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ipad pro page title handwriting issue



I uploaded a video for this problem.

When I write in the page title area, 
my every stroke auto moves to the the leftside.

That makes me can't write anything correctly.

I tried write with my finger too, seems doesn't matter.

This only appears when write in the page title area.

Does anyone know what the problem is? 





在使用microsoft产品时,提示scriptions expired, 我sign in 后显示 we are unable to connect right now

这周一 突然收到 scription expired 的提示。选择 sign in,无法成功。但是我能够正常登陆office365,以及我的license 也是生效状态。十分费解,不知该如何解决

update 4019472 e 4022715 falliscono


Ciao a tutti,


Windows 10 PRO v1607 64bit


+ Antivirus (terze parti)

+ Molti servizi disabilitati (se richiesto aggiungo lista)

ho problemi con gli aggiornamenti in oggetto:

il KB4019472 ha tentato e fallito l'update undici volte due delle quali eseguite manualmente con il file dal catalogo Microsoft il KB4022715 già due volte.

per entrambi gli aggiornamenti avviene quanto segue:

il sistema sospeso si riavvia da solo oppure allo spegnimento del sistema viene scelto "aggiorna e arresta"; quando l'installazione arriva al 100%, segue un messaggio che non ricordo esattamente, ma che può essere riassunto come segue: "aggiornamento non riuscito, ripristino della configurazione" e quindi parte per il ripristino della configurazione precedente che riporta il sistema allo stato preesistente.

Naturalemente il PC e sopratutto l'utente soffre il rallentamento e l'impossibilità d'uso durante questi ripetuti tentativi; quindi, dato che il mancato aggiornamento 4019472 avrebbe inciso poco o nulla nella configurazione in questione (tutte o quasi le funzionalità interessate sono disattivate), ho tentato di "nascondere l'update" tramite il tool di Microsoft, ma purtroppo, l'update 4019472 non viene listato.

Qualche idea?

Grazie anticipatamente.

Remote Desktop zu Win 7 funktioniert nach Creators Update nicht mehr


Hallo, ich habe mehrere Rechner im Netzwerk.

Bisher konnte ich von jedem Rechner, auf jeden mit Remote-Desktop (mstsc) problemlos zugreifen.

Leider musste ich jetzt feststellen, das nach dem Creators update die Win10Pro Rechner nicht mehr auf den Windows 7 Ultimate Rechner zugreifen können.

Bei Win 10 Rechnern ohne Creators Update funktioniert das immer noch problemlos.

Wenn ich das von einem Win 10 Rechner mit Creators Update versuche, kommt das Login-Fenster, nach Eingabe der Daten wird das Fenster geöffnet und der Wartekreis angezeigt. Weiter passiert nichts mehr.

Normalerweise wird der Win 7 Rechner beim Zugriff abgemeldet.

Beim fehlerhaften Zugriff über den Win10 mit CU nicht.

Alle Updates, sowohl auf den Win10 Rechnern, als auch auf dem Win 7 sind aktuell.

Kann jemand das Verhalten bestätigen oder hat eine Lösung gefunden?

Vielen Dank.

My new local skype number does not work.

Run-time error '4605': This method or property is not available because the Clipboard is empty or not valid.


I have a macro that I run from Excel that loops through 53 files. The loop opens a Word template file (.dotx), copies content from two tables in an Excel file and saves them in a new Word document, and closes the template.

Sometimes the macro will loop successfully through all 53 files, but most times it crashes after looping successfully through 5, 10 or 15 files.

The error is:

Run-time error '4605': This method or property is not available because the Clipboard is empty or not valid.

It occurs during the paste.

I have read that deleting the Normal.dotm template can help - I have done this numerous times. It seemed to help the first time I tried it, but not any more - very frustrating!

Word 2010 and Excel 2010.

I suspect this is a problem with RAM, but am not sure - any advice very gratefully received!


Sub GetCPdata_PasteInWord_EN()

Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim Filename As String
Dim Path As String
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
Dim CntName As Range
Dim CNameRange As Word.Range
Dim tbl As Excel.Range
Dim WordTable As Word.Table
Dim lRow, x As Integer
Dim WordDocName As String
Dim DirName As String

Path = "N:\DCE\IRP\2. Influenza EURO\Country profiles\2017\Production\EN_RU\"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xlsx")

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

 Do While Filename <> ""

    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    wdApp.Visible = True
    Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open("N:\DCE\IRP\2. Influenza EURO\Country profiles\2017\CountryProfile_EN_landscape.dotx")

    Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(Path & Filename)

    Sheets("User Form").Visible = True
    Set CntName = wbk.Sheets("User Form").Range("B2")

    Set CNameRange = wdDoc.Goto(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="CountryName")
    CNameRange.Text = CntName

    Sheets("Header").Visible = True
    Set tbl = wbk.Worksheets("Header").Range("A1:D1")
    wdDoc.Bookmarks("Header").Range.PasteExcelTable LinkedToExcel:=False, WordFormatting:=False, RTF:=False

    Sheets("Table_EN").Visible = True
    Set tbl = wbk.Worksheets("Table_EN").Range("A3:G13") '<--| adjust G cell reference to match final cell
    wdDoc.Bookmarks("CPtable").Range.PasteExcelTable LinkedToExcel:=False, WordFormatting:=False, RTF:=False

    WordDocName = wbk.Sheets("User Form").Range("B2").Value & "_" & wbk.Sheets("User Form").Range("B3").Value & "_EN"

    With wdDoc

        wdDoc.SaveAs Filename:="N:\DCE\IRP\2. Influenza EURO\Country profiles\2017\Production\BatchWord_EN\" & WordDocName & ".docx", FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument
        wdDoc.Close savechanges:=False

    End With

    wbk.Close savechanges:=False


    Filename = Dir


Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Магазин Windows не открывается

При открытии магазина появляется белый экран и я не знаю что делать ?

When Skype for Linux 4.3 will be forced to upgrade?

Skype for Linux 5.0 is a beta version, but 4.3 version will be retired on 7/1/2017... I want to know can I still log in 4.3 version after 7/1?



Verkar som den kraschade när Microsoft tog öve just i staten, alla jag känner har den bara "snurrat" och hängt sig för, jag köpe ny Laptop i samma veva och får inte tillbaks mitt gamla konto :(

Jag hade *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

hakan.brewnert även tigers03

Vore så tacksam för om ni kan återställa mitt gamla orginal, gjorde en test genom Facebook men blev helt ensam bland kontakter, så den har jag avinstallerat.

Mycket tacksam ifall ni kan hjälpa mig på ett enkelt sätt då jag är ganska dåligt insatt på datorer, är av gamla skolan de som växte upp med commandore 64 och en handfull arkadspel som pacman, astroid, xxxx in space nånting? :D

Mvh Håkan Brewnert

email *** Email address is removed for privacy *** 

problema com a licença do windows 10 pro

o meu windows 10 alto formatou não coloquei outro cd, fiz a atualizar por ele mesmo, eu tinha o o windows 7 e fiz a atualização gratuita para o windows 10 porem agora pede para eu ativar, quando eu coloco em configuração- ativação- solução de problema informa que eu tenho uma licença porem não funciona

Kamera Fehler DLG_FLAGS_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID Hostname stimmt nicht mit Sicherheitszertifikat überein


Habe beide Kameras installiert, das funktionierte ca. 6 Monate. Eines Tages komme ich nicht mehr in die Kameras und die Seite wirft o.a. Fehlercode aus, dass der Hostname nicht mit dem Sicherheitszertifikat der besuchten Seite konform geht.

Was kann ich tun????

office outlook 2010 安装了office365desktopsetup 无法连接到365服务器,提示我们无法识别此域名


请问,我现在购买了365商业协作版本,office outlook 2010 安装了office365desktopsetup 无法连接到365服务器,提示我们无法识别此域名

Spegnimento display durante chiamata

Durante una chiamata, quando accosto il cellulare all'orecchio, il display si spegna, ma quando al termine della chiamata lo allontano per riagganciare, il display non si riaccende e non riesco a riagganciare come invece facevo prima. Da cosa può dipendere?Durante una chiamata, quando accosto il cellulare all'orecchio, il display si spegna, ma quando al termine della chiamata lo allontano per riagganciare, il display non si riaccende e non riesco a riagganciare come invece facevo prima. Da cosa può dipendere?



Tak jsem udělala celkovou přeinstalaci. Tovární nastavení s bezpečným výmazem všeho, jako při prodeji PC. Mám jen dílčí úspěch. WinStore mi již nehlásí neznámou chybu, ale přímo píše : "Pokud chcete koupit tohle, musí se přihlásit někdo dospělý a zrušit blokování nákupů na stránkách ( accoun.microsoftcom/family, nebo můžete přejít na account.xbox.com >Nastavení Xboxu > Soukromí a bezpečnost online. " Bylo mi to docela k smíchu, neboť jsem dospělá již mnoho let a na uvedených stránkách mám vše správně nastaveno. Dál si nevím rady a nyní si myslím, že je chyba ve Windows. Jedna tam určitě je. V mém buildu 15063.413 nechodí ani jeden typ Google Earth po každé nové instalaci Windows, nebo Google Earth musím opravit soubor myplaces. Ještě jsem přišla o zálohu souboru "myplaces.kml" kde jsem měla 130 kB navštívených míst za mnoho let a nyní nejdou rozchodit. (vada flešky)

Může mi někdo poradit jak změnit zdarma tento vadný build ? Nové Windows 10 stojí přes 3 tisíce a přeinstalace od IT pracovníků 1 tisíc. Ráda bych si vše udělala sama, ale nevím jestli je vůbec taková možnost. Předem díky za radu.

Заблокирован ключ активации windows 8

В ноутбуке Asus a55d HDD не работает. После замены жесткого диска при попытке установить Windows 8 активация не выполняется. Ключ активации находится в BIOS. На горячей линии мне сообщили, что ключ заблокирован. Помогите с решением вопроса.

Error code 80040077 on Lumia Phone

I've got error code 80040077 on my Windows phones, tried on several devices (Lumia 830, 635, 530DS)
I'm using Windows Phone 8.1, and this is my primary account. 
I tried to restart, and wipe my phone 2-3 times, but no success, error still persist.

Your help is much appreciated,

Copying files frol old laptop with Windows 7 to New laptop wih Windows 10 using WD passport ultra



I have a WD passport ultra which I was using with my old laptop for the backup. Now I got a new laptop with Windows10 and I was trying to retrieve those backed up (on old laptop) files on my new laptop. In the new laptop I could able to install WD Smartware and launched the app. Now it shows the same back up retrieve options, but I face couple of problems.

1) My back up of files from new laptop is too slow.

2) I see there is other back up (Which is from my old laptop), but I don't see any option to select the other back up to copy from the WD passport to my new laptop.

Any help/tips to copy that old data to my new laptop is appreciated.



Migrar datos de xbox a otra cuenta en @live


Mi pregunta es la siguiente, tengo ya una cuenta de Hotmail, la tengo asociada a mi cuenta de Xbox, ahora bien ¿Cómo podría yo asociar todos esos datos de Xbox a una nueva cuenta pero ahora @live sin perder nada de mi información, mis logros, mis puntos por cada logro? Es decir, en términos generales, ¿Cómo puedo migrar toda mi información a una nueva cuenta de correo electrónico sin perder nada? La idea es que al iniciar sesión en la consola ya no tenga que ingresar la cuenta que esta en Hotmail sino la cuenta en Live.

De antemano gracias y espero haber sido claro con mi cuestión.

Looking for my hotmail account set up


I would like to continue using my Hotmail account with my outlook as an alias,  and all my subfolders.  I have at least three Microsoft email accounts.  

I also have a problem with Internet Explorer 11.  It keeps freezing, stops working then shuts down and I continually have to recover the page.  I believe it's conflicting with windows 10, which I am not yet a fan. I am not happy. I've been deferring to Google a little more each day, for news and mail. I realize that eventually MS will phase out IE altogether with no support, but for now, I prefer IE11.

It's most unfortunate that I have to waste so much time in a forum, digging around for solutions. 

: ( Sad.

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