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Suite à une mise à jour de Skype sous Windows 10, je n'arrive plus à effacer les anciennes conversations ...

Avec l'ancienne version de Skype, il y avait, si je me rappelle bien, un onglet pour effacer les conversations inutiles ...

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?

Avec tous mes remerciements déjà.

Bonne journée à tous




en recherchant une personne qui n est pas dans mes contacts, j ai clique sur un mauvais bouton et j en ai  appele une autre, j ai de suite raccroché, mais elle est apparue dans mes contacts avec un appel manqué. elle sait donc que je l ai appele, elle va donc savoir mon nom de messagerie, hors je ne le veux pas. je l 'ai de suite enlevé de mes contacts en la bloquant, peut elle encore voir ma fiche et mon nom, ou simplement mon pseudo ? si c est le cas comment puis je faire au moins pour changer mon nom ? est il possible de resilier mon compte rapidement ?

Merci pour vos reponses

Account verificationq



have been in touch on chat...have a reference number for support case...but can't find email address to deal with this directly....FFS!!@!@@@ sh\&&t support.

I have the issue where my email address was associated as a secondary email address with a PayPal account. 

PayPal say this happened int 2014....errrr not to my knowledge and also that I cannot find any email send to PayPal on this point...

Anyway, I need something formal from microsoft confirming single ownership of this account since before 2014.  

Secondly, I also need confirmation that there was no email received from PayPal / email sent wrt positive confirmation of a PayPal account using my email address **removed by moderator**

How can I get this......how can I have direct interaction with Microsoft!!??!!! HELP!!]]

***Personal information deleted by the moderator. Please see the Microsoft Community Frequently Asked Questions for more information on how you can protect your privacy.***

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

ami bloquer


j'ai bloquer un ami par erreur comment je fais pour le débloquer




3.首先,我们利用CTRL + F 快捷键,查找“xlsx”的位置,当然这里也可以自己下拉查找。



abbonamenti SKYPE


Salve, non riesco più a effettuare abbonamento SKYPE Europa senza limiti 12 mesi.

E' stato tolto ?
Come faccio ora ?

Error Code 0x0070091


I have Windows 10 updated from Win 7. After using AVG tune up to defrag my hard disk The screen went black and now Icannot boot up windows 10 and I cant get into Safe Mode to use the command prompt. I'm really stuck.

I have tried Reset this PC but System restore returns the error code  0x0070091

Can you help please???

abbonamenti Europa


Salve, vorrei sapere se l'abbonamento Senza Limiti Europa 12 mesi é stato tolto € 74,00/anno circa.

Dopo tentativi di pagamento non andati a buon fine, e non si sà perché, non riesco più a sottoscrivere tale abbonamento che sembra sparito.

Il solo del quale trovo traccia è il Senza Limiti Mondo ma, oltre a capire bene che il primo mese è gratis, non si capisce quanto costi il mese successivo (non é scritto da nessuna parte).

Ho bisogno per motivi di lavoro dell'abbonamento senza Limiti Europa. Mi potete aiutare ?

Grazie a tutto coloro che potranno aiutarmi.

Problem Using Repair Drive


I created a Repair Drive using 16GB USB drive but when I try to test it I'm asked to select a keyboard language and then when I select 'Exit and Continue to Windows 10' I'm asked again to select a keyboard language.

How exactly do I use the USB Repair Drive?

Feature Update to Windows 10 - 1703

After doing this update I've now lost files from my C drive and can't seem to find them anywhere.  Help.   I notice there is now a folder titled windows.old on my c drive as well.  

Windows10 Pro Etkinleştirme


Mrb, Bilgisayarımda Windows10 single language var idi. Bunuda windows 8.1 den yükseltmiş idim. Magaza uygulamasında gezinir iken Win10 pro istermisiniz diye teklif geldi. Yükseltme işlemini yaptım. Defalarca kontrol ettim. Ürün etkinleştirilmiş halde.

Fakat bu işlem için herhangi bir ücret ödemedim.

Bu lisans nerden ve nasıl gelmiş olabilir?


Puedo llamar pero no les llega los mensajes


Veréis, antes no me pasaba, al principio no tenia ningún problema, pero por alguna razón los mensajes que yo envió no les llega, esta en carga, espere pero pasaron mas de 30 minutos y nada, al principio pensé que era el Internet pero lo graciosos es que cuando llame, la llamada estaba bien, las lineas estaban en blanco, las lineas estaban al máximo y aun así en llamada envió mensajes a esa misma persona y a otros y sigue en carga y puedo estar esperando minutos y minutos, sigue en carga

¿Que demonios pasa? ¿Que tengo que haces?

probleme de fonctionnement avec la caméra s windows 10 : je suis vu mais pas entendu moi je ne vois pas et n'entend pas

ma ,caméra ne fonctionne pas : je suis vu et entendu mais moi je ne vois pas et n'entend pas

Skype: problème de connection



L'administrateur de mon université a installé Office 365 récemment sur mon ordi. Depuis, je n'arrive pas à me connecter à Skype (Enterprise).

Drive is not accessible


Original title: WD Passport Ultra 2TB

Hello all.

My name is Andrew.

I have a problem whit my WD, or whit my windows, i dont know yet.

First i want to say sorry for my bad english, im from Hungary.

So the problem is that my windows recognize the WDs, but i cant open it.

If I connect my WDs to my laptop, after 1 minutes, i have a messages like that:  https://ibb.co/kCS58Q  and if i try to open it, i have another messages:  https://ibb.co/myNBhk

if i go in disk management i c that : https://ibb.co/makWhk

but if i use command prompt and use the chkdsk d: /f  function, it gives me that : https://ibb.co/hvsaa5

Before i tried to install a game and my windows " was creshd " so i had to reset my pc , the WD was worked corectly. 

My question is, what can i do before i start to format the WDs ? Because i need those data!

That's all, 

Thank you.

***Subject edited for clarity by the moderator.***

Payement effectué\Compte banquaire débité\Compte Skype non crédité



Suite å un payement de 10 $ débité, je ne suis toujourspas crédité sur mon compte Skype.

Pouvez-vous m'aider ?



Cambiare il nome account skype



Ho dovuto creare un nuovo account a seguito di un problema con il vecchio. Quando lo ho creato non mi è stato chiesto nulla circa il nome che volevo utilizzare come nome account e ora mi ritrovo come nome account il mio numero di telefono :-(

E' possibile modificarlo? Se si come? Ho provato ma non ho trovato nulla. 

Grazie per l'aiuto.

No se procesa la compra de un número skype

Hace 3 días compre un número skype con cargo a mi cuenta de paypal, esta tiene el saldo necesario para recibir el cargo correspondiente pero este no es generado y el estado del pedido solo sigue en "procesando", favor necesito asesoria para resolver esto, muchas gracias!

Wireless mouse jumps around when connecting another USB device next to the port


I've got a Logitech Wireless mouse probably running on 2.4GHZ.

Now I've got a Level 1 USB hub with Ethernet adapter on the second USB port on my Surface book and the wireless mouse doesn't work well. This worked perfect on my Surface Pro 2 before so no reason not to work here.

If I unplug the adapter the wireless mouse works perfectly.

So it doesn't matter if I plug the receiver in the Surface Book port or in the USB Hub port.

Issue is similar to:



But for both issues there is no fix so Posting this again in it's own context.

Exchange surface pro 4 m3 with an i5?

I bought surface pro 4 less than 7 days ago, and am absolutely loving it. The problem is, if i play 1440p 60fps video or anything higher than that(including 4k), there is horrible lag and stutter. The problem only occurs in chrome. Edge runs it just fine, but most of the videos don't have any option higher than 1080p in edge. The thing is, as a pc enthusiast, i also own a i7 macbook air and hp elitebook 8560p(running windows 7), they donot suffer any horrible lag or anything playing the same exact video on chrome. The thing is, i am still under their return period and can exchange it with a i5 model, 4gb ram. But i have heard reports that i5 doesn't necessarily fix that problem at all. The funny thing though, after installing an extension, which bypasses vp9 codec and uses h264 codec results in a smoother video. But still i didn't need to do that in my windows 7 hd 8560p laptop(2nd gen i7,4gb ram, hd 6470m dgpu) or on my mac. So i was looking for suggestion, should i exchange it for an i5? My main usage will be light office work like google docs or microsoft office, streaming videos and sometimes games to it, and finally, might be doing some light coding. But it will be extensively used for note taking and writing in one note. I also have to shell out 224 canadian dollars including taxes if i go to that route Thanks in advance.
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