE!!) en der kan hjælpe?

Ps jeg har søgt på alle stedet der omhandler MacBook og OneNote på nettet, ringet til tre forskellige Microsoft-support steder, så de løsninger er prøvet.


En MEGET håbefuld 


tijden Excel



Ik heb een vraag over tijden met excel ik wil uit een bestand de tijden verdelen van voor 15:00:01 en na 16:00:001

en van tussen 15:00:01 en 16:00:01 maar welke formule moet ik gebruiken voor de laatste?

Cannot change name of outlook mailbox after reconnect


Hi all

A week or so ago, I got an email asking me to reconnect to outlook (I'm using Office 365 and Outlook 2016). I followed the instructions, although I have to say I found the whole process complicated and cannot be sure I did everything correctly, despite being fairly IT-savvy.

That said, I now have my outlook back and working, but I hit another problem. Instead of my outlook account appearing as *** Email address is removed for privacy *** (obviously not my real name), my mailbox appears as *** Email address is removed for privacy *** (where nnnnnnn is I presume the hex number of my mailbox). No matter what I do, I cannot change the name back to *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

This is clearly a headache, as all replies etc are going from *** Email address is removed for privacy *** instead of john.doe etc

I've already followed various tips via various support forums (including a registry edit) but nothing so far has worked.

Any thoughts on what has happened, and how I can fix this ? 

Como resolver o erro "Não foi possível localizar este item"


Eu tinha tentado várias alternativas e essa foi a única que deu certo.

Dica: Se você está lidando com uma pasta única e vazia, dará certo de primeira.

Se você está lidando com uma pasta dentro de outra, faça o procedimento de dentro pra fora.

Entre na pasta até o último arquivo ou pasta e vá fazendo o caminho inverso.




---Pasta3 (Comece o procedimento por aqui) etc

1) Baixe e instale o WinRar.
2) Clique com o botão direito do mouse em cima do arquivo que não quer apagar e selecione a opção "Adicionar para arquivo..."
3) Nas opções do lado direito, marque "Excluir arquivo após compressão" depois clique em OK
4) Pronto, o arquivo teimoso foi excluído, agora basta apagar o arquivo compactado com a tecla delete normalmente.

Skype voor Bedrijven - Interne Contacten - Status Aanwezigheid Onbekend


Wanneer ik met collega's wil skypen via "Skype voor bedrijven" hebben sommigen de status "aanwezigheid onbekend". Dit betekent dat wij geen gesprek kunnen starten. 

De collega's zijn wel aangemeld bij skype voor bedrijven en hebben verder ook geen actie ondernomen om bijvoorbeeld contacten te blokkeren. 

Wij maken gebruik van office 365 en hebben dus allemaal dezelfde instellingen omdat deze vanuit het beheercentrum worden ingeregeld en voor iedereen hetzelfde is ingesteld. 

Het merkwaardige is dat ik met sommige collega's wel een gesprek kan starten. 

De online helpdesk biedt hier geen oplossing voor en geeft aan dat je naar de beheerder moet gaan, maar dat ben ik zelf. 

Iemand eerder tegen dit probleem aangelopen of een oplossing voorhanden? 

Alvast bedankt voor de hulp en inzet. 

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