Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Windows 10 re-installation on a new harddrive - key required

I am replacing the harddrive on a Dell laptop that was upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 Home during the free upgrade period.  I have reloaded the original Windows 7 software, but am unable to upgrade to Windows 10 without a Key.  Do I have to now purchase a new license to get a key that will enable me to complete the upgrade or can I recover the key somehow for this machine?

I am selling a Microsoft Surface 3 on Ebay that has never been used or opened the buyer is from Mayalsia her question is "does the devise unlocked and can be used with any gsm data sim

I am selling a Microsoft Surface 3 on Ebay that has never been used or opened.  The buyer is from Malaysia her question is "does the devise unlocked and can it be used with any gsm data sim" Any help would be appreciated. This is beyond by Facebook game playing. LOL Thanks

Windows 10, tela onde seleciona o idioma nao carrega...

Olá! ! estou fazendo uma restauraçao de sistema no Windows 10 e depois de todas as instalações vem a tela para selecionar uma língua. Quando clico em avançar ele fica carregando mas nunca finaliza, faz horas que está no mesmo lugar, ja reiniciei e mesmo assim nada ainda. alguma solução? ? desde ja agradeço. 



Hola,quisiera saber como llamar a tel móviles desde skype.

i cant enter to my old account

with the other skype i use facebook to sign in and now with the new skype for windows10 i cant enter with facebook and i lost my account because the user name was thenachox45YT but it doesnt work. HEPL PLS!!!

Satus in neuer App - als offline anzeigen


Liebe Community,

mein Skype setzt mich, wenn ich über die Laptop-App den Status als offline Anzeigen anpasse nach einer gewissen Zeit auf online zurück.

Ich vermute das dies an der neuen Android App auf meinem Handy liegt. Ich finde in der neuen App nicht die Möglichkeit mich als Offline Anzeigen zu lassen.

Übersehe ich die Funktion oder wurde diese gelöscht?

Sollte sich das Problem nicht lösen lassen müsste ich skype vom Handy entfernen, was eigentlich auch nicht Sinn der Sache wäre.

Danke für eure Hilfe!

Windows 10 update hiba



Segitséget szeretnék kérni, mert a windows 10 1703-as verzió nem frissit, bármit csinálhatok nem működik. Ezt írja a frissités:

Az eszköze veszélynek van kitéve, mert elavult, és nincsenek rajta telepítve fontos biztonsági és minőségi frissítések. Engedje meg, hogy segítsünk Önnek, hogy a Windows biztonságosabban működhessen!

Eddig tökéletesen működött, mindig frissitett nem volt vele gond. Mi tévő legyek?

Előre is köszönöm a segitséget! Balogh Ildikó

L'ecran devient bleu et windows redémarrd souvent


ecran bleu et redémarre souvent

Slow downloading on new Surface, but good on other devices on the same connection


Hello dear community! So I purchased brand new Surface pro, installed all updates, but have an issue with files downloading. The speed is very slow(like 1Mb), however streaming videos from Youtube and other sources is very fast, no delays. The concern is that at the very same time downloading on other devices connected to the same wifi connection is very fast(like20-30Mb). 

So I think its unlikely that this is hardware problem, since Youtube is working just fine. Most possibly some software malfunctioning, but I can't understand what exactly.

I'll be very thankful for your advises!


Bought a TV season with wrong language. Store doesn't allow me to buy it in a second language.


I just bought the Wire season 1 with the wrong language.

I don't mind buying it a second time since I've already been charged with it. However the store isn't letting me switch the language to buy it again.

Anybody would have an idea on how I would be able to do that?


Новая версия Скайпа не запускается


Новая версия Скайпа не запускается, но в диспетчере задач есть. Предыдущие версии скайпа работали нормально. Windows 7(64).

В чем может быть проблема?

Historique conversation

Bonjour, j'ai voulu reprendre contact avec une ancienne connaissance par le biais de skype, lorsque j'ai cliqué sur la conv, le dernier message apparaissant était son numéro de téléphone (qui date d'il y a presque 2 ans), j'ai donc décider d'envoyer un message, sauf qu'au moment d'appuyer sur entrée le message avec son num' a disparu de la conv, j'ai appris que cette personne n'utilisait plus skype, je me retrouve donc dans une impasse, le message date d'il y a - de 2 ans & je ne peut pas afficher l'historique, quelqu'un peut il m'aider, y'a t'il un moyen que je contacte le support skype ? 

Cannot open a WORD file, Office 365 and Windows 10


I am trying to open a Word document (.docx) in Windows 10. I am getting the error message :-

We’re sorry. We cannot open “file” because we found a problem with its contents

I can open other Word files but not this one.

It is only 49KB size.

Is there any way of recovering the file?

Barra de Herramientas, íconos de sistema

no aparece el ícono de energía en la barra, tampoco lo puedo activar desde la configuración

Centro operativo non "vede" Norton e riattiva autom. Defender


Salve, arrivo subito al punto: vorrei usare il Norton come antivirus/firewall principale e allo stesso tempo attivare la scansione limitata (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender>PassiveMode=2) di Win. Defender, cosa che funziona nella versione Anniversary ma smette di funzionare con il Creators Update.

Ho provato praticamente tutto, il NRnR, ripristinare ad una versione precedente di Win10 e rifare l'upgrade, ma dopo un giorno o due che il PC funziona correttamente (con il Norton attivo e WinDef limitato), è come se Windows smettesse di rilevare il Norton e mi si riattiva automaticamente il Defender, senza che io possa disabilitarlo "alle buone".

Inoltre mi risulta impossibile riattivare il Norton (che cmq continua a funzionare correttamente) dal centro Sicurezza e manutenzione del C.Panel, ovviamente in modalità amministratore.

Cosa interessante che negli altri PC di casa il problema non esiste, c'è da dire che sono sistemi x64, mentre il 2in1 da cui sto scrivendo (quello che mi dà problemi di compatibilità con Norton Security) è a 32 bit.

Grazie, qualunque soluzione, anche una modifica manuale con il regedit, è gradita.


Something went wrong

There is a problem with your Microsoft account. To fix this, sign in to account.live.com from a browser.

I get this and I have never been able to complete the new account.  It said that a CODE was sent to my email but I never received a CODE after numerous attempts.

éléments qui ne sont plus reconnu par windows 10


Bonjour, Windows 10 ne reconnaît plus mon téléphone portable ni mon GPS, un message s'affichant que ces éléments avaient été mal fermé et que Windows ne les reconnaissait plus.

Merci pour votre réponse.

Ikke tilgang til å endre skjermoppløsning

Hei. Jeg har 2 skjermer. Den ene endret plutselig skjermoppløsning til 640X480, og jeg får ikke til å endre den tilbake til 1920X1080. Feltet hvor dette kan endres er grått og gir ikke muligheter for å endre.  Under hendelser på skjermkortet sto det dette: Device DISPLAY\Default_Monitor\5&9c7bc13&0&UID259 could not be migrated. Er det noen der ute som vet hvordan jeg kan fikse dette?

Xbox one не видит ни одно подключение по сети

Xbox one не видит ни одно подключение по сети , ни проводное ни беспроводное , 
С начало перестало видеть беспроводную сеть , в настройках постоянно писалось о том что подключен кабель хотя он был вытащен, я сделал сброс до заводских настроек но при выборе подключения сети пишет что не исправно беспроводное подключение и дальше ничего сделать нельзя, помогите что делать в таком случае 
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