Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Für ein Buchprojekt habe ich bisher eine Reihe von Textbausteinen und Auto-Korrekturen in einer eigenen Vorlage gespeichert.

Bisher klappte das auch recht gut.

Wenn ich z.B. Texte durch geschützte Bindestriche trennen wollte, tippte ich 'gesch. Leerzeichen' 'gesch. Bindestrich' und Leerzeichen.

Diese wurden 'korrigiert, wenn ich ein einfaches Leerzeichen, einen einfachen Bindestrich und ein weiteres einfaches Leerzeichen tippte. Inzwischen ignoriert Word meine Versuche, diese und ähnliche Auto-Korrekturen auch nur anzunehmen, geschweige denn anzuwenden.

Ist dies ein Bug oder soll das ein Feature sein?

Wenn nicht: wie bekomme ich die geschilderte Korrektur als Automatismus in Word hinein? Mir gehen allmählich die Ideen dazu aus.

Windows 10 mail app crash when emptying folder


Windows 10 pro Mail App keep crashing when you try to empty a folder using the 2nd mouse pull down menu. 

D:windows\sistem32...... Strtrail. Txt

Boa tarde. Estou apresentando esse problema na inicialização do Windows conforme titulo dessa. Já vi inúmeros comentários sobre esse erro mas nunca na partição D. Meu Windows está estalada na C. Esse problema já ocorreu anteriormente a 20 dias. Tentei entrar em modo segurança em todas opções. Tentei reparo de inicialização com o DVD e sem ele. Tentei usar ponto de restauração salvo. Nada deu certo. E acabei formatando todo o pc. Agora veio a acontecer novamente e já tentei tudo que sei novamente. Preciso de uma ajuda pois não posso ficar formatando pois toda hora. Preciso descobrir a causa disso! 

Windows File Explorer


Will we eventually see the addition of "tab browsing" added to Windows File Explorer?

I believe it would be very useful to have the ability to switch between the tabs within one window to get from multiple open folders and locations, instead of flipping through multiple open windows individually.

Skype Windows 10 ne garde jamais les émoticônes récent


Bonjour depuis que j'utilise Skype Windows 10 il na jamais gardé les émoticônes récent faut a chaque fois les recherché des que l'on coupe Skype et que l'on reconnecte plus d’émoticônes récent faut tjr les recherché un peu rasoir a force je vous avoue je suis sous Windows 10 version 1703 et je vous joint la version de Skype Windows 10 juste savoir si un jour ce sera mis et je voudrais savoir si un jour on pourras effacé l'historique des conversation sur cette version ?





I am wondering if and how i can change the email related to my microsoft acct? It is my old email?

系统睡眠 唤醒 后出现死机(笔记本)


电脑睡眠前系统一切正常,按任意键唤醒电脑后   发现一直无法联网 点击网路图标可以点断开网路连接或者连接网路 ,右键点击网路图标选  择疑问解答  没反应,点击开始菜单打不开,  在任务栏点击应用图标也打不开应用界面 但可以右键退出应用 也可以在桌面右击 刷新电脑 右击任务栏 点击任务管理器没反应 ,点击 设置 只能显示设置界面 。可以打开 任务视图 新建桌面 可以打开  开始菜单了 ,点击应用 要么没反应要么只能显示应用界面,点电源 关机  重启 都没反应 按键盘上的快捷键失灵,(按键盘上的 Num Lock键和Capslock键盘灯可以亮)按键盘 Ctrl+Alt+Del组合键没反应。在查看系统日志上写的是19点36分 关闭是意外的。(上一次系统的 19:36:34 在 ?2017/?6/?19 上的关闭是意外的。)可是那个时候还在浏览网页 打开和关闭应用都是正常的,系统关闭时间是 19点40分。系统唤醒时间大概是20点20分左右 等了很长世间系统还是不能关机 只能强制关机,(强制关机时间大概在20点50分左右)开机后系统正常 但发现网速奇慢又重启了一下网速才恢复正常。这已经是第二次出现了不知道是系统原因还是软件冲突还是其它原因。系统日志链接。






系统日志文件.zip (密码6090)

The hard drive of the computer that created our homegroup failed. I do not have a copy of the homegroup password. How do I reset it or find it?

The computer that created our Homegroup failed this weekend.  I am setting up a new PC.  I do not have the homegroup password.  How do I reset it or recover it?

Проблемы с демонстрацией экрана в скайпе


при попытке показать собеседнику демонстрацию экрана, у меня возникла такая проблема, картинка стала черно белой и экран наклонился.

Скрин сделал мой собеседник

Schijf Z: eerst af en toe, nu verdwenen

enige tijd terug had ik af en toe een terugkerende schijf Z: in Verkenner.
Nu lijkt deze verdwenen te zijn na bestanden en veel oude systeem kopieën gewist te hebben van mijn schijven,
zodat deze weer goeddeels leeg zijn. Ook heb ik de nieuwste MS updates geinstalleerd.
Misschien heeft dat er iets mee te maken?
Mijn zwager had zelfs meerdere Z: schijven, die nu verdwenen lijken te zijn.
Met hem vraag ik me dit af:
Hoe is dit mogelijk? Ik ben er wel achter gekomen dat het een soort systeem- of herstelpartitie betreft.
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Не открываются СМС после обновления на Lumia 535

Сегодня было обновление по СМС.После обновления СМС не открываются

Default Apps

Almost all default Windows 10 apps have stopped working properly. I can't open open Settings but from File Explorer (and other apps as well). Apps displayed on Windows Start Menu would not appear with images, only with colours and strange names, one of them is P~E046963F.LenovoCompanionk_1h2ywk1493x8!App. I don't know what has happened. But I have UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION ERROR many times with the GSOD (not BSOD). Can this be a cause of my problem? Why am I having GSOD instead of usual BSOD? Is it caused by bug files from Insider Preview? Some of default apps have completely disappeared, for example Feedback Hub. Another irregularidad is when search for, say, Tips, Get Help apps they just wouldn't appear. I just have notification about recommending Cortana to others, and, after clicking on Continue Using Feedback Hub button, it has appeared again, LOL, what is happening? What are the causes of such anomalies?

Problem med Windows 10 Boot Manager

Jag använder en lenovo B575e. Det är en laptop. Operativsystem: windows 10. Efter jag gjorde en updatering och startade datorn kommer ett fönster upp där det står Windows Boot Manager. Det finns två menyer, Boot Menu och Application Menu. Jag har kollat i Application Menu men den är tom. Boot Menu finns det 4 alternativ. Jag tryckte enter på Windows Boot Manager, då blir dkärmen scart och sen går den tillbaka till där alla alternativen finns. Jag vågar inte trycka massa. Kan någon hjälpa mig?

je ne recois plus des mails important mais des publicités pas de soucis....

voilà je dois recevoir depuis 3 jours un mail de mon agence d'interim, vu que pas de noules de leur part je leur ai tel, on me l'a envoyé sois disant 2x mais je ne recois rien du tout!!! par contre des pub je recois..... mon mari m'a envoyé 2 mails pour essayé et je ne sais pas pourquoi je n'en ai recu qu'un.....je ne comprend pas,j'ai 2 adresse mails mais le meme problème pour les 2.... que faire?????






perte de mes documents après mise a jour Kb 4022405

Bonjour après les mises a jours kb 4022405 et kb 4022730 qui se sont faite le 16-06-2017 les seul documents qu'il me reste sont ceux sur one drive. Pouvez vous me dire comment les récupérer s.v.p.

gestione account


Salve, avrei necessità di sapere se è possibile anche con Windows 10 utilizzare un account per ciascun programma, visto che adesso si usa un solo account per accedere a più cose.

Cerco di spiegarmi meglio con degli esempi: io avevo un account con il quale accedevo ai siti di gioco; per la mail di lavoro ne usavo un altro; per i famigliari stretti ne avevo un altro ancora; per gli amici avevo la mail dedicata.

Ieri ho fatto l'iscrizione al sito Age of Empire (non mi sembrava vero, doppio WOW) e con mia sorpresa mi sono accorta che all'inserimento della password mi diceva che la stavo sbagliando, poiché io ero convinta che stavo registrandomi ex-novo su un sito per giochi con il vecchio "account per giochi", mentre in realtà stavo accedendo con un "alias" dell'account principale (l'ho capito dopo) poiché tutto ciò che è Microsoft usa 1 solo account (compreso Skype).

In pratica ogni volta che accedevo a qualche programma Microsoft mi ritrovavo a creare alias e reimpostare la password, mannaggia. Lo so che sono diventata una "imbranauta", e sinceramente cerco di leggere tutto quello che trovo prima di fare qualcosa, ma alcune volte le spiegazioni le trovo troppo tecniche e per quanto si giri per i vari siti, si comprende che si rivolgono tutti a chi già ne sa molto dei vari argomenti  :(

Non mi va che la password che utilizzo con l'account con il quale faccio le spese online, sia lo stesso con cui mi diverto a costruire "le fattorie", tanto per dirne uno.

C'è qualcuno che può spiegarmi le cose in modo semplice, cortesemente?

Classement des mails reçus par dossiers

Lorsque je veux classer un mail dans un dossier, la fenêtre qui apparaît lorsque je clique à droite et vais sur " déplacer" ne se stabilise pas" . Je ne peux donc classer mes mais dans le bon dossier.




ik heb net office gekocht en gedownload en het ging allemaal goed totdat ik ging checken wat voor programma's er gedownload zijn en toen zag ik dat word niet gedownload werd een toen had ik het opnieuw gedownload maar alsnog kwam word niet op mijn computer.



Best practice for the same incremental increase within a formula on multiple Excel 2013 worksheets (=+F37)


I just started working for a new company that relies a great deal on Excel. I've received samples of some of the spreadsheets from other plants as templates. Several of them contain a formula like (=+F73) which I think was used to change the column referred to each month. Row 72 contains a list of the fiscal year months and Row 73 contains the ledger balance at the end of the month. Each month the same workbook is used and updated to reflect the last completed month. (One formula references the prior month ending balance and the other formula references the current month ending balance, both of which change with each month's version of the file.) There are dozens of worksheets that all have to have the formula changed each month (e.g. from =F73 to =G73). That one is easy because every worksheet has the formula in the same cell.

There is another cell that is a Column D total, but the row where the total appears changes between worksheets.

I'm not necessarily asking for detailed instructions, but rather recommendations for the best ways to handle this.

I have some experience with VBA script and suspect the formulas on the sample spreadsheets I've gotten could be used by VBA scripts, but there are no VBA scripts on the copy I received.

I could use a name range for the two cells on each worksheet that need to be updated on a monthly basis, I could use a separate worksheet that all the individual ones reference and change it in that location (a bit complicated when one of the formulas appears in different rows, although the difference is by spreadsheet normally, not by month), I could try to write a VBA scripts.

I'm willing to tackle any of those tasks, but hope to get some direction here about the best ways to address the problem.

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