Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Getting a transparent background in Fresh Paint

I want to have a transparent background in Fresh Paint. I saw a previous post on this, and the answer said to go to the "image tab". I don't know what the image tab is. Can someone help me with that or provide another way to get a transparent background please?

facing the problem of code c101b000

None of the apps are getting downloaded to my phone it is showing an error code c101b000 please help it is very urgent

OneNote vil ikke lade mig oprette en ny notesbog


Jeg har for nyligt skiftet skole og derved fået nyt login til min office 365 pakke.

Efter at have afinstalleret og geninstalleret Office 365-pakken, logger jeg ind med mit nye login, og det hele ser egentlig fint ud. Derefter vil jeg oprette en ny notesbog, hvor jeg får mulighed for at vælge farve og titel. Normalvis, vil der så komme én eller flere valgmuligheder (drop-down menu) ifht. hvor dette skal gemmes, men den forbliver blank efter at have 'loaded' og jeg kan derfor ikke oprette notesbogen.. Hjælp hvad gør jeg?

OBS: Det er en Macbook Air

Programs wont launch out of taskbar


As of a couple weeks ago random programs wont launch out of the taskbar. I launch the program and it looks open (ie. if I hover over the application it gets me the small thumbnail window above that shows its open.) It simply doesnt render in the large window allowing me to use the document/program.

So far its happened on Chrome and now SnagIt editor. So I cant say its a problem with the software since it was 2 different applications so far.

I even reset Windows (didnt wipe all files just programs) and reinstalled all of my software and this issue just popped back up.

Running the programs as administrator does nothing.

Any ideas?

MCSD: Universal Windows Platform certificate - still worth it?


Some colleagues of mine are interested in this certificateProgramming in C# https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-483.aspx. But on this page https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/mcsd-universal-windows-platform-certification.aspx I read:

"Note This certification will retire on March 31, 2017. When the certification retires, all individuals whose transcripts list this certification as active on or after September 26, 2016, will retain the active status."

What does that mean? If my colleagues register today and plan the exam in June 2017, will they still be able to take the exam? Will it still be valid? What does an active status mean? Is it better to take this exam course? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/mcsd-app-builder-certification.aspx - Is it comparable?

* btw, the required categories on the question submission page make no sense, there is no MSDN option.

Windows Updates - requiring Restarts

Since I upgraded to Widows 10 (last summer) almost every time there has been an update that required a "restart" I have had a failure on restart and have had to restart twice.  Today, however, I downloaded Office 2016 (no problems and it works fine); however, when I uninstalled Office 2010 I was required to restart BUT, the problem was that it took 7 attempts to restart the PC.  Any ideas as to why this might be?

Falha na entrada do serviço profsvc


Boa tarde.

Meu note ficou assim depois de ter desligado ele bruscamente.

Já tentei todos os passos a passos que explicam aqui na comunidade, inclusive criar outro usuário e aparece o mesmo erro. 







现在系统和全新安装一样 几乎纯净 为什么会出现这样 我桌面好多工作的东西啊。。

Problemas con imágenes y videos

 Como hago? mi teléfono lumia 521, no guarda las imágenes después de poco tiempo, ni los vídeos, las imágenes no se ven y los vídeos me dice que no es compatible con el teléfono, después de reproducirlos, que puedo hacer en este caso?

13 anos de e-mail e todos foram para o lixo

Tenho esse e-mail há 13 anos!!!! Sabe o que vocês fizeram? Limparam todas as mensagens sem nem um aviso. Serviço de merda de vocês


when i open outlook i now have an ad sitting directly in my inbox. there is no option to remove it, only to forward it or save it. it is in my inbox, not on the side. there is no box to check on the side to give me more options. is this permanent?

Contatos do Outlook

Dividir poreste thread.

Estou com o mesmo problema a dias, nao sei mas o que fazer, pois todos os meus contatos estão no outlook. 

Vou fazer um outro email opcional para ver se resolve. 


Ja tenho configurado em meu Iphone uma conta do OneDrive que é com email do outlook e agora quero entrar com uma outra conta no onedrive so que a mesma é uma conta apple (icloud), eu consigo fazer isso?, visto que meu computador já esta configurado com essa conta apple no one drive.

Mac OneNote 2016 - "Please wait" & stops working every time I try to delete a section


Title says it all. I just got OneNote last night. I was tweaking around with it today trying to figure out how it works and I just want to delete some sections I had made before. Every SINGLE time I try to do that I can a "Please Wait..." bar and the app stops working. I even restarted my computer. 

It's really frustrating and I can't find any information on it. Any suggestions? 

Vlookup - with Multiple Results


Here is a copy of my spreadsheet.  I need to do a vlookup to pull the results to another "Workbook".

For instance there are several rows for Part # 82218350/53.  I need a formula to pull all the rows for this part number.

Typlically with VLOOKUP I have found that VLOOKUP finds the first result and stops.  In the Example below there are 7 rows of data that I need to put in the other work book.

Can you help we with a Formula that can help me to do this?


error c101b00

When I install an app the app show me an error the error is c101b000



Min dator kraschar

Ungefär 15 sekunder efter jag har loggat in så kraschar min dator. Stoppkod: IRLQ_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL

windows messenger

canon lbp 2900 не может установить драйвера на win 10x64

canon lbp 2900 не может установить драйвера, не с офф сайта, не в ручную, не через диспетчер устройств. На соседнем ноутбуке все работает нормально. На данном ноутбуке, пишет -  при установке были обнаружены ошибки, ответствует путь. В чем может быть проблема?
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