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Архивирование резервной копии

Было проведено сжатие диска С:\. Теперь не выполняется архивирование резервов. Как быть?

Computer suddenly restarts with no warning, BugCheck, Event-ID 1001, Windows 10


Today I was using my computer (AMD FX 8350, 8GB RAM, Radeon RX 480, a 120GB SSD for Windows 10 and an old 250 GB Maxtor 6L250S0) as usual and suddenly it rebooted without any kind of warning.

After restarting, i checked the eventmanager for any important information and i found an error from the source BugCheck with an 1001 event-id. Heres a link to the dump-file:



The first time this happens to me. I hope its nothing hardware-related.

Already thanks for your patience and help.

У меня на ультрабуке Lenovo Yoga 13(IdeaPad) после апгрейда до Windows 10 пропало взаимодействие с датчиком HID.

Ноутбук не изменяет положение экрана при переходе с горизонтального в вертикальное положение. Каждый раз приходится обновлять драйвер HID; а после повторного включения или перезагрузки - опять всё заново. Что я только не делал: переустанавливал систему с чистого листа, включил в автозагрузку управление драйверами, удалил все сторонние приложения( в том числе от Lenovo) - ничего не помогает. Это, конечно, не так уж критично, но хочется всё-таки полной функциональности. К предустановленной Windows 8 вернуться не могу, так как дисков восстановления не было, а Lenovo диски предоставлять не хочет ( всвязи с то да сё). Ставил чистую Windows 8 - тоже самое. Единственное чего я добился, это стабильной работы драйвера кнопки GPIO (блокировка поворота экрана).

Einloggen ins Microsoftkonto

Ich habe mein Lumia 640 zurückgesetzt, um Speicherplatz frei zu machen, damit ich Windows 10 updaten kann. Nach Neustart kann ich nicht mehr in mein Microsoft-Konto einloggen. Es kommt immer die Meldung: Es konnte keine Verbindunghergestellt werden, versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Anschließend wird der Fehlercode 080070057 angezeigt. Die Internetverbindung ist gut, Datum und Uhrzeit stimmen. Ich komme nicht weiter. Wer kann helfen????

modificar imagem comercial


Boa tarde,

Gostaria de saber como eu faço para alterar a foto e descrição que vai bem em baixo no e-mail.

Pois a imagem de comercial ficou errada.

Access Message Bar Not Functioning Properly


I am currently working in Access 2016 and ran into a problem where the message bar is no longer showing up, so I can't enable my database content. The issue stems from my a simple four-step macro that I wrote (details below; I put placeholder names instead of the real ones):

  1. SetWarnings: No
  2. CloseWindow: Form; FormName; Prompt
  3. OpenQuery: QueryName; datasheet, edit
  4. OpenForm: FormName2; Form; ; ; Normal

Because my message bar isn't showing up, Access is not running the macro due to the SetWarnings command. Now, I know I can easily remove that command and the system will work fine, but I use that command in several of my other databases, and the issue seems to have spread to all of them. As of Friday evening, the databases were working fine, but when I showed up to work this morning, the message bar stopped showing up and started causing problems for me.

I've done the following to try and resolve it:

  1. I've tried Compact and Repair several times
  2. I've added a new Trusted Location and selected the option to trust sub-folders
  3. I've checked the message bar settings to make sure that the correct box is checked "Show the message bar in all applications..."
  4. I've checked my Macro Settings to make sure that the correct box is checked "Disable all macros WITH notification"
  5. I tried clicking "Allow Trusted Locations on my network (not recommended)" but unclicked it after I realized that it did not fix the issue.

We use Dropbox as a way to share databases, and I have never run into this issue before. I'm not sure what would have changed between close-of-business on Friday and this morning, but some kind of setting has changed that I am not familiar with, and it is preventing me from having working databases. Would be great if someone could offer any advice or solution as to how I can fix this.

W10 přihlášení

Zdravím na mém stolním PC s W10 se nemohu přihlásit dlouho jsem ho nepoužíval a zapomněl jsem heslo problém je v tom že ho nemám připojený k internetu takže obnova hesla není možná najdu někde na stránkach windows staré hesla nebo správce hesel neco takového aby proste u svého účtu našel hesla co jsem použil ? Díky 

윈도우 10 파일 탐색기에 문제가 생겼습니다


처음에는 문제 없이 잘되다가 어느순간부터 파일 탐색기가 갑자기 내 pc를 눌러도 로딩이 똑바로 안되고 파일이나 폴더의 속성을 눌러도 반응이 안되더군요

바탕화면에서도 아이콘이 안보이구요

그리고 탐색기의 검색을 쳐도 로딩이 제대로 안됩니다

검색칸에 다가 말을 쓰고 엔터를 치면 로딩할때 채워지는 칸에 초록색으로 점점 채워지긴하는데 아무리기다려도 검색결과는 안뜨더군요

이 문제가 생겼을때는 딱히 뭘 깔거나 업데이트를 한것도 아니었습니다

그래서 pc초기화라도 해보려했는데 오류가 나서 초기화가 완료 하지도 못했구요 

이 문제점에 대해 해결법 아시는분 있으시면 알려주시면 감사겠습니다

Microsoft Office 2010, Outlook error message " error code 0x800CCC0E"

I have been using Microsoft Office 2010 for several years.  Recently, I received an error code 0800CCC0E in not being able to synchronize folders.  I am currently using Windows 10.  What can I do to fix this error code?

Media Creation Tool pro Win Vista


Ahoj komunito.

Chtěl jsem se zeptat, zda-li neexistuje Media Creation Tool i pro Windows Vista, abych nemusel po každé reinstalaci stahovat něco kolem 130 aktualizací. 

Moc děkuji za odpovědi


jeg har købt 365 men den siger min konto ikke virker  hvad gør jeg

nao consigo criar uma conta na microsoft, pois o sistema ta fora do ar faz dias. o fazer?

<p>problemas para criar conta da </p><p></p>

Cuffie bluetooth su bootcamp

Salve, possiedo un mac mini con partizione del disco (bootcamp) con windows 10 installato. Possiedo delle cuffie bluetooth (Sony zx220bt) che si connettono al computer, ma l'audio va a scatti e non si riesce ad ascoltare la musica. Ho provato sul mio telefono e la musica funziona perfettamente. Sapete risolvere il problema? 

Office 365


Har precis migrerat upp min mail i 365, hade min domän sedan 10 år tillbaka hos telia.

Nu med office 365 rasar det in spam, och har redan lyckats aktivera 2 kryptolockers.

Vad kan man göra för att förhindra detta? Trodde att Microsoft hade bra spamfilter när man köper en business version!


Problème de réseau entre PC Portable



J'ai 3 PC HP en réseau par avec la livebox.

PC0 et PC2 sont sous Windows 10 Pro Version 1607, le PC1 est sous Windows 10 Pro Version 1511

Les 3 PC sont documenté de la même manière au niveau "Options de partage pour d'autres profils réseau"

Ils sont en réseau privés

Les 3 PC ont les dossiers partagés au mêmes niveau : "C:\Utilisateur"

Sur chaque PC, les 2 autres sont visibles dans "Réseau"

Du PC0 vers PC1 : OK

Du PC0 vers PC2 : Problème avec Message

Du PC1 vers PC0 : OK

Du PC1 vers¨PC2 : Problème avec Message

Du PC2 vers PC1 : OK

Du PC2 vers PC0 : OK

Message = Windows ne peut pas accéder à \\PC2

Je fais "Diagnostiquer"

Le résultat est : Windows n'a pas trouvé PC2, vérifier si le PC est sous tension ....

Le PC2 est bien allumé.

Je ne trouve pas le problème du PC2 qui m'empêche d'y accéder alors que de ce PC je peux accéder aux autres

Core DLL failed

Kan inte importera foton längre...


Vill få hjälp att få in mina foton i datorn, för det går inte längre. Ibland får jag "anslut enheten du vill importera från och se till att den inte är låst" och ibland lyckas jag få igång sökningen efter nya foton men den söker och söker sen fastnar den på att den hittat X antal foton (långt ifrån alla) men det går inte att importera dessa den hittat, det enda som går att göra är att avbryta. Vad ska jag göra för att få igång allt och importera mina foton?

(Har en iPhone 7 och använder original Apple sladd till USB anslutningen.)

can i install only Onenote 2016 from my office 365 subscription


Want to have OneNote 2016 full version (i.e., Office 365 subscription version) on my Windows 7 (SP1) Pro laptop, but have Office 2010 Standard installed and,  for compatibility reasons, can only use the 2010 versions of the other Office applications.

Is there a way to accomplish this without risking compatibility issues with the other Office cutie programs?  I know that one can install Office 365 with pre-existing Office 2010, but I want to avoid any technical glitches with other programs in Office!  I have already uninstalled OneNote 2010 from Office 2010.



Tengo pendiente de instalar la ACTUALIZACIÓN DE CARCTERISTICAS A WINDOWS 10, VERSIÓN 1607, ya que al llegar al 32% de la instalación se queda bloquedo y no me queda más remedio que apagar y cuando vuelvo a encerder el ordenador se tiene que recuperar la instalación anterior. Donde está el problema?

Lost Contact/Address folder in Outlook 2016


I am running Office 2016/Windows 10.  I lost the contacts folder in Outlook 2016 (under personal folders).  I think I found the address book itself, but I can't show it in Personal Folders. Also, I now have two contacts folders in file search  .  This happened after I upgraded from Office 2010.  When I start Outlook 2010, the contacts folder and address books show up, but not in Outlook 2016

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