Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Mapeamento de rede - Acesso a arquivos offline

Há alguma forma, no Windows 10, de trabalhar offline com os arquivos de um mapeamento de rede, como se dava no Windows 7 (sem a utilização , portanto, do OneDrive), de modo que esses arquivos, em sendo alterados offline, sejam sincronizados com a rede mapeada quando o computador for a ela conectado novamente? Em caso negativo, haveria alguma forma de sincronização automática do mapeamento de rede com o OneDrive?

Microsoft Word for Mac 2016 save, autosave, auto recovery and backup not working! all text completely gone on documents, 0-bytes!



I am using Microsoft Word 2016 Version 15.18 for mac.

6th time this has happened to me. WEEKS worth of work lost.

After hours and hours of work, (and during the work, I constantly saved the document), I was trying to exit Word. It said I had documents that needed reviewing of changes before shutting down. I reviewed the changes and saved the documents. One wouldn't save, the "Save As" option was all greyed out. I had already saved it a million times, had the program set to create a backup copy immediately and autosave every five minutes, so I thought it should be fine..

So I just closed the program. You would think at least some of my work would be saved!  When I go to reopen the document, it is ZERO bytes and there is no text. 

This document was saved in my iCloud Drive folder on my desktop. All other documents like this, seemed to have properly created the backup copy immediately.There was NO BACKUP copy created for this one

I have tried opening and repair, open and recover text.

I have checked:




I have autosave set to every five minutes and I had create a backup copy immediately checked in my preferences. No backup copy was created. I saved it multiple times while working and all versions of this document are blank!!!

There was a weird glitch when I went to close word, it asked me if I want to review changes, and then suddenly, the document I was JUST working on is blank. 

The version in AutoRecovery was also blank and so was the both copies in the Library folders. I save my documents on my iCloud Drive folder. They are also blank in there.

Last time this happened a few months ago, I had to start from scratch. Looks like I will again! HOW CAN I EVERY TRUST THIS APPLICATION AGAIN?!!?? 

When I called support, they had know idea what could have happened. In fact, they thought it was my fault and I didn't save it. Awful customer service. Nothing they can do. Well there is a BAD glitch in this software. I do not recommend anyone using it, all the "backup" methods failed me. 

If anyone has anymore suggestions, I would deeply appreciate it. This is totally unacceptable. 

Problème d'ouverture de fichier PDF avec Windows 10


Bonjour à vous,


Je viens tout juste d'avoir un ordinateur portable dans lequel il est installé Windows 10.


Lorsque j'essaie d'ouvrir un document PDF (ex : mon relevé de note sur le site de mon établissement académique), un message s'affiche:


Impossible d’ouvrir le PDF

Quelque chose empêche d’ouvrir ce PDF.

    •Retourner à la dernière page



Ne sachant pas trop s'il pouvait avoir un lien, j'ai téléchargé les programmes Acrobat Reader DC  et  Java. Mais, il est encore impossible d'ouvrir le fichier.


Que puis-je faire….


Merci beaucoup,



No Remote desktop option in System properties Windows 10

I upgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 10 home and I'm trying to use remote desktop but there is no option.  Is there way to remedy this or am I stuck with this?

Reinstall Windows 8.1

I had Windows 8.1 installed on my machine. I got attacked by some malware and it wiped my disk clean. I have a disk but no product codes.at least I can't find them.. Is there a way I can get the necessary codes to reinstall the OS?

기본 제공 관리자 계정으로 ""를 열 수 없습니다


윈도우 10 home버전 사용중인데 몇가지 프로그램이 제목과 같은 오류를 내면서 열리지가 않네요...

어제까지는 멀쩡히 됐었는데 말이죠.

찾아보니 pro버전은 로컬 보안 정책을 이용하면 해결된다는데 home버전인지라 뭘 할수도 없고 뭐가 문제일까요?

I need to reinstall my Project Pro 2013



Does any one have a working link for Project 2013 Pro?  I contacted support, but you know how that goes...

Please help.  Thank you.

regarding automatic drop-down "suggestions" -

I would like to know if it's possible to de-activate my computer's ability to automatically show past logins & passwords in a drop-down box, when entering a keystroke - ?

Poor music sound quality on Surfact Pro with Windows 10


I got a Surface 3 (maybe it's a Surface Pro 3, I'm not sure) with Windows 10 for Christmas (Dec 2015) and have tried listening to music while at work.  The sound quality is terrible.  It sounds "staticky", whether I'm listening from iTunes or streaming radio stations.  Is it the Surface Pro, or is it a Windows 10 problem, and how do I resolve it?


Testing Windows 10 on 640XL

I just downloaded windows 10 mobile on my 640XL.   First, it did not migrate my data, contacts, Linkedin, mail, twitter or FB.  I have manually reinstalled the accounts but for some reason it will not allow my hotmail account to load.  It shows in my settings but not in my mail or calendar.  It does howver show on my one drive.  Any ideas why this is and if there isn't a fix can I uninstall windows 10 and go back to windows 8?

making 2 files from 1

after i split a video in Movie Maker I would like to move one part into its own file - so that I have 2 separate files

윈도우10 관리자계정(administrator) 이름변경


예전버전에서는 내PC 관리 메뉴에서

로컬사용자및 그룹이란 메뉴가 있어서 거기서 변경하면 되었는데..

윈도우10 홈 K 버전에서는 어디서 변경해야하는 건지 아무리 찾아봐도 모르겠어서 글 남깁니다.

아시는 분 답변 부탁드립니다. ㅠㅠ




WINDOWS10系统的平板电脑怎么关闭WINDOWS INK功能?




Código de error 0x80070490

Trato de actualizar mi correo y me sale que hay un error, qué debo hacer?




无线网卡:intel dual wireless AC-3160

win7 작업표시줄 엑셀, 워드 최근항목이 표시 안되는 문제


Win7 Home Premium K을 사용 중에 있습니다.

MS Office 2013을 설치하고 작업표시줄에 고정된 엑셀과 워드, VS Express 2013 for Desktop의 최근항목이 나타나지 않고 있습니다.

(하지만 파워포인트와 한글, PDF Viewer(Foxit) 등은 잘 표시되고 있습니다)

이전에 열었던 파일을 볼 수 없어 매우 불편한데 여러가지 방법을 사용해 보았으나 해결을 할 수 없습니다.

물론 작업표시줄 속성에서 최근 사용항목 저장하고 시작메뉴 및 작업 표시줄에 표시 항목 체크되어 있구요 사용자 지정에서 점프 목록에 표시할 최근 항목수도 10개로 설정되어 있습니다.

또한 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations 폴더에서 엑셀 관련 파일만 삭제도 해 보았고 전체 지우기도 수차례 하였습니다.

그 외도 몇가지 방법을 더 시도해 보았으나 안되네요.

해결을 부탁 드립니다.

My touch pad cursor sticks in Windows 10

When I switched to Windows 10 (and I wish I hadn't) my touch pad cursor sticks for one second every time I type something and then stop typing.

Red no identificada Windows 10

Intenté usar la dns y ajustar la ip apague el módem una y otra vez deshabilite el adaptador Wi-Fi y nada funciona




Actualización de lumia 822 (RM845) Verizon a denim (chip telcel)


Desde Hace meses he tratado de actualizar éste aparato sin éxito, ya que el OTA siempre dice que está actualizado. Finalmente encontré el "Nokia Software Recovery Tool" que se actualizó a "Windows Device Recovery Tool" v 3.1.5 y después de varios días de obtener el error de "Paquete no disponible para este teléfono", mágicamente apareció la actualización a "Denim", a las 3 am brinque de alegría solo para que mis ilusiones fueran aplastadas por el último de muchos obstáculos que he tenido:

Como dije encuentra y baja la actualización ~4.5 GB, cuando terminó presioné "instalar software" pensando que todo era miel sobre hojuelas, luego el programa se quejó de que la batería estaba baja cuando estaba a más del 90%, ignoré la advertencia. Inició la instalación con el mensaje "cambiando el teléfono al modo de luz" (ni idea que quiere decir) y el teléfono se reinicia pero finalmente muestra "La operación ha terminado con un error"

¿Alguna idea de como salvar este (aparentemente) último obstáculo?


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