Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Video not steps


For my youtube channel, I want to start it soon but I don't know how to physically video the gameplay instead of taking snapshots. Do u know how to do this? Thanks

Publisher will not print PDF of large poster

Trying to print a 8' x 4' banner to a high print quality PDF.  I have selected Adobe PDF as my printer - I have setup a 8'x4' page size in Adobe.  But when I try to print, Publisher  says it cannot complete the operation.

problems trying to transfer contacts from Microsoft 10 Contact app program to outlook 2016 address book all on same computer


problems trying to transfer contacts from Microsoft 10 Contact app program to outlook 2016 address book all on same computer

now we have all of our 1200 contacts on the Computer in Microsoft Contact program.

how do we bring it into Outlook 2016 address book.

have spent 3 days on this now with Google, to T online to yahoo...

very frustrating.

We moved all the addresses from Mac to icloud and from icloud to the new ASUS Microsoft 10 Contact app program. It is the program that is offered by Microsoft 10. So all the addresses are now on the Computer correctly with no mistakes. We bought the Office 365 with Outlook. It is corrrectly installed on our new Computer.

Everything is on the new Microsoft 10 ASUS laptop

presently searching the web for answers.

again thank you


Windows 10 Güncelleme sonrası donma



25.01.2015 tarihinde bilgisayarım otomatik güncellemeye girdi.Siyah bir ekran ortasında yuvarlak bir %'lük ilerleme diagramı çıktı ve kendi kendine arada yeniden başlattı,yükledi vs.

Güncellemeden sonra anlık donmalar yaşamaya başladım. Şuan bu iletiyi yazarken bile metni klavyeden yazıyorum ama tüm harfler 5-6 saniye sonra ekrana dökülüyor. Nasıl bir çözüm yolu önerirsiniz ?

Windows 10 transfer right from VirtualBox to Bootcamp



I have bought Windows 10 Home Edition for installation in VirtualBox on my MacbookPro. I actually liked it and went on to install it as may main OS via Bootcamp. However, now I receive the message in Windows 10 (via Bootcamp) that it cannot be activated and that my registration key is being used on another PC. I have since completely uninstalled VirtualBox in OSX. I just want to transfer my registration key to my main installation of Windows 10. It is the same machine and in fact I have now completely uninstalled VirtualBox, but it still does not activate. I shelled out the money for Windows 10 because I was excited about it and now it seems completely useless because it does not activate. Any advice? Thanks.


Erreur MSVCP110.dll Wargame Red Dragon



J'explique mon problème : 

J'essaie de lancer une partie de Wargame Red Dragon via steam et rien ne ce passe, donc je le lance en tant qu'administrateur et je reçois ce message d'erreur : 

"Impossible de démarrer le programme car il manque MSVCP110.dll sur votre ordinateur. Essayez de réinstaller le programme pour corriger ce problème."

Je souhaiterai savoir comment faire pour ne plus avoir ce problème et pouvoir lancer mon jeu.

cloning laptop


hi guys,

             trying to clone my laptop using macrium to a external hard drive, got to 70% then clone failed, any ideas guys ??????

                                     thanks for your time, bluesfloyd.

olvido su correo y contraseña

buenas tardes amigos, mi esposo quiere meterse en su fb y le pide su correo hotmail el cual no recuerda hace mucho tiempo y el unico dato que le proporcionan es esto:  *** Email address is removed for privacy *** una ayuda por faaaa 

Controller host Intel USB 3.0 eXstensible - 1.0 (Microsoft)


Stato dispositivo: 

Il dispositivo funziona correttamente.
Un driver di dispositivo non è stato avviato. Per ulteriori informazioni, dalla scheda Driver scegliere Dettagli driver.

In dettagli driver la situazione è la seguente:

Ho già provato ad aggiornare/disinstallare i driver ma il problema non si risolve.

Ogni tanto compare un errore sul desktop che recita "Errore. Il sistema operativo non è attualmente configurato per eseguire questa applicazione"

Le porte 3.0 funzionano per mouse e tastiera ma non rilevano un hard disk esterno che invece viene rilevato correttamente da quelle 2.0 

error en el servicio de perfil de usuario windows 10

Hola disculpen., pero no puedo iniciar sesioncon una de mis dos cuentas de windows 10 una de ellas es personal (propia) y cada vez que quiero acceder me aparece esto: error en el servicio servicio de perfil de usuario. y no se que hacer, espero y me puedan ayudar?? por favor 

Desktop Shortcuts


Everytime a Window 7 upgrade occurs (automatic or chosen) when the restart occurs all of my desktop shortcuts are scrambled from their desktop position in which I have organized them to a randomly positioned mess.

Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening?

Word 2016 Formatting Issue

Where can I report a problem with 2016 Word so it gets to the right people? Documents I create are sporadically losing formatting properties (such as hanging indents) when I go back to revisit something I've typed. Clicking on the Show/Hide icon puts it back, but it can happen again at a later date. So annoying. I have heard two other people say they're having the same problem.

trzaski dźwięku w ms edge Windows10 home


Witam. Jak w tytule mam trzaski podczas oglądania video w ms edge i tylko w tej przeglądarce. W chrome jest doskonałe video i dźwięk. Trzaski występują tylko na hd i Full hd na youtube, oraz na innych stronach z video. Dodam również,wszystkie sterowniki są aktualne.wideo również nie jest płynne,laguje.

Nie znalazłem tego problemu w community,więc proszę o pomoc.

How can I forward 'draft' mails in Outlook 2013


In Outlook 2010 I setup a folder where I stored versions of mails that I send out regularly.  When I needed to send one of these mails I simply clicked on it, selected Forward, updated any information such as a greeting, added an email address then sent.  The original was still in my folder.  I've been doing across Outlook versions for years.

Now having upgraded to 2013 when I select one of my 'originals' I no longer have a Forward option and if I fill out and send the mail it, not a copy, moves to 'sent mail' populated with any of the customization I don't want for future mails.  To add insult to injury because Outlook 2013 seems determined to permanently delete my 'working copies' if I so much as look at them funny.  I just keep getting frustrated and losing my 'originals'.

Any help appreciated.



Hola comunidad,necesito ayuda con mi notebook HP,resulta que se me presento un problema en la opcion de proyectar porque cuando pongo la opcion de mostrar solo en pc se me da la vuelta tanto la pantalla de bloqueo como lo principal (ver imagenes) y la unica opcion que tengo es poner ampliar para ponerlo a la normalidad pero cuando regreso a la pantalla de bloqueo se me da la vuelta de nuevo,alguien me puede ayudar? Le agradecere la ayuda,adios !



Hola buenas !

tengo un problema las atctualizaciones de windows update no funciona

tengo 219 actualizaciones le doy a instalar y dice cargando y se llevo horas esperando a que carge y no pasa del 0%

lo detengo y empiezo x instalar una x una y tampoco funciona

he desintalado programas pensando que es x falta de espacio pero sigue sin funcionar

ya no se que hacer ayuda x favor 

prnter stoppped connecting


after last 2 updates my printer won't connect.

I reinstalled software and new drivers and it worked

till last update it will not work with wifi.

It worked twice today then windows can't find printer.

It is a Epson WF-7510

AppFabric 1.1 won't install in my Win 10 Enterprise 64bit desktop


I'm getting an error with AppFabric 1.1, running on Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit, immediately after all of the files are unpacked: "Either the version of this package is not compatible with the version of Windows you are running or this package is corrupt....

I've downloaded the file a couple of times, so it's unlikely that the install is corrupt. I have had similar install issues with this install of windows 10 where I've had to create a registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\SecureRepairPolicy" and set it to "1" to install SQL server and VS2015.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Windows 10 Tiles


Tiles work fine BUT: They are all the same color and you can't rename them what you want them to be.

Very confusing.  If it worked in an earlier version why can't it work in the newer version.

SVORAK tangentbord


Jag använder Svorak remapping för mitt tangentbord, men det funkar inte när jag kör mitt undertextprogram (EddiePlus), sedan jag bytt till Windows 10. Det finns bara Dvorak som val i inställningar för tangentbord i Win 10. Några idéer?

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