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Black Text


When ever I open Microsoft edge or anything made by Microsoft all editable text goes Black especially Store, Edge, Word, Or downloaded apps

Neues Surface Book mit Kratzern am Gehäuse - ist das die Qualität der Premium Marke?


Hallo zusammen,

gerade habe ich den dritten Reparatur Auftrag bei Microsoft angestoßen und bin etwas genervt.

Aber der Reihe nach:

Nachdem nun auch der Verkauf des Surface Book mit Performance Base in Deutschland gestartet ist, habe ich ich mir direkt die Version mit 512GB SSD bestellt und erhalten. Nachdem ich mir Windows 10 mit allen Einstellungen und Programmen eingerichtet hatte und dann ein Foto mit der Back Kamera machen wollte, stellte ich fest, daß die Kamera schief verbaut ist d.h. Displayansicht und Foto waren schief obwohl ich das Gerät gerade hielt. Des weiteren einen Materialfehler auf der Displayrückseite.

Die 14 Tägige Rückgabezeit war schon abgelaufen. Also das Gerät wieder in den Auslieferungszustand gesetzt, registriert, Reparatur Auftrag bei Microsoft erstellt und nur Display+Performance Base im Original Karton per UPS an Microsoft in Ichtershausen-Thörey/Thüringen verschickt. Dauert ca. drei Tage.

Das erste Austauschgerät kam in einer Blasenfolien-Tasche in einem neutralen Karton.

Das Gerät hatte Kratzer auf der Unter- und Oberseite, eingetrocknete Spritzer auf der Tastatur und das Display war nicht bündig mit dem Rahmen verbaut und verzogen curved.

Also das gleich nochmal. Drei Tage hin, drei Tage zurück.

Heute das zweite Austauschgerät erhalten, ausgepackt und wieder Kratzer neben der Back Kamera und am Scharnier außen und wieder Spritzer auf der Tastatur. 

Jetzt warte ich nun auf das dritte Austauschgerät und kann es nicht fassen.

Für 3000,00 EURO erwarte ich ein PERFEKT verbautes und voll funktionierendes Gerät von Microsoft!!! 

"PREMIUM" eben.


Gruss Hagen


windows media player

meu windows media player nao quer abrir mais, ja faz mais ou menos uns 2 meses, eu clico no ícone mas ele nao abre, mostra o relóginho no mouse mas nao abre.

A sua caixa de correio não está disponível agora. Aguarde 30 segundos e tente acessá-la novamente

Tento acessar minha conta e aparece a mensagem: A sua caixa de correio não está disponível agora. Aguarde 30 segundos e tente acessá-la novamente. Já troquei o alias como em um post q vi aqui. Preciso acessar minha conta urgente!!!!!!!

Microsoft Account in Windows 8.1

I cannot access to any of the windows applications where the accessibility of Microsoft account is needed. For example store. Whenever i open store it says that sorry the connection has timed out and it does not let me open it! Help as soon as possible ... I have all the new updates! 

Por que oigo los altavoces y los auriculares al mismo tiempo? como los puedo separar? Muchas gracias


Cómo hago para que el sistema detecte por separado e independientemente el sonido de los altavoces y el de los auriculares?, utilizo los dos independientemente.

Tengo Windows 10. Y tengo Realtek.

Muchas gracias

Skype international calls


Kindly advise if i can make phone calls to india from UAE

Please advise if it is not blocked or not

Cuando estoy jugando el PC hiberna

Hola a todos, tengo un problema un poco extraño, y es que cuando estoy jugando y mi laptop esta conectado a un TV por hdmi y que solo se vea en una sola pantalla (TV), al pasar cierto tiempo, mi laptop entra en modo de hibernación. Alguien le ha pasado esto? . Lo extraño es que cuando le doy duplicar, ahí ya no hiberna, o cuando solo juego con la pantalla de mi laptop. Como puedo resolver esto?

luce notturna


Buona sera a voi, è possibile cambiare il colore della luce notturna in w10 pro  ?


Come si impostano i criteri di sicurezza per le password dell'account microsoft?



Avrei bisogno di supporto per configurare dei criteri di aggiornamento automatico della PWD in modo conforme alla normativa privacy.

Avendo effettuato l'accesso al PC/l'installazione con l'account @outlook.com, è possibile limitarsi alle normali configurazioni accedendo a Pannello di controllo\Sistema e sicurezza\Strumenti di amministrazione\Criteri di sicurezza locali\Criteri account\Criteri password?

Vorrei che mi venisse chiesto il cambio PWD a intervalli prestabiliti, che ne venisse verificata la complessità e che venisse conservata la cronologia di X PWD precedenti, ma non so se questo sia compatibile con l'account @outlook.com.

In alternativa, che soluzioni ho?

Trattasi di PC personale utilizzato anche per fini lavorativi e, quindi, contenente dati sensibili che devo proteggere ai sensi di legge.


Can't get Word to work


When I click on the WORD emblem I get the trickle of dots across the bottom for several seconds.  Then this message comes on: "We're sorry but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now?"

I click the option button that reads "Repair Now" and immediately my computer goes to my opening home page.  I wait a couple of hours and come back to try to get into WORD.  And...I get the very same message. 

I am able to sign into my Word on my tablet..same account shared by two computers...but not on my desktop.  I really really need to write a report and to do so on my tablet, even with a remote keyboard is a pain in the ass. 

Help me out!

windows 10 update

Since recent windows 10 update, internet connection keeps disconnecting.  receive message"Intel 82579LM Gigabite Network connection adapter is experiencing driver - or hardware related problems

Word ver. 15.35 is automatically substituting additional period (.)


When I end a sentence with a period and two spaces, Word is automatically inserting an additional period and deleting one of the spaces. This is required by the state-imposed format being used.

Word will not accept an AutoCorrect entry or exception for this. How can I get it to stop?

mistakenly connected my personal skype account to my office email


I have mistakenly connected my personal skype account to my office email. Now I am leaving the company and want to separate my personal skype from that account. How I can do that?

Personally identifiable information removed by Moderator for privacy and safety.

Software problems

I am having problems running socks excort on my computer. Each time i run it,it retains my original ip address instead of my preferred ip address. whats the solution please.

Since Windows 10 CU update, calibrated screen whites show odd banding effects (appear to be too bright)


I use an i1profiler to calibrate my Dell U2715H monitor, as I do a lot of photo editing.

Ever since the CU update for Windows 10 (64bit), when viewing jpeg images, the whites often appear to show odd banding effects, as though the whites are overexposed. My jpegs are saved with the sRGB profile.

When editing images in Lightroom and Photoshop, I always ensure that the whites are not overexposed.

Also, when I'm viewing other people's images, the whites can show this odd banding effect too.

I've installed the latest version of the i1profiler software, I've even installed earlier versions, but the same problem shows.

Can anyone help?

TEl. compatible con skipe

Buenos dias... Tengo un tel compatible con skipe philips voip 841,,, y un num. de tel por skipe pero no se pueden recibir llamadas nadas mas salen,,, ALGUIEN SABE LA CAUSA POR LA Q NO PUEDO RECIBIR LLA,MADAS...el plan esta vigente



Su PowerPoint è possibile impostare la musica per tutta la presentazione mettendo un tic nella casella riproduci tra diapositive. Sarebbe possibile mettere quel brano solo per tre diapositive (per esempio) e non per tutta la presentazione? E' possibile decidere che "quel brano lo voglio solo per diapositiva 1, 2 e 3?

Grazie mille

Windows 10


I am planning on upgrading my motherboard and cpu from  an asus motherboard and a 4790s to a maximus ix hero and a i7 7700k. The mobo and cpu came in a prebuilt pc i bought from best buy. I will buy windows 10 on a bootable flashdrive from microcenter. Right now i have a 2tb hard drive. Eventually i will buy an m.2 and put windows 10 on it bit right now i dont have enough money for an m.2 and will put windows on the hard drive. I was nust wondering if i would be able to eventually uninstall windows from the hard drive and put it on the m.2 when i get it. Also, would i have to delete all the drivers off of the HDD since I'm upgrading the mobo.

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