Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Le niveau du microphone se coupe tout seul


Bonjour, depuis peu le niveau du microphone se coupe tout seul et même si je le remet à 100% il se remet à 0% subitement. J'ai tout essayé, mettre à jour le pilote, configurer le micro, regarder des tas de forum , appeler le service technique de Microsoft (qui ma redirigé ici), changé de micro, mais rien n'a marchés. Je ne sais plus quoi faire, j'attend une solution merci. 

sous titre

Bonjour je souhaiterais changer la taille des sous titre en dessous des icônes sans changer la taille des icônes. Comment et ou puis-je le faire. Merci de me répondre. Cordialement  G DUBOS 

Se abren comandos como el centro de actividades y el calendario de manera automática.


Buenos dias,

Escribo este post porque estoy realmente cansado de buscar soluciones a este inconveniente y que ninguna me resulte satisfactoria.

El problema es que desde hace bastante tiempo que, en ciertas ocasiones, se abre con frecuencia insoportable el centro de actividades de windows. Investigando, llegue a posibles soluciones, como desactivar la opción que indica que deslizando 4 dedos en el touchpad se active el centro de actividades; reinstalar los drivers del touchpad; o hasta inhabilitar el centro de actividades, lo que solucionó esa cuestión pero inició un nuevo problema! Ahora la ventana que emerge todo el tiempo de manera insoportable es la del calendario. Realmente estoy muy decepcionado con esta versión de windows ya que tiene muchos otros bugs, que no vienen al caso, pero este es el que más problemas me ha causado. 

Desde ya, muchas gracias.

My animation works differently on 2 successive slides - PowerPoint 2010 on Windows 10 (Dell Inspiron 15 - i3 processor)


Powerpoint version I'm using (Hint ... "The latest" is not a valid aswer):  2010

Is it a subscription version or not?        No

Is it a trial, beta, click-to-run, web app, iPad/Phone, or Android app?  If so, which?:      No

I most recently updated Office/PowerPoint on: ...                  I don't remember updating it

Other PowerPoint versions the file was 
created in or opened in since, if any: none

Windows or Mac OS version:Windows 10

If Windows, 32- or 64-bit:  ?   ?  I am using PowerPoint 2010 on a Dell Inspiron 15 (i3)

Other hardware involved (printer, etc):None

Description of problem:

When I do this:


Here's what happens:  
I am using animations... what I want is for each object on a slide to appear ONLY when I click the mouse, 
i.e. I don't want to click and for all the objects to run through automatically.  I get exactly what I want on the first slide, 
but on the second slide the animation "takes over", i.e. I have no click control over it.

I have "Start On Click" selected for every object on BOTH slides...is this the right thing to do?

If any error messages appear,
include the exact full text:

Here's what I've already tried to solve the problem:

See "here's what happens"

Office 365 Home - Hauptuser ändern



ich habe Office 365 Home als erstinstalltion vom Notebook meiner Tochter aus installiert. Jetzt habe ich gesehen, dass sie dort der Hauptuser ist und nur sie Office 365 Home teilen kann.

Wie kann ich es so umstellen, dass ich der Hauptuser bin, so dass ich in meinem Account Office verteilen kann?

LG, Andreas

receiving calls

i;i have had this number for years all of a sudden my calls dont come through .. could you please explane as to why 

Skype Number assigned already in a web reference


I have a new Skype number since 2 days, but I just discovered that is also online as http://www.brownbook.net/business/40428262/my-sia-licence   

so now strangers are calling quite often.

What is the solution?



formulas no excel


Ola Bom Dia , gostaria de saber se existe uma formula em que eu trabalhe entre o maximo e o minimo de uma medida.

por exemplo tenho uma medida que é    25,5 mais ou menos 0,2 

25,7 maximo

25,3 minimo

gostaria de uma formula em que, se eu encontrar fora da medida

entre o maximo e minimo ela rejeitace .  obrigado abraço.




还没设置过Cortana 第一次打开它就一直出辽宁的天气


尝试用它搜索“本地天气” 弹出的也确实是辽宁的天气


事实上我也能找到多年前就有人这样提问了 一直没有解决吗?求解答 感谢


Windows 10 Zeitsynchronisation


Es ist nervig: Nach dem Herunterfahren von Linux und Start von Windows 10 geht die Uhr 2 Stunden nach. Laut Aufgabenplanung sollte Windows die Uhr beim Systemstart sofort synchronisieren. Tut Windows aber nicht - sondern bestenfalls bis zu einer, meist aber erst mehrere Stunden später.

Habe das Web von vorne bis hinten durchsucht - man findet zwar ähnliche, aber nicht dieselbe Fragestellung. Warum kann Windows nicht genauso wie Linux die Uhr beim Systemstart stellen? Linux macht das von ganz alleine, ohne dass komplizierte Einstellungen nötig sind.

Gibt's eine Lösung?

Error 702: A connection to the remote computer could not be established.


Split from this thread.

How to fix error 702: A connection to the remote computer could not be established?

windosws 8Ol


Olá,meu nome é Matheus,eu gostaria de saber se atualizar meu computador pra o Window 8 posso perder meu arquivos salvos num

novo volume

Bing API authentication using OAuth and nodejs


Unable to connect with bings api using the following code but was able to when used the c# sample code provided by bing.

Please help.

var soap = require('soap');

var url = 'https://reporting.api.bingads.microsoft.com/Api/Advertiser/Reporting/V9/ReportingService.svc?wsdl';

soap.createClient(url,function(err, client){if(err){ console.log("err", err);}else{ client.addSoapHeader({'AuthenticationToken':'<AuthenticationToken>','DeveloperToken':'<DeveloperToken>','CustomerId':'<CustomerId>','CustomerAccountId':'<CustomerAccountId>',}); client.SubmitGenerateReport(args,function(err, result){if(err){ console.log("err", err.body);}else{ console.log(result);}});}});

microsoft word

Can't send documents via email. I have micro. personal 2017 using windows 10 w/most recent upgrade. When I send email nothing happens. I tried sending to my own account Outlook, work account, and another account. Can I uninstall and reinstall even though I don't have a product key because it was a renewed? I did copy the order #

Vraag over Privacyinstellingen voor Windows10-makersupdate


Beste moderator. Zonet ontving ik de vraag of ik al klaar was met de Privacy-instellingen voor de Windows10 makersupdate.
Ik ben nog niet klaar voor die makersupdateen heb dat uitgesteld omdat ik niet weet wat ik aan die Privacy-instellingen eventueel  dien te wijzigen i.v.m.die makers-update.                                                                                                                                                                  Het is mij niet bekend welke opties die update biedt waartoe Privacy-instellingenmisschien een wijziging nodig hebben.

**** u mij dat nader uitleggen voordat ik inderdaad over ga tot eventuele wijzigingen van die instellingen?                                                    Ik weet niet of wijziging van instelling nodig is. Advies is van harte welkom voordat ik die update kan ontvangen.

Ik weet niet of die update wel wijziging van Privacy-instellingen nodig maakt.Welke update-opties zouden wijziging nodigmaken?
Als wijzigingen van Privè-instellingen ook mogelijk zijn na installatie van die makers-update, dan ga ik nu niets wijzigen.

In dat geval ben ik wel klaar voor ontvangst van die update en ben ik blij met de mogelijke begeleiding tijdens die update.
Graag verneem ik ook welke opties die makers-update biedt en of het handige opties biedt. Ik ben erg benieuwd naar wat mogelijk is.

Ik dank u voor uw reacties en ik groet u vriendelijk.  Anton Doove.

Edge in Windows 10 crashes immediately on opening


When I try to open Edge, it opens to a blank page with only part of the top ribbon visible, then within seconds closes completely.

This started to happen suddenly in the middle of the day about 2 weeks ago.

Microsoft support have tried all the usual things recommended on these forums:  - sfc scan, reinstall Edge, powershell, etc etc with no success.  After 2 hours online doing remote control with them I had to give up - I have a life to lead!

I hoped that the recent updates might help (e.g. people are saying those have solved the issues with HSBC banking online and so on) but sadly I still can't get Edge.  For the time being I am using Internet Explorer 11, but presuming this will eventually become obsolete, has anyone any other ideas for getting Edge to work.

Looking back on the forums, this same issue seems to have happened in 2015 as well - another Microsoft bug.

Any suggestions gratefully received!



what should I do, If i need to repeat row 1 and row 2 at top box in every sheet

for row 1 to repeat at top I type $1:$1. but If  I need to repeat also the row 2 at top  what should I type?

Outlook og Onenote integrering



Er det noen som vet om det finnes noen måte å kunne se i Outlook hvilke møter/avtaler det er tatt OneNote notater fra?

Behovet springer ut av at jeg har tatt møtenotater fra noen tusen avtaler/møter med utgangspunkt i "Møtenotater" integreringen i Outlook og har savnet muligheten for å kunne gå tilbake i kalenderen og se hvilke møter det kan være/er tatt notater fra.

PowerPivot non disponible dans les compléments Excel 2013 (Office Pro Plus 2013)



Suite à une formation, j'ai voulu activé le complément PowerPivot .

Le complément n'est pas dans la liste

et pourtant j'ai une version Office Pro Plus 2013

Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me donner une piste pour résoudre mon problème ?

Merci d'avance

reintall windows from a recovery drive

I have a recovery drive on a flashdrive and am trying to reinstall Windows 10 on a pc after I wiped the harddrive. It appears to start the process when I restart the pc with the flashdrive installed, but the first screen that come up after the windows logo screen appears is the keyboard layout selection. The mouse is not active and the keyboard doesn't seem to work (although the NumLock light is on). How do I get the reinstall process to work?
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