Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Chrome disappears automatically


In my laptop (win 10 home user) my Chrome disappears automatically.Again, at next intallation also same process continues. plz resolve my issue.

Original Title: Virus and Malware

Moved from Virus and Malware

Windows Insider Preview


 для установки Windows Insider Preview нужен ключ ? если эта  Windowsне активирована 

Windows 10 Insider Preview 14986 — ошибки установки обновления


Сейчас установлен билд 14931.

Не устанавливается новая сборка. За все попытки установить обновление показывалось несколько ошибок: (0x8007000e), (0x800705b4) и 0x80240fff.

Ни одна из инструкций на форуме не помогла. Средство диагностики неполадок оставляет неисправленной ошибку с невозможностью автоматически обнаружить параметры прокси сети, хотя служба настроена верно, вроде бы.

dism тоже не хочет выполняться.

Попытка установить обновление через образ также завершилась вылетом)

Что делать, если очень не хочется возвращать систему к базовому состоянию?

Word Automation - Find and Replace Ignoring Footers


Hi All,

I have inherited some VB.Net code that uses Office Interop to automate some tasks in Word; it's all working well apart from the find & replace part. We have a setup where there may be multiple instances of special keywords embedded in the template document which are found and replaced by the VB.Net application (e.g. "~CASE_REF~" will be replaced by "ABC123"), and all is fine unless any of the keywords are in the document footer in which case it appears they are neither found nor replaced.

The code in question is:

                        Do While docWord.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:=adoVRset.GetValue(intPos).ToString(), MatchCase:=False, MatchWholeWord:=False)
                            docWord.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:=adoVRset.GetValue(intPos).ToString(), ReplaceWith:=adoVRset.GetValue(intPos + 1).ToString(), MatchCase:=False, MatchWholeWord:=False, Forward:=Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll)

Sorry - I cannot format the code to a code block; it either only does half of the selected code or else it formats the entire post. It really isn't my day.

If anyone knows why this is failing to work for keywords in the footer I'd be very grateful for any pointers.

Thanks in advance.


Anschluss MD Deck MDS-JE640


Teilen Sie mir bitte mit, ob ich mein Mini Disc Deck MDS-JE640 von Sony an meinen Computer: ThinkStation E 32 ,Windows 10 anschließen kann?

Welche Anschlüsse muss ich benutzen, welche Kabel brauche ich dazu? Welche Möglichkeit gibt es um MiniDisc vom PC abzuspielen und zu bearbeiten.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich eine Antwort bekomme. Vielen Dank dafür!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Siegfried Feul

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

ThinkStation E 32



Learning resources required for Excel VBA


I am a beginner to learn Excel VBA.I want to learn excel vba from scratch to advance. Please let me know by any experience person where i can find the resources and tutorials.


Surface Pen

Habe mir heute ein Surface Pro 4 gekauft. Der Pen funktioniert jedoch nicht, es leuchtet nicht mal die Lampe bei 7s betätigen des obigen Buttons. Was könnte das Problem sein?

Using MEigenvec( ) built in function in VBA for Excel


Most excel built in functions can be used in vba macros using WorksheetFunction. for example:

'Range("h5:j7") = WorksheetFunction.MInverse(Range("B5:D7")) works great!  However, I'm unable to use any of the MEIgenvalue or MEigenvector 'built in*' functions.  The eigen functions are part of the Matrix and Linear Algebra Add in. These all work fine as worksheet functions on the worksheet.

Here's how I'm trying to call the worksheet functions:

Range("F5:F7") = WorksheetFunction.MEigenvalQR(Range("B5:D7"))
Range("h5:j7") = WorksheetFunction.MEigenvec(Range("B5:D7"))

And when I try to run I get that ambiguous message RT Error 438 "Object doesn't support the property or method".

Can anybody offer a solution?   Thanks


bij activeren van een proefabonnement van office 365 zegt office dat de licentie niet kan worden geinstalleerd omdat er al een andere promotionele licentie is geinstalleerd. Ik heb office geinstalleerd en verwijderd en toen weer geinstalleerd. Proeflicentie is nog steeds geldig

Moving a Windows Server 2003 & 5 RDS CAL licence to a new install



like the title says, I have an old machine with Windows Server 2003 on it and it includes 5 RDS CALs.  

It is quite old and slow, so it will be replaced with a new server. 

I have lost any licence numbers, product keys I had. Only thing I still have is the invoice for buying the licence.

Question is, is there a way to extract the required licence keys from the current installation and migrate them to a new one? How does this process work?

Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I can't find the one for servers...

Thank you!

Account locked - not mine



speaking for a friend here who can't unlock his account even though he thinks he provided correct information.

Yesterday he was asked to provide information because his account seemed to be hijacked. He provided all the information required, at this day twice - but it seems he is not allowed inside.

He created his account in 1997, while he was in DC. He was serving in the Army and was sent around a lot, and maybe that's the trick.

He is in doubt about the security question "which country/region you was when you created the account?"
His home address was in DC, but at the time he was somewhere else in the world: may the registration process remember that?

Thanks in advance,
Lucio Pitocco

Count Hours based on Uppercase Alphabet (A) & Lowercase Albhabet (a)


Schedule looks like this

For D (uppercase) is considered as 12.5 Hours and d (lowercase) is considered as 7.5 Hours. 

I need hours total in column H.

Please provide formula

A CPU não tem suporte (prefetchw).


Executei o assistente de atualização do windows e apresento esse erro. Dei uma olhada no fórum e vi algo sobre não ter suporte pra 64 bits.


Baixei o  MediaCreationTool

e criei a ISO 32 bits, passei pro pendrive e na hora de bootar ele simplesmente trava e reinicia o pc, literalmente fica uma tela preta e reinicia. Já testei o pendrive em outra máquina e funciona. Imagino que seja problema na placa ou configuração do setup

PCCHIPS P21G versão 1.0 

É uma maquina antiga...

Dagelijkse limiet bereikt met emails versturen en heb nog niets verzonden?


Ik zou het maximum te verzenden berichten bereikt hebben voor vandaag?
Het is net 00:30 geweest en ik heb er nog geen enkele verzonden?
Hoe is dat mogelijk??

Ik heb mijn mobiele nummer erin gezet en alsnog kan ik niets verzenden???

Win10开机就提醒Windows Defender需要扫描计算机,每次开机就提醒,烦不烦?


Win10开机就提醒Windows Defender需要扫描计算机,每次开机就提醒,烦不烦?


Значок выключения компьютера на экране блокировки

Здравствуйте, после одного обновления Windows с экрана блокировки пропал значок выключения компьютера. Остались только значок сети и специальные возможности. Подскажите, как вернуть?

publisher rgb naar cmyk

Ik heb Publisher 2013 versie 15.0.4893.1002. Ik moet een bestand exporteren naar pdf voor een drukkerij die dit wil hebben. Nu krijg ik met geen mogelijkheid de pdf in CYMK kleuren, hij blijft alleen de RGB kleuren gebruiken. Volgens de site moet het kunnen, maar ik kan geen geen selectievakjes of tabbladen vinden waarmee ik het kan wijzigen. Kunnen jullie me even op weg helpen, ik doe vast iets verkeerd, maar kan niet ontdekken wat.


Не приходять сповіщення про смс повідомлення. Не відображаються на екрані, лише тоді коли відкриті повідомлення тоді приходить сповіщення. Звіт про доставку теж не приходить хоча увімкнула. Телефон 650 люмія.В чому може бути справа? Це через оновлення телефону до останньої версії?

Как безвозвратно удалить аккаунт и информацию о себе с этого сервера?


Доброго дня.

Зачистите меня здесь покрепче. Спасибо.

С уважением...

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