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office 2010 / セーフモードからoffice を起動


windows 7を使用しております。セーフモードからoffice 2010 エクセル、ワード、パワーポイント、アウトルックを起動すると

office の認証ができないと表示され起動できません。何らかの原因があるのではと、リカバリーをして再度セーフモード

でoffice を起動しましたが、症状は改善されません。因みに、普通モードでは正常に動いています。またaccess 2013 を別途購入して


要するに、office 関係はすべてダメだということです。なにか解決方法をご教授願います。

windows live mailで受信トレイに保存されているメールを定期的に削除するには


windows live mail Version 2012 (Build 16.4.3564.1216) OS;windows7(32)ですが、pop3メールでサーバーにコピーを残さない仕様で使っています。



intervencion de usuario


Buen día, mi problema es el siguiente, en una notbook con windows 10, eh instalado mi impresora hp, pero cuando trato de imprimir, por wifi, me sale un cartel de intervención de usuario, y no me deja imprimir. 

desde la configuración de la impresora, yo pongo imprimir hoja de prueba y anda, osea que la conexión esta bien, pero no me deja imprimir nada, busque muchas soluciones y ninguna me soluciono el problema,¡ que puedo hacer?


Problems With WiFi Adapter on Build 16215

Hello, I've updated to the most recent build to find my wifi adapter functionality is broken at the moment. I've currently got a Netgear A6210 connected to my system and I'm getting a device manager Error 37 for the device. At first I thought it died over the night during updating, but now it seems that it may be a whole issue. My computer connectivity solution at the current moment is using an old Galaxy S6 used for WiFi tethering. I'd like to get my Network adapter to work again. I'd like some help please and thank you.

Mapping my SharePoint as a network drive on my PC

Split from this thread.

I'm having a similar issues using the following script:

net use t: "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/MediaScreen/"
del t:\*.* /q
copy "S:\Media Screens\Current\*.*" t:\
net use t: /delete

Immediately after the net use I get "System error 224 has occurred."


We have actually added tenant.sharepoint.com to the "Local Intranet" and "Trusted Sites" in IE and set this as a group policy so all users should be the same. The users are auto logging in when they access via the browser.

What other options to we have to make this work consistently?

Arquivo aplicativo


fala pessoal! Quando baixo algum arquivo do tipo aplicativo (executável) e tento abrir para instalá-lo ele chega carregar porém não abre, nem como administrador. Alguém pode me ajudar??

Is this email id valid


I got an email from this address  <*** Email address is removed for privacy ***>.

Is this account a valid one?



First Page Footer

How do I insert a First Page Footer in Excel thats different from the rest of the footers in the workbook?  I am checking the box that says "different first page" but I'm not quite sure where to proceed from there.  I am using Office365 for Mac.  

le programme servant à créer cet objet est outlook. Ce programme n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur ou il ne répond pas.


Je ne suis plus capable d'ouvrir un fichier joint dans mes dossiers Tâches.

J'ai le message d'erreur suivant:

"Le programme servant à créer cet objet est outlook.  Ce programme n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur ou il ne répond pas.  Pour modifier cet objet, vous devez installer Outlook ou vérifier que les boîtes de dialogue outlook sont fermées."

Il semble y avoir un problème dans la mise à jour de Juin outlook 2010 #KB3203467.

Est-ce le cas?

bing maps not printing after latest window update in Explorer

This is message I get never had a print issue before will print same map in Chrome

Synchronizace účtů

Ze svého PC (Windows 10) se hladce přihlásím do OneDrive, uložené soubory tam mám synchronizovány. Avšak ze svého notebooku (též Windows 10) nejsem schopen se dostat na OneDrive, ač vyplňuji stejné přihlašovací údaje jako na PC, včetně zadání kontrolního kódu, který mi přijde na e-mail. Po zadání tohoto kódu se mi objeví zpráva, že "Synchronizuji jiný účet". Podle nápovědy jsem se pokoušel i takzvaně Přidat účet, ovšem zde mi to nabídne jen účet Pracovní či školní (nikoli Soukromý, který je vyznačen šedou barvou a nedostupný) a na Pracovním účtu mi to hlásí chybné přihlašovací údaje, ač jsou stejné jako na PC. Co dělám špatně a co mám udělat, abych se z obou zařízení dostal ke svým souborům na OneDrive? Děkuji.

Excel 2007 formula


Excel 2007

I have the following table I am trying to input as a formula:

  80-100 = 15

101-150 = 32

151-200 = 34

201-250 = 36

251-300 = 38

301-350 = 40

351-400 = 42

This is what I have come up with so far: B5 is the target cell with B6 being the formula cell.


Can anyone assist with my error?

Thank you

Windows não reconhece HD escravo após instalação e reinicializaçã


Boa noite galera meu problema é que após formatar o PC meus 3 HDs são todos reconhecidos porém antes de fazer as atualiza aparecem todos, após instalar os drives do PC, atualizar a build e reiniciar o PC um dos HDs some e não aparece nem no gerenciador de disco o que antes eram todos reconhecidos no Windows 7, tenho 3 HDs de 1tb da marca wd, não sei se é o Windows ou meu sistema que não aguenta!

Minha config:

Intel i5

Placa mãe asrock h81m 

Fonte corsair cs750m

Placa de vídeo gtx1070

3hd 1tb

5 coolers de 120

Fico no aguardo da resposta obrigado!

outlook2010 検索機能の問題


2017年6月に入って、OTLOOK2010 での検索で、







6月入ってからの WindowsUpdateの問題と思われる。



Fre firewall

Hi I was wondering if there was a safe free firewall download for windows 7

Windows10에서 암호걸린 엑셀파일 저장시 응답없음 메세지 뜨면서 저장이 매우 늦게 되는 현상


windows10 home 64bit에서 암호걸린 엑셀파일 실행시 실행이나 입력은 이상이 없으나 저장을 할때 응답없음이라는 메세지가 뜨며 30~40

초 이상 딜레이가 되다가 저장이 됩니다. 기존에 windows7 32Bit에서는 암호걸린 엑셀파일이 이런증상이 전혀 없었는데 W10이 설치되어 있는 PC에서 암호걸린 엑셀파일 실행시 이런 증상이 나타납니다.

참고로 W10에서 암호를 풀고 실행을 했을때는 저장도 빠르게 되고 아무 문제가 없었습니다. 암호를 걸었을때만 이런 증상이 나타나는 것으로 보아 윈10 64비트에서 엑셀의 암호화 파일 저장과정에서 문제가 있는 것으로 생각되어집니다.

전문가님들의 많은 조언 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Erro na renomeacao de pastas.

Ola, estou recebendo várias Msg dessas: Folders in your mailbox have name conflicts. Como li aqui para renomear a pasta Notes mas ela não atualiza. Oq devo fazer? 

Windows 10 error code 10 Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API. on my ASUS Notebook touchpad


I have an ASUS Notebook Q503U. All the sudden my touchpad stop working. I went into device manager and it tells me error code 10, Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API. 

I went to update the driver, and was prompted that I had the most current driver. I then decided to do a reset of windows 10. 

Still hasnt fixed my issue.

What is my next option?

Hard Disk Drive

I have just installed Windows 10 on a new computer system. During the install both drives show up as a potential target drive, but only the SSD appears in Windows Explorer after the install. Even more perplexing is that the hard drive shows up in the drive list in a benchmarking program (Catzilla). Any idea on what may be going on here?

Low sound level since update

Ever since the last update to windows 10 I have very little volume on my laptop. I have turned the volume clear up. I have checked to make sure that I have the latest driver updates. It doesn't matter if I'm watching YouTube or gaming. 
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