Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Tengo curiosidad

En los supermercados, tiendas de ropa y otras tiendas más hay dispositivos embebidos (escaners, verificadores de precios, lectores de codigos de barras...) y la mayoría usan Windows como SO, entonces, ¿Qué versión de windows usan?¿Qué núcleo usan? (creo que usan Windows Embebed Handled), ¿Cómo se actualizan? y tambien quiero saber más de esas versiones de Windows ¿Necesitan activación?...

Скайп и Инфоцентр

Здравствуйте,такая проблема
в скайпе ставлю,что я не в сети,в нём самом не приходят сообщения и тп,однако сообщения приходят в инфоцентр виндоус и даже звонки проходят там и вообще для других я онлайн,что за бред ? раньше такого не было,два дня назад поставил последнию версию скайпа

Connection Issues After 18:00 GMT Time



So, I am having issues connecting to Skype after the recent Heartbeat post on June 20th at 18:00 GMT stating connection outages are fixed.

My skype does not give me an error message. It passes the login screen, then my status symbol becomes the blue circle with arrows and does not change. 

I had minor issues connecting last night, but it did connect...and I believe it was before any outages.

I'm having no issues with other programs, and my Wi-Fi signal is strong. I use Avast for a firewall, and have attempted disabling it. This still did not let Skype connect.  I haven't changed any settings since getting it to work last night. 

I am not sure if this is an error or my end or if it is related to the earlier outage...but considering that was marked as fixed, I believe it may be on me. 

I can't find my original post, and my original name appears now to be taken.

I posted my question under MM but now find that is taken and had to go to MG Moore. The question was about the inability to access my .Live com account with the Mail app. Not sure if I can restore my original name or locate the original post. I did not receive and answer to the question. Thanks. 

Lab top is freezing and having trouble booting up

Yesterday after booting up my lab top none of my porgrams were in the task bar and when I hovered over it it had the loading wheel. After a couple of minutes a message would appear saying windows is not responding and if I ended the process it would go to a black screen. However today it is now having trouble booting to the desktop or  it just freezes trying to get to it so now I can't access anything to try and fix it myself.

Excel question expressing $ values as (000)

I am a relative novice with Excel and am trying to find out how to format cells so that they will show $515,000 as $515 or $51,000 as $51 etc. Presume it is possible because I copied some cells from another spreadsheet into the current one but can't seem to find out how to have any new entries display that way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Atualização de drive - tela cortada - w7


meu pai tem um netbook com w7 de umas 10"...ele formatou e voltou sem reconhecendo o teclado BR..
usei um programa que localiza e instala os drives faltantes.. masss deu ruim!!

quando voltei p olhar o pc, a tela so aparece 1/4 da porção superior esquerda.

ja tentei mudar nas configurações gráficas, mas so piora, restaurei o sistema em dois pontos diferentes e nada.

oq posso fazer??


My Windows 10 downloaded pictures from my trip to Photos. How do I copy them into a folder in My Pictures on the same PC?

Medication List

Is there any place to type a list of daily medications and make necessary changes without purchasing Word? (or any other program) I take 21 daily medications and need to make changes from time to time.  Thank you for any assistance.

No puedo iniciar mi computador SONY VAIO DUO 13, me pide clave de recuperación de BitLocker y no la tengo


Buenas noches,

El día martes inicié mi trabajo cotidiano en mi computador SONY VAIO DUO13 y todo transcurría normal, de un momento a otro se reinició en varias ocasiones mi computador hasta que me pidió la clave de recuperación BitLocker. no se en donde ubicarla porque nunca la solicité. Por favor ayúdenme, en ese computador tengo todo mi trabajo que debo entregar a mis clientes, lo llevé a servicio técnico y me cobran más de 750 dolares americanos por cambiar mainboard y perdería toda la información.

Missing file after failed restore. Error:rtl100.bpl missing


My attempts to restore after the latest Win 10 update have all failed.  When I do try to open a program I get Error: rtl100.bpl file missing.


Mouse doesnt move with arrow keys

On my Elitebook, for Windows 10, When I press down on an arrow key or even any key, my mouse won't move at all. I went though all the settings for my mouse and touchpad but I found nothing. Please someone help me.




he comprado una laptop hace un dia , pero no puedo descargar nada de la tienda de microsoft , debido a que me aparece que debo activar  el windows update , y me da este codigo de error 0x80070422 , quisiera saber que puedo hacer ?

Pairing external Surface Keyboard with Surface book

I am trying to pair a bluetooth surface keyboard to my surface book but when I click pair it asks for a passcode but doesnt give me one. 

Command Prompt


How to prevent this thing from automatically launched every I turn on my pc ? 

I don't really sure but I think it's because I was launched those .reg file that could bring back a context menu "new" that was lost before...

Excel e date


Buonasera a tutti,

è tutto il giorno che sono alle prese con un file Excel e con un comando che voglio dargli, a parer mio molto semplice, vi spiego:

ho un elenco di date, senza nessuna correlazione che partono tipo dal 4/1/06 e arrivano ad oggi, sono casuali perché si riferiscono a date di valorizzazione di quote di un fondo e non è regolare. La tabella è composta da una colonna con le date e di fianco tutte le rispettive valorizzazioni di quote.

Il mio obiettivo è creare una formula per trovare il rendimento: che però si modifichi in base ad una data di inizio e una di fine inserite da me.

Voglio sapere come ha reso il prodotto dal 2/7/2006 al 3/9/2008, inserisco le date e mi viene calcolato il rendimento.

Per prendere la quota a partire dalla data ho pensato di usare un CERCA.VERT, che cerchi la data inserita da me tra quelle in elenco e si sposti nella colonna adiacente per prendere la quota, che mi restituirà.


non tutte le date che inserisco si riferiscono alla data di una valorizzazione di quota... se voglio vedere quanto ha reso il prodotto nel 2008 inserirò data di inizio=1/1/2008 e data di fine=31/12/2008. nel CERCA.VERT imposto corrispondenza approssimativa (tecnicamente dovrebbe restituirmi la quota corrispondente alla data più vicina a quella da me inserita) invece mi restituisce la quota della data precedente. Cosa sbagliata in quanto se imposto 1/1/2008 mi prende una data del 2007 e sballa il calcolo del rendimento...

Premetto che momentaneamente ho risolto in modo brutale, diciamo... quindi funziona, però funziona come non mi piace, ovvero se inserisco una data e ciò che mi restituisce è una data minore, esce una stringa che mi avverte di inserire una data maggiore, fino a che non scrivo la stessa data della valorizzazione... la mia fortuna è che ci sono sempre pochi giorni tra una valorizzazione e un altra, quindi non devo inserire una miriade di date... mi piacerebbe però avere una cosa automatica, utile poi in futuro.

preferirei evitare VBA, so che con un loop si risolverebbe tutto, ma è un programma utilizzabile anche su android e quindi le macro non possono essere lette..

Vi ringrazio per le risposte e spero che qualcuno sappia aiutarmi, mi scuso per la spiegazione approssimativa, ma è una cosa semplice da pensare, difficilissima da spiegare...



Меню Пуск в Windows 10 Creators Update

Здравствуйте тупо не добавляются любые плитки в меню пуск, или же есть шанс, что закрепится, и тут же меню пуск зависает и плитка удаляется, ставил начисто Windows 10 1703 с официального сайта, система чистая, кроме Chrome'а ничего не стоит, что можно сделать?

Как восстановить забытую сеть wi -fi на windows 10

На сети Wi-fi случайно нажал забыть, теперь не знаю как восстановить. Через восстановление системы не получается, нажимаю компьютер грузит 20 минут и перезагружается. Нужно оперативно помочь, спасибо за содействие.

Сохранение файлов Skype Windows 10


Добрый день! Необходимо сменить место сохранения скачиваемых файлов в Skype Preview. В самой программе не нашёл такой настройки. Также выполнял поиск по реестру. Гугл не помог. Менял в Параметры - Система - Хранилище место сохранения для новых документов (в конкретном случае скачиваю документ MS Word) - файл всё равно сохранился в AppData.

Уважаемое сообщество, очень надеюсь на ваши светлые головы.

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