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Excel 2016 - Search function Pop Up - separate window when using Alt Tab



I have recently been upgraded to Excel 2016 and have found that the search function (Ctrl+F) is now in a separate window.

I use the Alt+Tab function to switch between windows a lot with my role and am finding this extra search window a pain!  Is there anyway for it to be embedded back into Excel itself so its not an extra window?



Ransomware infection?

My computer has been infected by a something that has changed the file extensions of my Word documents to '.Merry'.  Windows Defender appears to have removed the insidious thing from my computer but all that I am reading suggests that may not be the case. Additionally, it appears that there is no way for me to decrypt and restore my files so that I may access them.  Can anyone help me separate fact from advertisement, please?  Is there any way to recover my files?  Is there a sure way to know that the ransomware has been removed from my computer?   For clarification, I am using Windows 10.

Outlook richiede il mio intervento

Possiedo un lumia 1320 al quale non riesco a disattivare la modalità aerea e ogni volta che lo accendo mi dice che l account Outlook richiede il mio intervento. Cosa fare?

MI PC se congela o da pantallazo azul


Hola, que tal.

Quería ver si alguien me podría ayudar con un problema que tengo con mi laptop.

Lo que pasa es que hace poco mi laptop se congela o sale el pantallazo azul con el mensaje de "video memory management internal" y se reinicia.

Eh investigado sobre el tema y eso se debe a algo relacionado con la memoria RAM, ya sea porque esta mal (ya no funciona) o da mal funcionamiento. También eh visto en foros de Microsoft como en otros que para solucionarlo tengo que cambiar la memoria RAM. Pero antes de eso tengo que correr el "Diagnostico de memoria de Windows" y si sale error con mayor razón la debo de cambiar, pero me dice que todo esta normal en el diagnostico me dice que no se ha encontrado ningún problema.

También en actualizado drivers (chipset, nvidia, Intel, bios, Windows 10)

Lo del pantallazo azul no siempre pasa, siempre y cuando no ejecute Battle.net. Battle.net es como una plataforma que incluye una biblioteca de videojuegos, pero específicamente, al ejecutar esa aplicación y ejecutar un juego de esa plataforma, se me congela la pantalla y toda la pc o me lanza el pantallazo azul.

Eh podido jugar otros juegos de esa misma plataforma y ah salido bien, pero al momento de abrir battle.net y dirigirme a la sección de ese juego en especifico, me lanza el error azul.

Hace algunos días cuando estaba jugando ese juego, en una partida mi laptop empezó actuar raro, se bajaban las imágenes por segundo y el audio se cortaba, pero no me sacaba del juego, después de unos segundos se arreglaba solo. ¿Tendrá algo que ver con lo del pantallazo?

(Solamente me sale el pantallazo azul cuando corro un juego en especifico)

Nota: Ya restablecí mi PC a de fabrica.

Correo de alerta de seguridad


Me acaba de llegar un correo de  *** Email address is removed for privacy *** diciendo que parece que alguien entro a mi cuenta, es válido este correo ?? al intentar entrar aqui para hacer la consulta me dice exactamente lo mismo y me pidio esta página verificar datos y cambiar contraseña ... por favor sus comentarios.


Windows 10 family settings not working for me


I am having a Windows 10 crisis. I set up a new Windows 10 computer and gave my son an account., I sorted out time limits and web access. now he needs more time than his limits and adjusted web access. when the pop up warning comes on his screen for him to request more time, or requested approval for a web site, he checks the box to send to me for approval. I get the email, I mark to approve and then EVERY time get a response message on screen saying 'there seems to be a problem at our end. Please try later while we try to fix this' OMG... I have tried everything, its driving us all mad. He can't access homework links and I have to be present to authorise extra time on the actual computer on each occasion. I have tried to delete him from the family Microsoft account, which actually shows him as pending. He has received the 'invitation' email, agreed to join the family, but he remains as pending on my family account. I have deleted him and he still shows on my account. I now don't care about him having complete access.. I just want the settings disabled. He has work stored on the computer and I prefer not to reboot the system and go through all the faff of installing Office, antivirus etc

Can anyone advise? and is it something fairly straightforward that I am

Attivazione office

Ciao, ho bisogno urgentemente di aiuto. A novembre ho pagato il negozio per l'installazione di office e ora mi ritrovo tutti i comandi inattivi e non riesco neanche ad inserire la product key, come mi era stato richiesto all'inizio. Dove posso trovare la schermata dove inserirla?

Никак не могу активизировать offise

Здравствуйте! Не могу активизировать offise, высвечивается, что у меня стоит неправильный часовой пояс, проверяю - все правильно: и время, и дата, и часовой пояс. Что делать?

Onenote Copy link to page issue


I am experiencing this issue where if i click "copy link to page" once, then control+v on a page i will get a very long hyperlink



However, if i select  "copy link to page" again on the same page 

I will get the short name hyperlink (title of the page)


I had been using Onenote for many years now, and i know the standard is to get the short name hyperlink upon first paste.

I am sure there are some settings messed up somewhere, but i couldn't find it. 
If anyone else have a similar issue, please help


WIndows10 error

Error: The application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail

How to locate a saved file

Today I was working on my excel sheet in my office premises where we don't have desktop rights and we cannot save file on desktop or anywhere apart from a folder created by our usernames and we don't have search option enabled as well so today I was working on my excel file and after completing it i just clicked on close button and after that it showed me three options first one was save second was don't save and third was close so I clicked on save and it got saved somewhere and now I'm unavle to find that and when i searched in the recent workbooks there was nothing can yoh please help me finding th

Geburtstagskalender ohne Einträge / Verschobene Geburtstagseinträge beim Sync mit IPhone


Hallo Community,

ich habe (wie viele Andere auch) keine Einträge in meinem Geburtstagskalender, obwohl die Geburtstagsdaten in den Kontakten korrekt eingetragen sind. Ein deaktivieren und anschließendes aktivieren des Geburtstagskalenders brachte anfangs eine Fehlermeldung, erstellte aber nach einem weiteren Versuch den Geburtstagskalender bei outlook.com (ohne Einträge).

Ein weiteres Problem ist, dass ich auf meinem IPhone beim synchronisieren der Inhalte zwar alle Kontakte inklusive der Geburtstage angezeigt bekomme, allerdings sind die Geburtstage alle um einen Tage in die Zukunft verschoben.

Die Zeitzone, Datum und Uhrzeit habe ich bereits bei allen Geräten geprüft:

1. outlook.com: UTC +1 Stunde

2. PC mit Windows 10: UTC +1 Stunde

3. IPhone: UTC +1 Stunde

Für Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Gruß Mathias

giriş ekranında kalıyor ve sıfırlama yapaıyorum

bilgisayarım casper n220 tablet/pc bilgisayarı şifre ekraına kadar sorunsuz açılıyor ama şifrei girdikten sonra orada kalıyor daha açılmıyor sıfırlama kurtarma gibi işlemleri denedi ilk başlarda diskte yeterli alan yok diyordu daha sonra hiç bir işlem yapılamadı diyor yardımcı olursanız sevinirim

Word Header VBA - underline text


I am trying to underline one word in an Word Document header. I have got this so far however it is underlining the space between my left alignment and center alignment. See attached code. "PHOTOGRAPHS" should be the only text underlined. "Number" is not underlined however the space in between is.

Thanks for the help!

Set objSelection = objWord.Selection

With objSelection.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range
    .Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
    .Font.Size = 11
    .Text = "Inspection Date: "
    .Collapse 1
    .InsertAlignmentTab 2
    .Text = vbNewLine
    .Collapse 1
    .InsertAlignmentTab 2
    .Text = "BMS No. " 
    .Collapse 1
    .InsertAlignmentTab 2
    .Text = "PHOTOGRAPHS"
    .Font.Underline = True
    .Collapse 1
    .Font.Underline = False
    .InsertAlignmentTab 1
    .Font.Underline = False 
    .Text = "Number"
    .Font.Underline = False
End With


On my wife's computer she gets a false page that tells her she has to call MS by phone.  We know this is a scam but it comes up on the Edge browser when loading.  Comes up on her user only and tried to get rid of it by virus scan and windows defender, no luck yet

Can't see some files and folders on OneDrive

Split from this thread.

I am having the same issue. Looks like the issue was never addressed from the email trail.

I am able to access one drive files from the Laptop/surface 3/Ipad air they were saved on, however I am not able to see all of the files on any of the units.

I thought t idea of the one drive was to have a central storage that could be accessed from any device.

Please let me know what I may be doing wrong



***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

MSN Money App

I have  the MSN money app installed on my three iPads and for the last two days the app will not download my watchlist.  I have reinstalled the app several times without any change.  All other features of the app work correctly.  However without the app I can download the watchlist without a problem but much prefer the app.  Have no clue what if anything can do to get app working and would appreciate any advice.  Ron

Installationspfad aussuchen nicht mehr möglich ,,Durchsuchen,, verschwindet sofort und beendet Programm



Ich habe folgendes Problem:

Ich möchte den Pfad, in dem die Songs von Spotify heruntergeladen werden ändern. Normalerweise erscheint ein Fenster, in dem man die Pfade durchsuchen kann. Außerdem möchte ich den Pfad, in dem ein Programm installiert wird, ändern.

Doch sobald dieses Fenster erscheinen soll, bricht es ab und beendet das komplette Programm.

Ich habe bereits nach Lösungen gesucht...auch hier nur leider half der Tipp mit der Eingabeaufforderung nicht.

Ich hoffe ihr habt Tipps für mich



O365 Word quick part for LookUp field in SharePoint


Hi, I added a LookUp field in my SharePoint Online content type.  The content type is used on a document library.  When I click on create New document, the word document template opens up on my client word app.  

The LookUp field does not display any value

However, when I go to the document properties of the word document, I am able to see the values there.  Why is the behavior different?  We need the value on the word document itself.  Thanks.

не работают клавиши навигации


Почему у меня нет клавиш навигации при открытии фотографии как мне их сделать у меня 535 lumia

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