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How can I determine if a certain KB(Windows Update), or those that superseded it is already installed programatically?


Our install scenario requires a certain KB(Windows Update) to be installed. The problem is, there are packages that supersede that specific update, making the registry search for that specific KB useless.

For example, I need to determine if the computer has KB-X. KB-X is superseded by KB-Y. In effect, there could be a computer that only has KB-Y because it doesn't need those it superseded.

When there is a new KB-Z that would supersede Y, it would also supersede X, which is why having a static list of those who supersede is not effective because that list would have to be updated from time to time.

My scenario is for now, I have KB-Y. How can I determine that I don't need KB-X anymore because I have KB-Y?

I have tried:

-using wuAPI, but it doesn't tell me what the installed updates have superseded.

-using wmic qfe but it also doesn't tell me what the installed updates have superseded

-using registry search but it only works if you install the KB and not those that supersede it

- using powershell get -wmiobject and get -hotfix but it cannot tell me what the installed updates have superseded.

Is there a way for my installation to determine if I have a certain KB or those that supersede it is already installed?

I would prefer an answer that doesn't need to update the installer from time to time.

Displaying Wrong Name In Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Outlook Startet nicht



leider habe ich schon beim telefonischen Support, im Chat und auch auf den Foren nach einer Lösung gesucht bin aber nicht fündig geworden. 

Mein Outlook startet nicht. Ich habe versucht es im abgesicherten Modus zu öffnen. Nicht mal der abgesicherte Modus startet... Danach habe ich es deinstalliert und wieder neu. Das ging dann wieder, aber nur ein Tag... Jetzt startet Outlook wieder nicht :(

Ich benutze die Software von der Uni: Office 365 ProPlus for Students

Clé de produit



J'ai téléchargé windows 8 professionnel sur microsoft et lors de son installation, ça demande la clé de produit. Que faire?

Mon pc se coupe



Par moment mon pc bug. Il passe à un écran bleu. Il m'indique ( en anglais) que le système n'est pas géré, qu'il récolte les informations et qu'il va s'éteindre et redémarrer... mais il reste bloqué sur cette page !!!.

Le code erreur est le suivant: nvlddmkm.sys.

Merci pour votre aide.


il lettore DVD

ho microsoft office 10 e ho disintillato il lettore DVD perché non funzionava. Come faccio a recuperarlo



I recently got office 365 Home and I am trying to install it on the second device using my account and after I put in the product key it's taking me to a previous window which asks me to input a product key again. I have gone on a loop thinking I was getting the product key wrong but product key is correct. Why am I experiencing this and how can I solve it?

Thank you for your responses.

is there a pop up chat desk

I have received an e.mail in junk appearing to be myself ..all the details are mine ..upon opening It said hello Trisha ..I then closed it down..I have received 4 of these ..should I close this email Address down..... and open a new account because if they are sendin to me from my own address they may be phising mail to others?  cannot block as its my own address.  can it be used as a scam

Yksityisyys asetusten täytyy sallia lähettäminen käyttäen Windows 10 Game baria


Lähettääksenne Windows 10 Game barin avulla, tarkistakaa että yksityisyys asetuksenne on asetettu defaul asentoon pelin lähettämiseksi.


  1. Menkää osoitteeseen account.xbox.com/settings.

  2. Valitkaa Xbox One -verkkoturvavälilehti ja siirtykää tilin alareunaan ja varmistakaa että Lähetä peliä on asetettu arvoon Salli.

Teidän pitäisi olla valmis lähettämistä varten!

Outlook not working on Mac running OSO El Capitan


I have a one year old Mac and have been operating an Outlook email account via Google Chrome without a problem until recently. Now I can open the email page where very small print appears and the emails are inaccessible and the layout abnormal. I doubt this is a virus, as I can open Outlook without a problem using other search engines. 

Perhaps a Microsoft rep can explain - I have tried talking to them twice at length over the past few days but they insist this is a Google problem.

你好,我正在使用samsung notebook 9,我想問如何可以加入筆劃輸入法?

你好,我正在使用samsung notebook 9,我想問如何可以加入筆劃輸入法?另外,如何設回語言為香港?它經常顯示為台灣

Various problems regarding Outlook People at Outlook.com


The last couple of weeks I have had all sorts of problems regarding Outlook People at Outlook.com and I am beginning to think that it has its own life. My contacts are automatically linked even if they do not match at all; personal info from one contact pop up under another contact, personal info from contacts are missing; photos are disappearing from individual contacts and some contacts are being deleted. In fact, nothing at all seems to be working!

This is becoming frustrating because this of course effects the People App on my PC and mobile and I have close to 900 contacts in my list. I am clever enough to have all my contacts also in Outlook 2016, under my personal e-mail account.

Before I give up and find another way to keep my contacts safe, does someone experience the same technical difficulties and perhaps know the reason for this?

unable to find a bootable option in nokia lumia 520


I have Lumia 520. It Shows the error Unable to find bootable option. 

I have tried Windows device recovery tool (Firmware version - 3058.50000.1425.0001) but after the PACKAGE is DOWNLOADED and BATTERY CHECK step the installation fails with the message " operation ended with failure- the software is not correctly signed or not signed for this device."

email açamıyorum



yıllardır kullandığım *** Email address is removed for privacy *** email adresimi açamıyorum,yardımlarınızı rica ediyorum

fejl efter installation som begrænset lokal bruger


Efter installation af office 365 proplus på Windows 10 pro som begrænset lokal bruger (i eleveret tilstand) får man følgende fejl :

"kan ikke oprette arbejdsfilen - kontroller variablen TEMP"

Kun ved at installere Office med administrator-kontoen (og huske at starte programmet op første gang) kan man benytte sig af Office som den begrænsede bruger uden at få fejlmeldingen.


Er det et kendt issue, eller gør jeg noget galt?

Problem with Update


Showing in Update history.

Every time I connect my ASUS tablet an update (possibly a driver) is downloaded and installed.  As far as I can tell it is the same update.  I have tried "hiding" the update but it still downloads.

When I look at Device manager there are now two instances for the tablet!

Every time I connect my HP printer an update is downloaded (perhaps a driver) and installed.  It is the same one each time.  I have tried hiding the update but it continues to be downloaded and installed.

When I look at Device manager there are two instances of the printer!

These updtaes do not show in Control Panel, Programs and Features, Installed updates only in the Windows, Settings, Updates, History.

Is there a bug in Update that it does not recognise that such updates are already installed?

How can I stop it?  I have downloaded and run wushowhide.diagcab from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3073930/how-to-temporarily-prevent-a-driver-update-from-reinstalling-in-windows-10 but to no effect.









bom dia

tem como desativar o cortana no lumia 730?


Enormes lenteurs sous Office 2016 pour mac sous Excel, perte de mise en page des documents


Je viens de passer de Microsoft 2011 pour Mac vers Microsoft 2016 pour MAC et depuis tout tourne au ralenti, et la mise en page des documents est perdue:

- Lorsque je travaille sur EXEL 2016 il faut 6 secondes pour copier une cellule et 6 secondes pour la coller ensuite... idem pour insérer une ligne... ou faire quoi que se soit en fait... (si je copie/colle trop vite une cellule, il n'a pas le temps de la copier du tout!).

- Lorsque je rentre dans la formule d'une Somme, je ne peux pas étirer le rectangle de sélection. Je suis obligée de supprimer la formule et de la recommencer...

- De plus ma mise en page est altérée: toutes les colonnes perdent un petit peu de largeur... mes images importées (logo) sont déformées également en largeur.

- Si j'enregistre le document sous 2016 avec ces bug de largeur de colonnes et que je le ré-ouvre sur 2011 il redevient conforme à l'origine...

- Bizarrement un même texte (même taille de corps de texte et même typo) ne fait pas la même largeur entre 2011 et 2016...

Ce qui fait que la mise en page de mes documents ne fonctionne plus du tout (les textes sortent des colonnes, et sont tronqués à l'impression! Tous mes documents sont obsolètes!

Pouvez-vous m'aider?




I have hotmail email, now accessed via outlook.

This morning all my emails were there.  Rested phone on keyboard whilst I made a call and now 2 weeks worth of emails have disappeared!  They are not in my deleted or any other folder.

Any ideas where they might have gone and how I can retrieve?

Many thanks.

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