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Problème démarrage nvtray.exe


Alors voilà mon pc m'a d'abord afficher une erreur et à redémarrer mon ordinateur puis , il démarre normalement beaucoup plus lentement jusqu'a démarrage avec l'écran bleu de windows 7 charge, puis la ou normalement le bureau devrait s'afficher, écran noir avec le curseur, j'ai essayé à l'aveugle ctrl alt f4 entrée cmd entrée puis redémarrer ça ne marche pas, j'ai fais un restauration systeme antérieur sans résultat, j'aurais besoin d'aide si quelqu'un peut m'aider merci ^^
Le message d'érreur:
nvtray.exe - Erreur d'application

L'instruction au niveau de 0x00000000776F8042 a fait référence à l'adresse de mémoire 0x000000013F25F918. Les données requises n'ont pas été placées en mémoire en raison d'une erreur d'E/S de type 0xc0000185.
Cliquez sur OK pour terminer le programme.

(Je tiens à préciser que le mode sans échec fonctionne, c'est d'ailleurs sur celui-ci que j'écris ceci)

Formatting hard drive.

I have Windows 10 Pro in my pc. Originally it had windows 7 which I upgraded to Windows 8 followed by Windows 10 Pro. Recently after the critical windows download for the June, I could not open Microsoft Edge. Tried every thing except formatting the hard drive. Can some one tell me the easiest way to format hard drive in this case?

Kan in Outlook 2016 geen mails en mappen verwijderen.

Office de vorige week ge-installeerd. Heb dit probleem vanaf het begin.

Impossibile creare altro account utente

Salve a tutti. Vorrei creare un altro account per mio fratello nel pc. Ho fatto tutto per creare un account locale, ma quando provo accedere mi da l'errore "Impossibile caricare il profilo utente." Come posso risolvere?

Problemas con unidades de red


Hola a todos.

Utilizo Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.

Tengo conectada una unidad de disco duro en red con la letra Z.

Después de varias semanas, tras reiniciar el ordenador, la unidad apareció como desconectada.

Al intentar conectar dice que ya está en uso la letra.

Al intentar desconectar dice que no se encuentra el dispositivo.

He probado:
1. Contar/Desconctar a través del navegador de windows.
2. Usar el comando NET USE /del *, NET USE /del Z:, NET USE Z: \\recurso
3. Usar los mismos comandos como administrador.
4. Usar los mismos comandos con la cuenta System
3. Reiniciar el equipo y repetir todo lo anterior.

Finalmente decidí conectar el recurso usando la letra K y cambiar todas las aplicaciones que dependen de él.

tras varias semanas la unidad K aparece desconectada con la misma problemática.

Podría asignar otra letra pero antes o después se acabarán.

Muchas gracias

microsoft games

In The last two weeks both suduko daily challenge and treasure hunt keep on crashing out of the game that I am playing anyone else with these problems?

build 16215


Bonjour, la build 16215 c'est installée normalement et fonctionne à merveille




mise à jour windows 10 1703



Lors de la mise à jour Windows 10 1703 depuis la version 1607, à 75% d'avancement, apparition écran noir puis plus rien ne se passe.

Arret puis redémarrage manuel, le processus semble reprendre à 75% puis arrivé à 87% l'écran se fige.

A nouveau arret puis redemarrage manuel, la restauration de la version antérieure se lance automatiquement et s'effectue correctement.

Nota: j'ai fait 2 tentatives, dont la dernière après avoir désinstallé mon antivirus MacAfee.

Ordinateur Asus CM6870 de 2013

Comment puis je résoudre ce problème ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide


Warning about fraudulous use of my account

Last week I received a mail from "accountprotection.microsoft.com" telling me that a (fraudulous) user in China used my Microsoft account. I did not even know that I had a Microsoft account and certainly not in the USA. As I am a long time user of Windows and thus Microsoft it seems possible that an account was ever created but I did not use it as far as I know.  Anyway if this account exists and somewhere has my e-mail address as an identification, what is the danger of someone else trying to access this account fraudulously? As I was asked to change my password I did, but I even did not know what it was previously. Where can there be any danger for me? I have quite good anti-virus and other ant-malware etc protection programs that are continuously active. What can I do more to protect me?

Defender Meldung: "Maßnahmen erforderlich"


Nach einigen Minuten nach dem PC Start zeigt der Defender die obige Meldung an. Im dann geöffneten Defender Security Center steht unter Geräteleistung & -Integrität folgendes:

"Windows erfordert Benutzereingriff, um ihr Gerät auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen."

Da drunter kann man dann Einstellungen öffnen wählen. Das ausgewählt ist man im Windows Update mit folgender Meldung: "Beim Installieren von Updates sind Probleme aufgetreten. Wir versuchen es allerdings später noch einmal. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt und Sie Informationen im Web suchen oder sich an den Support wenden möchten, kann dieser Fehlercode hilfreich sein: (0x800704cf)"

Da finde ich aber nichts vernünftiges drunter.

Gibt es da schon Lösungen.

Vielen Dank


Not able to do Sytem Restore. Windows says I am not an administrator

Whenever I try to do a system restore, Windows restarts and goes into the recovery menu but says that I need to be an administrator to do a System Restore. But I am an administrator. So what do I do ? I thought I had solved this when I changed my account to full Administrator recently. But clearly it hasn't worked.

Appcrash Win 8.1

APPCRASH in Win 8.1
Pad naar toepassing met fout: G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hitman™\Retail\HITMAN.exe

Probleem met handtekening
Naam van probleemgebeurtenis: APPCRASH
Naam van de toepassing: hitman.exe
Versie van toepassing:
Tijdstempel van toepassing: 58de3e9e
Naam van foutmodule: nvspcap64.dll
Versie van foutmodule:
Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 593a5dee
Uitzonderingscode: c0000005
Uitzonderingsmarge: 00000000000293ba
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.3.9600.
Landinstelling-id: 2067
Aanvullende informatie 1: 9f03
Aanvullende informatie 2: 9f033820e8a2c9420af04274fb856dd6
Aanvullende informatie 3: 02cd
Aanvullende informatie 4: 02cd1730e58c3164c96840313f2bd85a

Extra informatie over het probleem
Bucket-id: 862feed21d79fdcffc0462742e3c50da (120778884558)

Technische details:
Naam van toepassing met fout: HITMAN.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x58de4286
Naam van module met fout: d3d12.dll, versie: 6.3.9600.18696, tijdstempel: 0x59153753
Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000135
Foutmarge: 0x00000000000ece60
Id van proces met fout: 0x1108
Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01d2e73bac2e07f2
Pad naar toepassing met fout: G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Hitman™\dx12Retail\HITMAN.exe
Pad naar module met fout: d3d12.dll
Rapport-id: efdad05e-532e-11e7-82be-7824af3bd619
Volledige pakketnaam met fout: 
Relatieve toepassings-id van pakket met fout: 

OneDrive "list" view limitation (works in "tiles" view)


Hello everyone

In regard to an issue that was report about one year ago: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/forum/odwork-odsearch/web-app-only-shows-100-items-subfoldersfiles/327b3d04-93d8-4048-83ca-cd847a018b69

Right now I'm experiencing a similar issue and I was wondering whether this issue just reappeared.

Description of the issue:

In OneDrive, when I view a file list and scroll to the very bottom I can see exactly 100 files only (excluding folders, these seem to be counted separately).

However, when I switch from view type "list" to "tiles" additional files located in this folder will be displayed - when I now switch back to "list" view I can see additional 100 files only (200 files in total in that case).

Best regards


IF statement with multiple criteria before THEN


Essentially, I'm trying to build an IF statement. Row F is a list of our clients with hyperlinks to their profile on other sheets. Row E is a dropdown where you can select these clients. Row D is where my formula is- I'm trying to make a formula so that If (one of several clients) is picked, the cell shows "Mo" (monthly payment schedule). If (one of several other clients) is picked, the cell shows "Yr" (Annual payment schedule). My current formula doesn't work, since I'm unsure of how to add multiple options. Here's what I'm using (error message):


This works as a singular option:


I'd like a set up for monthly and annually but I have no idea how to phrase this and I'm unsure of the correct terms to search for. Any help would be massively appreciated.

求助帖:MS VC++2008 redistributable x86 MFC安装问题



安装ansys软件前检测到电脑缺少:MS VC++2008 redistributable x86 MFC Patch 

不过是有MS VC++2008 redistributable x86。


找到对应补丁:Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC,安装错误显示:Error 1935. 


现在安装竟然MS VC++2008 redistributable x86及 MS VC++2008 redistributable x86MFC 都无法安装了!


Tools Used in SEO



     Generally what are the tools are used in SEO? that also free tools like keyword ranking or checker,site checking,content..can you list out the tools.


Jeya vinoth.J 

Pb de reconnaissance de l'imprimante Canon MX 410


Suite à la mise à jour de Windows 10, mon imprimante n'est plus reconnue. Je souhaite la désinstaller puis la réinstaller. Je n'arrive pas à désinstaller les drivers. Windows me dit qu'ils sont utilisés!

Pouvez vous m'aider?

Merci d'avance

edge -session PHP- non funzionano



sviluppo siti in php e con Edge (aggiornato ultima versione win10 build 1703)  le session non funzionano bene.

Con tutti gli altri browser:  Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, e IE11 nessun problema.

Provando in locale trovo  che il file generato:

-o è vuoto

-o alcune volte viene scritto correttamente

ma non è possibile mai sovrascriverlo.

Ho provato a livello php modificare vari parametri relativi alle session (durata, cache...ecc) : nulla.

Il dato di fatto è che in 5 browser su 6 (compreso IE)  le session funzionano benissimo credo proprio che il problema sia in edge.

Qualcuno ha gli stessi problemi ?

Ho messo questa discussione tra windows insider perchè non ho trovato una categoria edge.



Formatting Cell As Mins/Seconds Not Working


I have a cell with a formula, which comes to say 1.5 mins.

Instead of showing 1.5 mins however, I want to show 1:30

I tried formatting as mm:ss and didn't work, changed the entered data to 01/01/1900  12:00:00

tried as [m]:ss and didn't work, changed the value to 2160

Any idea how to do this?



Funzionamento Skype

Da parecchi giorni non riesco a fare e ricevere videochiamate con Skype. Apro, leggo e posso inviare messaggi (anche videomessaggi) che vengono letti e visti, visualizzo chi è online ma se faccio partire la videochiamata non arriva all'utente (come se non avessi inviato una chiamata) ma io leggo che non ha risposto. Se mi chiamano io non sento e vedo nulla ma dopo un po' vedo che ho ricevuto una chiamata e non ho risposto. Per risolvere  Ho aggiornato Skype, l'ho collegato ad un account microsoft ma senza alcun risultato. Ho disinstallato Skype e l'ho ricaricato..... Qualcuno ha qualche consiglio? Grazie
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