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При запуске компа пишет такую ошибку
Windows Resume Loader
Your computer can't come out of hibernation Status: 0xc0000225
Your computer will be rebooted. Any information that was not saved before the computer went into hibernation will be lost.
Нажимаю Enter и он перезагружается и тоже самое. Помогите.
Я не могу его включить, просто эта ошибка на черном фоне и при перезагрузке тоже самое!!

Skype AdChoices

How do I turn off AdChoices in Skype running on Windows 10

Can't get my email have windows 10 now not 7 like before


Can anyone tell me how to get my email my old computer had windows 7 this new one has windows 10 and it always tells me nothing has arrived I'm not good with computers every time I find something they want more money I feel that is wrong I just bought this computer

Windiws 7 June Critical Update fail


June 2017 Critical Update 

On June 17th 2017 my laptop computer with Windows 7 did a critical update. After the computer restarted within a few minutes everything froze. I was using Google Chrome and could not do anything else except to do a hard shutdown.

From that point on I went to restart in the safe mode and have contacted Microsoft for help. They have thus far deleted several files from my computer and I am now on the 6th person for technical help

There is a possible corrupt file in the June 2017 critical update. Please post if you have also experienced difficulties like this after your update.

If you have a resolution, that would be helpful to myself and others. Thanks for sharing.

Microphone on both RealTek and Logitech webcam not functioning

I can hear people and get great pictures, they also receive great picture however they cannot hear me. I have checked microphone settings and still no success. What could be the issue here.

Need help

I have done all the settings of kid's corner by mistake and it is not required and also I need to remove but it is not removing and it is asking password every time so I need help please help?

Word ændrer skifttype-kendetegn for mere tekst end den del, jeg har markeret


Jeg har brugt MS Word 2007 i mange år (og vil karakterisere mig selv som erfaren bruger) ― men har fået et problem, jeg ikke har kunnet løse: Hvis jeg (med musen) markerer et stykke tekst, og derpå trykker på knapperne for fx “kursiv” eller “halvfed” skrift, ændres ikke kun det stykke, jeg har markeret ― men hele dokumentet (eller, i nogle tilfælde, det meste af det).


Hvis jeg derpå (med musen) klikker på knappen for “Fortryd indtastning,” ændres dette, således at kun det stykke, jeg har markeret, fremstår som jeg ønsker (fx i kursiv).


Men til gengæld forsvinder da ofte de øvrige ændringer (til fx kursiv, halvfed osv.), som jeg tidligere har foretaget. Dette sker ikke hver gang ― men ofte.


Hvordan får jeg MS Word til at holde op med at drille på den måde?


Jeg benytter seneste opdateringer af både MW Word 2007 og Windows 10.


Med venlig hilsen

Nikolaj Lunøe

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Windows 10 self-selecting turn off times


I posted a question a couple of days ago and received one response, was notified of it by email.  Cannot now find in Community, so I hope Andre De Costa can find this post responding to his offer of help:

Pressed Windows Key + X, as instructed.  Check.  Clicked Power Options, as instructed.  Check.  However, there was no "Restore Default Settings for This Plan" button.  Here is what appeared after I clicked Power Options (In a column, but I will not waste space here):

Home, System, Display, Notifications and Actions, Power and Sleep, Storage, Tablet Mode, Multitasking, Projecting to This PC, Shared Experiences, About.  Given these choices, I selected Power and Sleep, and this is what appeared:

Screen, When Plugged in, Turn off after (1 min. - 5 hours - Never).  I selected Never.

Sleep, When Plugged in PC Goes to Sleep after (1 min. - 5 hours - Never).  I selected Never.

(Still no button for restoring default settings.)

I see that others have been having this problem since at least 2016, and Microsoft has provided no solution.  I guess I was lucky to have been able to use computer without signing in every two minutes for as long as I was.  Is there another Operating System one may purchase for a desktop computer?  I am really sick of Microsoft's total disregard for providing help when needed.  I expect items I buy to operate correctly; and, if they don't, I certainly expect the manufacturer/seller of same to fix the problem.  Apparently, this is not part of Microsoft's mission statement.  I guess their mission is to get rich, and d--n the stupid customers who keep coming back for more.


I was trying to install windows 10 in a bootable usb then I encountered something in the boot menu. UEFI: SANDISK and SANDISK, which do i choose to boot from? the one with the UEFI or the other?

monitor settings

My monitors will not go to sleep after updating the last two updates of Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview, I have my power settings set at not to shut down the hard drive, and to put the monitors to sleep after 20 minutes.

can't exit Excel 2016


I have a number of existing excel workbooks (both saved in latest format & 1997-2003) which open and close fine. 

I just created a new workbook, saved it.

When I open it, use it, then try to close by clicking on "X" in upper right hand corner, the program freezes and I get "not responding" message. Ultimately I  have to go to TaskManager to shut down Excel.

If I  go to "File" and  then "close",  the spreadsheet shuts down normally, and then I can lose the program by clicking on the upper right hand corner "X" button as usual. 

No problems with existing spreadsheets.No problems with Word, Powerpoint  or existing spreadsheets. 

I tried recreating the spreadsheet & deleting original... didn't fix problem

La rotation d'écran ne fonctionne plus sur mon Lumia 950XL



J'ai un Lumia 950 XL depuis plus d'un an (windows 10), dont j'étais très satisfait. 

Mais depuis quelques semaines, la rotation d'écran ne fonctionne plus. Impossible de voir les pages en format 'paysage'. Très gênant pour visualiser les 'Photos et Vidéo', et pour les pages dans One Note et les autres applications Office.

Naturellement, j'ai désactivé le verrouillage de la rotation (dans Paramètres/Affichage).

Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée ?

Merci d'avance

Outlook.com-App kann Outlook-Account nicht einloggen



ich nutze unter iOS die outlook.com-App, um E-Mails von meinem Microsoft-Konto und vom Microsoft-Konto meiner Frau abzurufen. Seit einer Woche kann sich die App aber nicht mehr mit unseren Microsoft-Accounts einloggen. Ich habe die Konten dann entfernt. Beim Versuch, sie neu einzurichten, erkennt er zwar noch, dass es sich um Microsoft-Kontos handelt, aber nach Eingabe des Passworts sagt er: "Es ist keine Anmeldung möglich. Verwenden Sie "IMAP" und melden Sie sich erneut an."

Folgendes habe ich schon probiert:

- Mich online oder auf anderen Geräten in der App einloggen. Das funktioniert. Die Zugangsdaten stimmen also.

- iPad neu starten. Hilft nichts.

- Outlook.com-App deinstallieren und neuinstallieren. Hilft nichts.

- Anstatt ein Outlook.com/Microsoft-Konto einzugeben, den Zugang zu meinem Outlook.com-Konto manuell per IMAP-Menü einrichten. Klappt auch nicht.

Wie gesagt, trat dieses Problem gleichzeitig mit meinem Konto und dem meiner Frau auf.

Hat jemand einen Rat?


Erreur au démarrage, recovery impossible



J'ai un gros problème sur mon PC.

Ça fais une semaine que j'ai quelque plantage (freeze du Pc, et redémarrage au bouton obligatoire) je pensais que c'était à cause de mon HDD. (10Go de libre seulement)

j'ai fais un peu de nettoyage en désinstallant quelque jeux que je n'utilise plus... Après deux trois redémarrage normal, une erreur est apparue (je ne me rappel plus laquelle). Bref, on me demandais de récupérer mon pc, je me suis fait temps qu'à faire, encaissés un gros nettoyage. J'ai pris l'option "récupération sans sauvegarde des donnée perso". Environs 50% il me dis qu'il n'a pas réussi e à supprimer mes donnée personnel. Et la, au redémarrage, quel surprise : "aucun système d'exploitation n'est reconnue"...

Bon, du coup je vais sur Microsoft.com, je télécharge le logiciel de téléchargement de Windows 10 (via un autre pc bien sur). Je l'utilise pour faire une clef USB bootable Windows 10 64bits. Je démarre mon pc dessus, les premières étapes de l'installation fonctionne (formatage HDD, Étape 1 et 2 (préparation de l'installation)). Maintenant, au redémarrage, j'ai 2 erreurs :

- soit : lorsque la clef USB est brancher donc bootable : "Recvery : There was a problem with a device connected to your PC. An unexpected I/O error has occupée." Erreur 0xc00000e9

-soit : " Récupération : Échec du chargement du système d'exploitation, car le noyau est manquant ou contient des erreurs" erreur 0xc0000221. Toutes les option de démarrage (f8) ramène au même ecran

Soit t'a un truc que je sais pas faire (car 1er fois que j'installe Windows via USB), soit  t'a un problème et svp, aider moi :)

en vous remerciant par avance.

Windows 10 64Bits - Restaurar Imagem do Sistema - HD externo não é identificado.


Windows 10 64Bits Home Single Language, versão 1703, compilação 15063.413, eu consigo criar e salvar uma Imagem do Sistema com a ferramenta "Backup e Restauração (Windows 7)" do próprio Windows.

Um SSD particionado em unidade (C: e D:), sistema em C:, em um HD Externo via USB 3.0 tranquilamente, mas, após formatar notebook, quando eu tento utilizar a Imagem do Sistema para restaurar, a ferramenta "Backup e Restauração (Windows 7)" não identifica o HD externo onde está salvo a Imagem do Sistema.

Eu já desativei o Anti-virus , não resolveu, compartilhei a Unidade do HD Externo e não resolveu, pois aparece a mensagem dizendo que
"o Windows não encontrou nenhum conjunto de backup em \\gabriel\E\WindowsImageBackup. O estranho é que a ferramenta é a mesma utilizada para criar o Backup.
Observando que, eu já criei um novo Backup para teste, e o problema persiste. Outro detalhe é que o HD do notebook é um SSD e o HD externo é um modelo mecânico alimentado pela USV 3.0.
Lembro que eu já utilizei este sistema de recuperação de Imagem no Windows 10 64Bits antes, embora já faça muito tempo, nas últimas vezes eu só atualizava o Backup.

Caso alguém tenha alguma ideia, eu agradeço.

why cant i get my old skype back, ive lost all my contacts

how do i get my old skype back as lost all contacts thanks

установка приложений которые работали в windows 7

здравствуйте подскажите как установить или обновить Samsung Eco Mode на windows 10, просто при установки он либо блокирует либо требует обновить или же кидает на сайт майкрософта. подскажите что можно сделать и как устанить эту проблему. Приложение, которое вы пытаетесь открыть, заблокировано, поскольку оно может повредить компьютер или привести к потере данных. хотя на придыдущей версий работало. и первое время на windows 10 тоже работало. а щас не хочет 

windows defender


 Plz help me I cant turn on real time protection .

Défis du jour ouvre une page blanche (win10)



Depuis quelques jours je n'accède plus aux défis du jour (mahjong et Klondike). Mon win10 est à jour.

S'agit-il d'une panne ? Où y a-t-il un autre lien ?

Merci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.


Mittels Outlook habe ich eine E-Mail im Format "Rich-Text" mit Anhang verschickt. Wenn ich im Ordner "Gesendet" versuche, den Anhang zu öffnen, erhalte ich die Nachricht: "Das zum Erstellen dieses Objekts verwendete Programm ist Outlook. Das Programm ist entweder auf dem Computer nicht installiert, oder es reagiert nicht. Installieren Sie zum Bearbeiten des Objekts Outlook, oder stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Dialogfelder in Outlook geschlossen sind." Wie kann ich den Anhang öffnen?
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