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Office 365 personal, purchase issues.


I would like to purchase & install office 365 (as my previous subscription has expired) on my windows 10 device.

Every time I enter the Microsoft India store to purchase, I get an error message when I begin to proceed for payment of the product added in my cart.

Error says "change your store" and gives me a link to select a store in my billing region. If I follow the link, I still land up with the same error message.

How do I resolve this issue so I can complete my online purchase?


Office 365 health status monitoring problem


I am monitoring office 365 services current health status through my application.
I am collecting past 30days event incident and maintenance data and sorting the event based on start time.
but through office 365 portal i am seeing current status is not based on event start time.
E.g- On service "Skype for business" one event happened on date 16/06/17 (with Start time:2017-06-16 04:00 (UTC) and End Time2017-06-16 17:30 (UTC)) but in portal
current status of skype of business is showing as per event happened on 11/06/17 (with Start time:2017-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and End Time : none.)

So, service current health status is not based on latest event occurred on services (as there is latest event present on with Start time:2017-06-16 04:00 (UTC) and End Time2017-06-16 17:30 (UTC))
So, please help me to find out how services current status is changing.
Is it based on  event END TIME ? is it possible to have two event running on same service with both have no event time ?
Here is my sample code:
$secpasswd  = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$cred   = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpasswd)
$jsonPayload = (@{userName=$cred.username;password=$cred.GetNetworkCredential().password;} | convertto-json).tostring()

$cookie = (invoke-restmethod -contenttype "application/json" -method Post -uri "https://api.admin.microsoftonline.com/shdtenantcommunications.svc/Register" -body $jsonPayload).RegistrationCookie
$jsonPayload = (@{lastCookie=$cookie;locale="en-US";preferredEventTypes=@(0,1);pastDays=30} | convertto-json).tostring()
$events = (invoke-restmethod -contenttype "application/json" -method Post -uri "https://api.admin.microsoftonline.com/shdtenantcommunications.svc/GetEvents" -body $jsonPayload)
$sortedEvents = $events.Events | Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending
foreach ($event in $sortedEvents)
    $servicename = $event.AffectedServiceHealthStatus.servicename    
    $servicestatus = $event.AffectedServiceHealthStatus.Status
    $startTime = $event.StartTime.ToLocalTime()
    $endtime = $event.EndTime.ToLocalTime()
    Write-Host "Service affected: $servicename    Service status: $servicestatus    StartTime: $startTime    Endtime: $endtime"    

Microsoft ODBC for OracleのOracle 対応バージョンについて


Windows 10 Home Editonに付属しているMicrosoft ODBC for OracleでOracleデータベース8iを使用できるかどうかを教えていただきたいです。

Microsoft ODBC for Oracleのバージョンは10.00.15063.00です。



Après dernière mise à jour de Windows 10 écran noir 1 min au démarrage



Mon PC est un portable HP DV 6154 SF.

Version 1703 de Windows 10 Famille

Après la plus récente des mises à jour, comme 2 ou 3 fois déjà après chaque mise à jour importante de Windows 10, j'ai un écran noir d'une minute environ avant d'accéder à l'écran d'accueil.

Or le PC démarre à partir d'un SSD, et le démarrage habituel se fait, après écran d'accueil et écran de login graphique, en moins de 30s.

Lors des 2 à 3 fois précédentes, il semble que sur ce type de PC, équipé d'une puce graphique de base et d'une carte graphique AMD Radeon HD 7400M Series, le programme a des difficultés à identifier la carte graphique.

C'est en tout cas le problème signalé lors des précédentes mises à jour.

Précédemment à la mise à jour, en mode normal, la sortie de veille occasionnait parfois ( 1 fois sur 10 ) un écran noir, et nécessitait une extinction manuelle pour redémarrer.

Merci de vos avis ! ;^)


System Image Question


I Have a defective Surface Book, and am getting an identical replacement. I wanted to use a system image from my old Surface Book on my replacement. Are there any potential issues that might come up?

Thank You

把ftp映射为网络位置后如何在dos模式下使用(例如 copy 等命令)


把ftp映射为网络位置后如何在dos模式下使用(例如 copy 等命令)

Blockierter Kontakt ruft anWie

Wie kann ich verhindern, dass der bereits blockierter Kontakt mich anruft? Bitte um Hilfe

Проблемы с курсором мыши после переустановки Windows 10


До переустановки, было всё отлично, но после - мышь начала дёргаться. Когда идёт движение влево вверх , то курсор отдёргивает чуть назад вправо и замедляется движение, в основном при медленной проводке. Иногда при движении вверх курсор двигается 5-10 сантиметров так, как будто он упёрся в верхний край монитора, после движется нормально. 


1) Мышь - разбор производил, лазер, линзу чистил, к ноутбуку подключал ( всё работает )

2) Пробовал другие мыши ( беспроводную, проводную - так же дёргает )

3) Драйвера пробовал обновить - пишет последняя версия стоит ( от производителя тоже стоят )

4) Поверхность хорошая ( пробовал и на коврике и не на коврике )

5) Иногда проблема пропадает, но в этот день после включения компьютера опять началось

6) Лишнего софта нет, конфликтов не должно быть, но не уверен

تنشيط مجموعة برامج 2010 Microsoft Office مع وجود مفتاح التنشيط


لا أستطيع تنشيط مجموعة برامج  2010 Microsoft Office  , مع وجود مفتاح التنشيط لدي , لكن تظهر لي الرسالة التالية : 

 ( the setup controller has encountered a problem during install . please review the log files infofrmation on the error )

ما المشكلة لم أفهم ,  وما الحل ؟ 

علماً أن جهازي :  Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 - bit 

وشكراً . 

One drive for Business interruzione sincronizzazione con nuovo client


Buongiorno a tutti

dovrei cessare la sincronizzazione di una cartella con One Drive for Business

Ho già installato il nuovo client di sincronizzazione per cui i metodi suggeriti in support.office.com non sono utilizzabili

Quale metodo devo seguire?

Non mi sembra di aver trovato risposte già esistenti a questa domanda

In caso contrario mi scuso per la ripetizione e vi chiedo di indicarmi il thread relativo


Миграция с Mail.ru для Бизнеса


Добрый день!

Подскажите, как можно сделать миграцию ВСЕХ ящиков заведённых на Mail.ru для Бизнеса на Exchange Online?

По одному, с трудом, с непонятными ошибками (Failed to invoke ASL command: GetMigrationUserCommand)но мигрирует, но это очень неудобно - надо забивать персональные логины и пароли...

nefunguje internetové připojení přes Edge - nenačte žádnou stránku


na svém desktopu mám nainstalováno několik prohlížečů. Všechny fungují naprosto bez problémů. S výjimkou Microsoft Edge. Ten se sice spustí, ale nenačte žádnou stránku, pouze klade nesmyslné otázky jako "Jste připojen k Internetu?". Zkoušel jsem najít chybu v nastavení, ale v menu nic takového není. Chtěl jsem Edge opravit/přeinstalovat, ale to také M$ neumožňuje. Lze tuto chybu nějak opravit? Přes bod obnovení cesta nevede, závada trvá již poměrně dlouho. Mám W10 a ne W8, jak je uvedeno dole. A jedná se o Edge ne o IE.

Děkuji za pomoc.


Отсутствует "Дополнительные параметры" в Календаре

Отделено от этой беседы.

День добрый. У меня отсутствует "Дополнительные параметры" как показано на скриншоте, есть ли другие пути отображения событий в календаре (который в трее) ?

Message from a source that claims to be a Microsoft partner. The message tells me to call a 1800 numb or I will be shut down by Microsoft.

I have been getting a message on my computer that my computer has been hacked. The person talking tells me my computer security was hacked and some one will be using my credit cards. I only have one credit card and have never used it on line for anything. The message goes on to say if I do not call a 1800- number right away Microsoft will shut my computer down in an effort not to let the hacker hack Microsoft . I have just been shutting my computer off and re booting it and the message goes away. I am sure this is a scam but is there any way I can stop this from happening or better yet find out who is doing this so I can slap them up side their worthless head? 

Financial Integrity Business rule


Dear Experts

Kindly see how you can help on my situation, we have now a business rule which require that no financial General Journal shall be saved directly without being physically authorized by the finance manager. Taking into account that Ms Access will save data instantly no matter what happens, due to this challenge, I’m now thinking of doing the following and that is where I need your help:

(1)    Copy the two tables which holds the finance general journal and save them as temporally tables but not link them to the entire accounting system. To  be more specific below are the details of the two tables:


tblJournalHeader temp

-          ID (PK)

-          Reference

-          Description

-          Employee name (Combo)


              tblVoucherDetails temp

-          ID (Pk)

-          IDVK(FK)

-          Date

-          AccountID (Combo)

-          Debit

-          Credit


The above tables have the one – many relationship, that is the tblJournalHeader (one) to  tblVoucherDetails (Many). Then two forms will be required as follows:

-          FrmJournalHeader as main form

-          FrmVoucherDetails as Sub form

At this point the data will be captured in those temporal tables not  linked to the main accounting system , after that the normal journal report will created so that the accountant can have an opportunity to check the accuracy of the following:

-          Account Codes

-          Dates

-          Values

-          Double entry system applied


Once the above checking is certified correct, then the time to transfer the journal is due, that is where the finance manager now comes in.  Now here is my suggestion:

(1)    Create unbound form and attached two buttons and a Combo, one for posting or transferring journal to the main tables and the other button for exit , the combo is for selecting the required journal, below is my suggested code:


-          StrSQL = "INSERT INTO [tblJournalHeader] (Reference,Description, EmployeeName)" & " SELECT Reference,Description, EmployeeName FROM [tblJournalHeader temp] "
Currentdb().Execute StrSQL,DbFailonError

The above code will be on the form’s on click event, in addition to that , I want to include the following code as well so that once the journal is posted it is also deleted from the temp tables , this will prevent double posting:

ZK = “ Delete From [tblJournalHeader temp] WHERE [ID] = “ &me.CboID

currentDb.Execute ZK,dbFailonerror


Of course after declaring ZK , for example Dim ZK as String  



-          There are two temp tables involved, then how do I include the second table details in my INSERT code SQL?

-          There also two combo involved how I’m going to update the copied combos to the target tables combos?


That is where my problems are, I’m sure some of my colleagues out there may have similar challenges in future. I will appreciate your effort  for trying to resolve the above puzzle.





outlook 未读邮件标记




Skype update erased history.

I have just updated my skype and my previous account seems to have been erased. My contacts and history have disappeared as has the credit for calls.





电脑是Think S3,出厂8.1,后经联想售后更新至win.10,当前版本10586。


Кортана не издаёт звуков.


Здравствуйте, у меня проблема с Кортаной. Она работает, отвечает на мои вопросы и выполняет поставленные мной задачи также как и на ноутбуке, но проблема в том, что на ПК (проблема то только на ПК) она не издаёт при этом звуков. Просто отвечает текстом или выполняет задачу. Как-то не круто..

У меня какая-то проблема или просто где-то в настройках отключена эта функция? Я копался в настройках, но так ничего и не нашел подходящего. Памахите мнэ пашалуста.

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